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Smooches received

2010/11/26 Thank you so much.


michelle (Canada)
2010/11/11 Thanks for the mooches! Shelly Dechert (USA: NJ)
2010/10/26 Tom Heath (United Kingdom)
2010/10/13 Thank you for being my angel again! Charlene (Canada)
2010/10/13 anonymous
2010/10/05 For Perlman - thanks again, Lindsay! You're the best.


michelle (Canada)
2010/10/05 For Coppola - thank you! michelle (Canada)
2010/09/01 anonymous
2010/08/31 Diana (Australia)
2010/08/31 Thanks for being my Bookmooch angel. Diana (Australia)
2010/08/19 thank you so much for being awesome angels!!!! :) Andy Batangantang (Philippines)
2010/08/17 Thanks for your levelly angelling. Please let me know if there is any way I can return the favor! Tamar (Israel)
2010/08/17 Thanks for being my Angel, xx seanat (United Kingdom)
2010/08/16 Maria Teresa (Italy)
2010/08/12 thanks for being an angel! Cara (Canada)
2010/07/27 Just having a bit of fun with my extra mooch points!

Love ya!

michelle (Canada)
2010/07/19 Thanks for being such an angel!!! Geophile (Canada)
2010/07/12 Thanks for being angels to so many people! Charlene (Canada)
2010/07/06 Thanks for trying each time to be my angel - I think the time difference keeps getting us :) Melissasyd (Australia)
2010/07/06 Thanks for being such an angel! Geophile (Canada)
2010/07/02 Thank you for Angeling the Erica Wilson jacquie (United Kingdom)
2010/07/02 Thank you for Angeling the Erica Wilson jacquie (United Kingdom)
2010/06/23 Happy Belated Solstice! (any excuse for a party) anonymous