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Points analysis

Name: Lynne (USA: MD)
User ID: ylm23
Points: 27

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
28 -1 27 deducted points for mooch request 1416540024 mb (USA: MI) 2020/12/10
29 -1 28 deducted points for mooch request 074326004X Isadora (USA: RI) 2020/04/23
30 -1 29 deducted points for mooch request B000HK9O46 Jet (USA: CT) 2016/12/05
31 -1 30 deducted points for mooch request B004R4O50Q Laurie Dusterwald (USA: NY) 2015/11/14
32 -1 31 deducted points for mooch request 0345339711 Michelle (USA: OH) 2015/09/07
31 +1 32 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743226712 schueler (USA: NM) 2015/08/11
32 -1 31 deducted points for mooch request 0618249060 renee0467 (USA: PA) 2015/05/17
33 -1 32 deducted points for mooch request 0743226712 schueler (USA: NM) 2015/04/06
32 +1 33 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345339711 Carniq (USA: FL) 2015/01/26
33 -1 32 deducted points for mooch request BM141572487654465699 Dawn Newton (USA: NY) 2014/12/29
34 -1 33 deducted points for mooch request 0345339711 Carniq (USA: FL) 2014/12/29
35 -1 34 deducted points for mooch request 0670843318 Vicki (USA: CT) 2014/02/19
36 -1 35 deducted points for mooch request 0609609904 Elyse (USA: NJ) 2013/11/26
36.1 -0.1 36 removed book from inventory 034549234X Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/08/24
36.2 -0.1 36.1 removed book from inventory 9781904233657 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/08/24
36.3 -0.1 36.2 removed book from inventory B005ZOG2EO Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/08/24
36.4 -0.1 36.3 removed book from inventory 0143037145 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/08/24
35.4 +1 36.4 gave points for mooch request 0451523105 TypicalToo (USA: CA) 2013/05/06
35.5 -0.1 35.4 removed book from inventory 068484477X Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/24
35.6 -0.1 35.5 removed book from inventory 1555612415 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/24
34.6 +1 35.6 gave points for mooch request 0747560595 Kate (USA: CT) 2013/04/11
33.6 +1 34.6 gave points for mooch request 0061537969 Caroline (USA: CA) 2013/04/11
32.6 +1 33.6 gave points for mooch request 0345479092 ame (USA: TX) 2013/04/10
31.6 +1 32.6 gave points for mooch request 9751407729 Donna (USA: TX) 2013/04/10
30.6 +1 31.6 gave points for mooch request 0062119044 Erin (USA: WA) 2013/04/10
30.5 +0.1 30.6 added book to inventory 9751407729 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/10
30.4 +0.1 30.5 added book to inventory 0062119044 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/10
30.3 +0.1 30.4 added book to inventory 0345479092 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/10
30.2 +0.1 30.3 added book to inventory 0747560595 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/10
30.1 +0.1 30.2 added book to inventory 0061537969 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/10
30.2 -0.1 30.1 removed book from inventory 0440508649 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/04/10
31.2 -1 30.2 deducted points for mooch request 044022103X Eileen (USA: IL) 2013/03/24
30.2 +1 31.2 gave points for mooch request 0006513204 Dawn (USA: IL) 2013/01/26
29.2 +1 30.2 gave points for mooch request 0452286530 Jessica (USA: NY) 2013/01/17
28.2 +1 29.2 gave points for mooch request 0375706860 Stanley Balsky (USA: NJ) 2013/01/17
29.2 -1 28.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0006513204 Sarah1983 (USA: ID) 2013/01/13
28.2 +1 29.2 gave points for mooch request 0006513204 Sarah1983 (USA: ID) 2013/01/13
27.2 +1 28.2 gave points for mooch request 0316223239 Shelly Dechert (USA: NJ) 2013/01/13
27.1 +0.1 27.2 added book to inventory 0143037145 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/13
27 +0.1 27.1 added book to inventory 9781904233657 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/13
26.9 +0.1 27 added book to inventory 0375706860 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/13
26.8 +0.1 26.9 added book to inventory 0006513204 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/13
26.7 +0.1 26.8 added book to inventory 0316223239 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/13
25.7 +1 26.7 gave points for mooch request 0889221901 Gwen Vernon (USA: WA) 2013/01/12
24.7 +1 25.7 gave points for mooch request 030747500X gabe2000 (USA) 2013/01/12
24.6 +0.1 24.7 added book to inventory 030747500X Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/12
24.5 +0.1 24.6 added book to inventory 0889221901 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/12
24.4 +0.1 24.5 added book to inventory 0452286530 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/12
24.3 +0.1 24.4 added book to inventory 0451523105 Lynne (USA: MD) 2013/01/12
25.3 -1 24.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743504747 Chris Lannin (USA: MN) 2012/11/01