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Points analysis

Name: Lexi Pike (United Kingdom)
User ID: lexipike
Points: 192.5

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
189.5 +3 192.5 gave points for mooch request 1784751375 _raegun (USA: TX) 2024/09/20
192.5 -3 189.5 deducted points for mooch request 0590136011 marcus petz (Finland) 2024/09/17
195.5 -3 192.5 deducted points for mooch request 9780141386393 marcus petz (Finland) 2024/09/17
198.5 -3 195.5 deducted points for mooch request 9780142410370 marcus petz (Finland) 2024/09/17
199.5 -1 198.5 deducted points for mooch request 0006716660 Joanne Howe (United Kingdom) 2024/09/16
200.5 -1 199.5 deducted points for mooch request 0006716687 Joanne Howe (United Kingdom) 2024/09/16
201.5 -1 200.5 deducted points for mooch request 0006716652 Joanne Howe (United Kingdom) 2024/09/16
202.5 -1 201.5 deducted points for mooch request 0006716644 Joanne Howe (United Kingdom) 2024/09/15
201.5 +1 202.5 mooch cancelled by requestor B0026Y2BDC Permaculture House in Totnes (United Kingdom) 2024/09/06
202.5 -1 201.5 deducted points for mooch request B0026Y2BDC Permaculture House in Totnes (United Kingdom) 2024/09/05
199.5 +3 202.5 gave points for mooch request 0099908603 JiggerGeej (Spain) 2024/09/02
198.5 +1 199.5 gave points for mooch request 1784871052 John Palmer (United Kingdom) 2024/08/06
201.5 -3 198.5 deducted points for mooch request 0449213943 Will Linden (USA: NY) 2024/07/27
202.5 -1 201.5 deducted points for mooch request 0590254766 Nellerance (United Kingdom) 2024/07/15
202.4 +0.1 202.5 added book to inventory 0671021001 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/15
202.3 +0.1 202.4 added book to inventory 1784751375 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
202.2 +0.1 202.3 added book to inventory 1784871052 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
202.1 +0.1 202.2 added book to inventory B0000CHKD2 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
202 +0.1 202.1 added book to inventory B0000CHKD2 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
201.9 +0.1 202 added book to inventory B0000CHKD2 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
201.8 +0.1 201.9 added book to inventory 0099466031 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
201.7 +0.1 201.8 added book to inventory 0099908603 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2024/07/13
198.7 +3 201.7 lost in the mail says book owner 1409362418 marcus petz (Finland) 2024/03/31
195.7 +3 198.7 lost in the mail says book owner 1843539926 marcus petz (Finland) 2024/03/31
192.7 +3 195.7 gave points for mooch request 0140018905 Britt (USA: NH) 2024/02/04
189.7 +3 192.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0394743180 tiffany (USA: CA) 2024/01/08
188.7 +1 189.7 gave points for mooch request 0099511584 Kryssa (United Kingdom) 2024/01/06
191.7 -3 188.7 deducted points for mooch request 0394743180 tiffany (USA: CA) 2023/12/31
188.7 +3 191.7 gave points for mooch request 0141182253 Bill Fant (USA: MD) 2023/12/30
185.7 +3 188.7 gave points for mooch request 0007524307 Miranda (USA: OR) 2023/12/30
185.6 +0.1 185.7 added book to inventory 1741796709 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/12/30
185.5 +0.1 185.6 added book to inventory 0141182253 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/12/29
185.4 +0.1 185.5 added book to inventory 0434009261 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/12/29
185.3 +0.1 185.4 added book to inventory 0099511584 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/12/29
185.2 +0.1 185.3 added book to inventory 0007524307 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/12/29
182.2 +3 185.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140371540 Ashlen Lochana (United Arab Emirates) 2023/12/28
185.2 -3 182.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140371540 Ashlen Lochana (United Arab Emirates) 2023/12/21
186.2 -1 185.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140707247 JPix (United Kingdom) 2023/12/11
189.2 -3 186.2 deducted points for mooch request 0864425996 Trajanovski (Macedonia) 2023/12/03
192.2 -3 189.2 deducted points for mooch request 1843539926 marcus petz (Finland) 2023/12/02
195.2 -3 192.2 deducted points for mooch request 1409362418 marcus petz (Finland) 2023/12/02
192.2 +3 195.2 gave points for mooch request 0140434747 Leslie (USA: NY) 2023/11/16
191.2 +1 192.2 gave points for mooch request 0141181427 luciale (United Kingdom) 2023/09/04
190.2 +1 191.2 gave points for mooch request 0330287001 Peter J (United Kingdom) 2023/08/23
189.2 +1 190.2 gave points for mooch request 0140623531 Larry (United Kingdom) 2023/08/19
189.1 +0.1 189.2 added book to inventory 9781784873141 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/08/18
189 +0.1 189.1 added book to inventory B0017AT40Y Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/08/18
188.9 +0.1 189 added book to inventory 0330287001 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/08/18
188.8 +0.1 188.9 added book to inventory 0140623531 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/08/18
188.7 +0.1 188.8 added book to inventory 1786575256 Lexi Pike (United Kingdom) 2023/08/18