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Jane Huber (USA: CA) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Michael AblemanFields of Plenty: A Farmer's Journey in Search of Real Food and the People Who Grow It0
Kathy AckerBlood and Guts in High School0
Nelson AlgrenThe Man with the Golden Arm (50th anniv.)0
Louise M. AntonyPhilosophers without Gods: Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life0
Elizabeth Von ArnimElizabeth and Her German Garden (new edition)0
Donald BarthelmeAmateurs0
Donald BarthelmeParadise0
James BeardBeard on Food: The Best Recipes and Kitchen Wisdom from the Dean of American Cooking0
James BeardJames Beard's Delights And Prejudices0
James BeardJames Beard's Fireside Cook Book0
Samuel BeckettMolloy0
John BerendtMidnight in the Garden of Good and Evil1 [mooch]
Thomas BergerThe Feud0
Lucy BlackmanLucy's Story: Autism and Other Adventures0
M. Wylie BlanchetThe Curve of Time0
Heinrich BollThe Lost Honor of Katharina Blum0
Eugenia BoneWell-Preserved: Recipes and Techniques for Putting Up Small Batches of Seasonal Foods0
Alain de BottonOn Love: A Novel0
Louis BromfieldEarly Autumn: A Story of a Lady0
Frederick BuechnerGodric: A Novel0