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Max Edwards (United Kingdom) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Chinua AchebeThings Fall Apart: A Novel0
Greg BearDarwin's Radio0
Greg BearDarwin's Radio0
Greg BearDarwin's Radio0
Ray BradburyFahrenheit 4510
William FaulknerAs I Lay Dying0
William FaulknerThe Sound and the Fury0
Joseph HellerCatch-22 (Everyman's Library Classics)0
Joseph HellerCatch-220
Joseph HellerCatch-220
Joseph HellerCatch-220
Frank HerbertChapter House Dune: The Sixth Dune Novel (Gollancz S.F.)0
Frank HerbertThe Children of Dune: The Third Dune Novel (Gollancz SF)0
Frank HerbertGod Emperor of Dune (Gollancz)0
Frank HerbertHeretics of Dune (Gollancz SF S.)0
Michio KakuHyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension0
Michio KakuHyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension0
Michio KakuParallel Worlds: The Science of Alternative Universes and Our Future in the Cosmos0
Michio KakuPhysics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration of the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation and Time Travel0