V:tM books, and a few others
I have been looking to finish my Vampire: the Masquerade collection. I have the Player's Guide, the Storyteller's Handbook, and the Storyteller's Companion. I also have the Guide to the Camarilla and Cities of Darkness campaign book. I would like any other guides and campaign books I can find. I need all of the Clan books except for Brujah and Malkavian. Most importantly, I want the Clan books for Assamite and the Followers of Set. I may be interested in books from the newer Vampire campaigns, but am mostly looking for Masquerade books. I am also on the lookout for expansion books and other random books from some lesser known RPG games: HackMaster and HOL (Human Occupied Landfill). I REALLY want to find the expansion books for the Sailor Moon RPG. I would love to get a D&D 2.0 set at some point too. I have the Nocturnum campaign for Call of Cthulhu, but none of the core books. So I am looking to find those or part with this one. So if anyone out there is looking to offload their old RPG books, send me a note.