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Forum: Feature requests

Data Refresh for Titles and Authors

Please change the data refresh process so that it will pull in title and author on blank entries.

5 years ago


I have noticed when I add books that are in Amazon's database BUT not available to buy on Amazon - just the books we would want to mooch then the title, picture and name returns as blank.
marcus petz
5 years ago
I went through the blanks and some give books. 2 did not. ONE of these I then did as hand entering the book. BookMooch told me that it had an ASIN number (this is Amazon's item number and should be the same as the ISBN). So I added this book.

Yet that number 641488997650 is not found with a google search nor an ASIN lookup (which looks at the US lookup). So I think that a database is corrupted somehow. As this is an actual item which I have I am sure it is not a user error.

I leave it in my inventory to see if it gets fixed in some update or another.

marcus petz
5 years ago