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BookMooch Points

I know this will sound a bit crazy but I have so many points I don't know what to do with them. Can I trade them with other members for something other than books? Can I offer them for sale? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

13 years ago


Why not donate them to charity?
13 years ago
Hi Karen.
I've had a look at your bio, I really don't think that ~ 60 points is too many.
There's lots of interesting books out there if you just browse around BM, Amazon etc.
Just keep adding them to your wishlist, they'll turn up in someone's inventory.
I've got ~ 350 points, but I see them as fair weather friends;
When I'm not sending out so many, I'll still have lots to spend.
I'm starting to cut back on outgoing mooches now that I'm paying for a big OS trip next year, but at least I'll still be able to mooch.
I'm also generous with returning points, smooches, charity-ing points etc, & just Random Acts of BM kindness....
Sometimes I just see someone poor on points & I'll just give them some to make their day.
Even still, I've got plenty to keep me going.
13 years ago
Maybe it's time for another contest! I think I'll start a thread and then come up with an idea. Thanks for the prompt, Jon!
Lola Soleil
13 years ago
Good idea Lola.
I was thinking the same thing myself.
I'm willing to pitch in 50 points towards a contest.
The only one one I could think of was a contest based on excellent prose about the love of both books & BM.
Rebel Sun would definitely win that one!
13 years ago
BookMooch Contests

Lola's contest on another forum.

13 years ago
Thanks for the pimping, Michelle! I was just coming back here to do that :) Now, I don't have to figure out how to make the link work.
Lola Soleil
13 years ago
I won't steal your thunder Lola.
I'll do my contest in a couple of weeks.
Jon, thanks for those thoughts, will add them to the ponderings.

Lola the way to do a link;

Go to the new forum, highlight the link in the address-bar, right click, select COPY, go back to this forum to spruick the new thread, go PASTE.
When you go back to the page you've just added a link to, it will be highlighted.
I think that's what called a hyperlink??


13 years ago
Thanks, Michelle. That helps a lot plus I've tagged your message so that I can find it the next time I need it. :-)

Happy pondering -- I look forward to your contest!

Lola Soleil
13 years ago
I'm not sure I understand all this talk about "too many points", never seeming able myself to hold onto them for very long. I recently had to all-but put myself in restraints to save up points for an especially sizable angeling (A shout out to Martha!). How ANYBODY manages to amass more than 50 points is beyond me...too many books out there waiting for me to read, not to mention the repeated deliveries. The experience is almost sinful...

First, the anticipation builds as the hour draws near. The seconds pass until, if the fates allow, footsteps are heard on the front path. My pulse quickens as I listen to the tell-tale sounds of arrival. I yearn to fling wide the door and fold my love into my embrace, but I manage to hold back lest the neighbors witness my passion and expose me. I undo the latch and usher in my newest companion. To our private room we go and there with trembling fingers I start to work at the fastenings. Gently, even softly in the beginning, but as eagerness builds, so too my fervor...firmly, eagerly, hungrily...soon in a wild frenzy, what remains of the vestments are torn away. My breath catches as I first behold the full splendor of my newest conquest. I pull closer the object of my abandon, admiring the face, caressing the back, running my fingers down the spine. Hours of pleasure await us, and as I slowly, lovingly, wantonly open the folds, I whisper to myself those most promising of words... "Chapter One".

For my 'mate' in Oz, an unworthy but heart-felt thanks for the compliment given.

Rebel Sun
13 years ago
Sorry guys...couldn't help myself... :)
Rebel Sun
13 years ago
Oh, Rebel I love it.
I am sitting here reading & re-reading your prose & I can't stop chuckling....
It's fantastic.
I have amassed so many points for two reasons;
That I send OS, & as such earn alot of points that way.
Living in Australia, for me, that is the only truly worthwhile way to participate in BM. That if I want to request alot of international books, I feel duty bound to send them out too.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it as well.
The other main reason I have so many points is that I can't keep myself out of charity shops looking for great clothes ready to be re-born & some housewares, but particularly books.
I don't often read the books I pick up there, but I just get them because I know they are well wished for, & will make someone's day.
Not long ago I said to someone that BM was my hobby, seeing as books are my passion.
Alas, I must refrain from too many international outgoings for the next year.
This time next year, I will be sailing down the Blue Danube from Bucharest to Amsterdam.
As for you Rebel Sun, I'm trotting off to your BM page to give you 10 points for that excellent verse of unbridled passion.
Why?...Just because.
13 years ago
enabler...shamelessly feeding my addictions...and showing no signs of remorse, either...ever more indebted, I thank you.
Rebel Sun
13 years ago
That's really GREAT Rebel Sun!
13 years ago
Karen, I understand the frustration and I've mooched over 100 books, yet have a plethora of points still unspent. I smooch to others, mooch for friends and have put 292 (well not that many as I do put all versions on) on my wish list and if all of those came true tonight, I would still have points.

Those who say give to charity, put up or shut up here is what you should do: smooch a member a boat load of points, give to a charity a boat load of points and realize everyone can see what everyone else has done and what they have received.

That said, it is a sad day when a member asks an honest and frustrated question and the "cabal" descends. . .jackals, dingos and hyenas all.

Without new members there would be no new mooch opportunities and venting frustration here should not be shut down unless you "original" members want this site to die a slow death due to your insular thinking.

13 years ago
I thought about this problem a little bit last night, and JDV's comment kind of piqued my interest even more.

While I stand by my initial assertion, that, because of my voracious and omnivorous reading habits, it is difficult for me to truly understand the problem here, I must say that, broken down, there have been some good suggestions made. As I see it so far, the ideas have been:

1) donate some points to charity

2) widen your literary net (add to your wishlist)

3) donate to others

4) offer point refunds/discounts

5) run a contest (admittedly a variation on the 3rd point).

I think these are all valid suggestions, and I wouldn't characterize anyone's responses as being 'jackal'esque. That being said, 4 of the 5 are essentially saying "give your points away" which Karen may not want to do.

I am the poster child for spending points, to which my sagging bookshelves will attest. I have been known to give away a point or two now and again in refunds or a brief foray into pure altruism (winks to my Bookmooch karmic gurus Melinda, Margot and Michelle...must be something with names that begin with M...), but by and large, like most people on the website, I want books. Were I in the US, I'd have 150 more points (and hundreds fewer rejections), but I would likely have spent those points, too. But, putting myself in Karen's shoes, I have a few more suggestions (none of them original, and all varied takes on the second point above):

6) replace tatty, worn-out copies of books you have and want to keep

7) expand your reference library

8) mooch on behalf of friends and family...I've recently taken to mooching books for my children's future reading pleasure (I can't say I'm really interested myself in reading the Anne of Green Gables series, but I've got most of the books already or they are somewhere in the process of getting here...and my daughter just turned two)

9) have a Da Vinci Code bonfire...just kidding (but you could mooch hundreds of copies and not really deprive anyone...hell, with the promise of pictures, I'd send my copies for free)

As for selling your points or trading for other things, you can always post an offer to charity some points to someone in exchange for sending you something you've been wanting (like that used Victorian-era porcelain chamber pot I've been dying to buy on mind).

I hope some of these options are helpful.

(I wonder if I'm considered part of the "cabal" they get membership cards?)

Rebel Sun
13 years ago
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A cabal is a number of people greater than two together in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in a church, state, or other community, often by intrigue. Cabals are sometimes secret societies composed of a few designing persons, and at other times are manifestations of emergent behavior in society or governance on the part of a community of persons who have well established public affiliation or kinship. The term can also be used to refer to the designs of such persons or to the practical consequences of their emergent behavior, and also holds a general meaning of intrigue and conspiracy. Its usage carries strong connotations of shadowy corners, back rooms and insidious influence; a cabal is more evil and selective than, say, a faction, which is simply selfish; because of this negative connotation, few organizations use the term to refer to themselves or their internal subdivisions."

JDV, I'm really quite offended yet bewildered at your opinions here.
There are some really strong negative connotations in the above Wiki definition.
What of our responses to Karen has attempted to shut the discussion down? There have been several ideas put forward.

Just to clarify JDV; Are you suggesting that members who give their points to other members including charities, are somehow showing off & want forum readers to see what they have given away?
(that is what I understand of your second paragraph)

Looking back over the progress of the thread that Karen first posed, the only thing I can see, is that perhaps the collective responses have done is hijack the thread towards the contest ideas for a little while there.
Even then it's back to the original point now.
(Thanks for everyone's ideas)

Just sitting here typing, still quite puzzled as to what we've done/said wrong...
Perhaps, you think it got too 'clicky' there for a while??

13 years ago
To add to the suggestions of what to do with extra points I a) mooch books for the school where I work b) mooch books for my Sunday school c) mooch books for all my family and friends (who in turn give me books I can post so I can get more points etc.) d) mooch books for mooch buddies in far flung places who have a harder time than I do getting books sent.

Of course I have *thousands* of books on my wishlist and check the wishlists of above mentioned far flung friends frequently (highly alliterative that)

13 years ago
The adjective should have been cliquey or cliquish. "Clique" defined by the Oxford English Dictionary says "a small group of people who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them".

Interestingly enough when you look up "Clique" in the Oxford dictionary, "Cabal" is a synonym.

What is amusing is that the origin of the word is from the Old French verb, and yes I do speak French, Cliquer which means "to make noise" but that is what a clique, cabal and a coterie does, oh my goodness, another synonym, to drown out voices that are not welcome or might "offend" certain sensibilities or beliefs.

13 years ago

Some additional ideas for you:

1) Check your wishlist frequently, don't wait to receive an e-mail. There is no waiting list for wishlisted books, so once a book is listed it is up for grabs for anyone who sees it. Some people subscribe to the RSS feeds for this (I don't know how to do this, but I'm sure someone else will be able to tell you how it works).

2) If you have some favorite authors you might want to go to and look them up to see if they have written something you might have missed, or maybe they have written things under a different name that you might like.

3) Post a message in the Booksearch Among Friends Forum, letting people know what books you are looking for. Someone may have them, but just not have gotten around to listing them yet.

4) Try new authors. If you post a message in the Forum telling people what kind of things you like to read you are sure to get many recommendations for books that are similar. I've found a lot of new authors this way. And the great thing about Bookmooch is that if you try a new author and don't like it, you can always re-list the book.

5) Try and be patient. I will often go weeks or even months without a wishlist hit only to suddenly get 5 or more in a day.

And JDV, please try and ease up on the rhetoric. Nobody here said that giving points away was a mandatory part of Bookmooch, or that it made someone better because they do, or worse because they don't. It was offered as a suggestion of what to do with extra points because it is what many people do. The only judgments I see in this thread seem to be coming from you.

There are many topics that are open to heated debate on Bookmooch, and all opinions are welcome. Descending to name calling when opinions are offered that differ from your own is very counterproductive and will tend to make people dismiss anything you have to say whether of value or not.

13 years ago
I couldn't have put it better myself Donna. Thanks. Excellent pitch!

So JDV, you think that the members chatting to each other on this thread is cliquey? You didn't say so as such, but that's how I take it. Well pardon me for not spelling it correctly. Huh!
You still haven't explained how we tried to shut this thread down.

13 years ago
Yes I know what you're getting at E, about letting it drop.
However, there were some quite strong words & concepts there in JDV's original post to this thread.

Jackals, hyenas, "original" members, shutting the thread down, insular thinking, in us suggesting charitying points to others there was an insinuation of scavenging points, that we were saying to Karen to 'put up or shut up' (? points) (JDV's words), cabal, that charitying points = showing off.

I have a very good record here at BM, & I intend to defend it.

13 years ago
I agree with Emily...I know with my two-year-old, the best way to get her to behave herself is to ignore her when she gets whiny. As a teacher, I've found that works with almost any small child...and most of the bigger ones as well. Against this kind of commentary, "the gods themselves contend in vain." Besides...and maybe I'm feeding the flame a bit here...I think it's funny that in the same posting that mentions a misspelling, the poster has trouble 1) conjugating a verb correctly, 2) punctuating properly and 3) making a coherent sentence.

A corrected version of the "offending" sentence (and I use the term loosely) might be:
What is amusing is that the origin of the word is from the Old French verb (and yes, I do speak French), "cliquer", which means "to make noise". That is what cliques, cabals and coteries do (oh my goodness, another synonym): to drown out voices that are not welcome or might "offend" certain sensibilities or beliefs.

Rebel Sun
13 years ago
I also agree that it is time to let this go. Yes, I found JDVs original post offensive which is why I said what I did in my previous post, but this thread is supposed to be about what to do with extra points. Hopefully Karen now has some better ideas and if anyone has any additional suggestions, please post them.

If we want to continue debating whether or not there are cliques or factions within Bookmooch that attack new members, or continue correcting each others use of the English language, or just bashing each other in general, then maybe we should start another thread. Who knows, it could prove entertaining.

13 years ago
The internet is a great place to find books to add to your wishlist. There are thousands of great books that never make a bestseller list or form a stack on a table at the bookstore. There are thousands of book blogs, podcasts, etc...

There are also book cataloging sites like GoodReads, Shelfari and, my favorite, LibraryThing, where you can find interesting books by reading discussions, exploring other people's libraries and going to the book page of a book you liked and finding recommendations.

Online bookstores, such as Amazon, offer plentiful recommendations.

Go explore a bit, adding books that strike your fancy to your wishlist.

13 years ago
I think that you are being very hard on JDV and have probably misunderstood her posts. Text has its disadvantages as a communication medium compared to face to face talking!
60 points is nothing - I have close on 300 and have seen others with over 500. It is easy to say "give them away" but they are a currency and charitable giving is a very personal topic. I joined bookmooch to turn my unwanted books into wanted books. My charitable giving is, as a rule, done in normal, Real World, Currency. I do, as it happens, tithe my bookmooch points just as I do my normal income but that is really between me and God and nothing to do with bookmoochers. I think that it is presumptuous to comment on how others spend their points!
13 years ago
How is it presumptuous to comment on how others spend their BM points when someone asks a question about how people spend all their BM points? That's what this entire thread is about, is it not? Just curious.


13 years ago
"Any suggestions will be appreciated." Karen-original poster.

Anything that members pitched in response were suggestions only. It was not scabbing points from another member; it was not judging charity given or not; it was not showing off; it was not commenting on how others spend their points per se, but rather telling ones own story about spending your own points.
Tell me, what perspective can any BM member put on this question (or anything else for that matter), other than to say how/what they do themselves?

13 years ago
You can NEVER have too many points. The lean times will come when no-one is interested in your inventory, but you're desperate for 47 new books. Keep your points, because that's when you'll need them. Update and widen your wishlist - suddenly the books will be there, and you'll need every point you can find.
13 years ago
I have to agree with Jacquie. I thought I had an endless supply of points - I've sent more than 800 books, many of them internationally. But the points eventually ran out. I thought they never would, but they did. A friend gifted me some points recently & I had to list some more in my inventory, so I have a few to play with. But I am more cautious in spending my points now.


13 years ago
Well it looks like the (unintentional, I believe) effort to get JDV kicked off Bookmooch has succeeded as she has apparently been locked out of her account until she agrees to not post in the forums anymore! Seems like it would have been easier to just ignore her post.
13 years ago
"Unintentional" would not include complaining to the management.
13 years ago
Trolls -- and s/he is one -- do not contribute to community. Maybe management read the forums. Since I don't really want to have unpleasant words with anyone in Bookmooch, this will be my only comment on the subject
13 years ago