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I wish there was a CD Mooch ...

This site is just so cool. I love it. Would love to trade music CDs this way too.

14 years ago


Ooh! yes! and they are so cheap to post!
14 years ago
Have the BM high-poohbahs considered creating a similar movie or cd swapping site? The last one I belonged to imploded and switched to primarily selling MP3s. The Amazon database could provide the same information as with the books, and the site could take in revenue from Amazon orders.

Barring that future, does anyone know of a good trading site for compact discs?

14 years ago
PaperbackSwap,, runs two sister sites for swapping CDs and DVDs. You can even use credits (points) across sites as well as buy credits.

If you decide to join, I'd appreciate it if you'd put me down as the person recommending the site. I would get a free credit.
Username: frak

Alan Dellamore
14 years ago trades CD's and DVD's but I much prefer Bookmooch. I gave up my account there a couple of years ago. We used to have an informal nonbook trading group through the old forum. Someone set it up on a web page somewhere. I don't know what became of it. Cara
14 years ago
I'd gladly join in if CDs and DVDs were swappable here -- I've looked at some of the other trading sites but really prefer the flexibility and warm community spirit here on BookMooch, and would find it so much more convenient to keep all the trades, points, reputation scores, etc. in one site.
Miss Smilla
14 years ago
I guess we are looking for someone else with a CD/DVD vision and the resources to start those sites.

However, I can see his point. Books, whatever prophets of e-books claim, are highly unlikely to be rendered obsolete by advances in technology!

14 years ago
I use personally. I've gotten rid of many CD's I don't use anymore. I just transfer the credits to
Erin H.
14 years ago
There are a bunch of reasons I'm not going to do a CD mooch:

1) everyone is going "digital" with music, and such a site would have very few years of life left in it. Books, on the other hand, don't seem to be going digital that fast.

2) it would be largely used for piracy : people would likely rip a CD to their iPod, and then pass the CD on. I don't really want to be in the business of promoting that

3) there already exists someone doing it (swapacd), why duplicate effort?

John Buckman
14 years ago
Well, those seem to be very simple, clear and valid reasons for not setting up a CD swap!
14 years ago
Would it be ok to create a "CD trade" forum topic here?

The Bookmooch community seems tighter and friendlier than a commercial site, and has a ready-made feedback system for screening who to trade with. I checked out, and found it problematic. The concept of shipping without artwork or cases seemed as horrifying as shipping a book with the cover torn off to save on package weight. They seem to be geared on exchanging disposable cds for ripping to mp3, not keeping.

14 years ago
You're welcome to create a "CD Mooch" forum on this site, and people can exchange CDs using it. Sure, no problem!
John Buckman
14 years ago