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Problems with email mooch requests

Hi, can anyone out there let me know if they have had problems with receiving mooch requests via the email facility within the Bookmooch site?
After 2 years of no problems, I have had several recently and the Tech Service say the only solution is for me to CHANGE my email address as it is my ISP provider who is doing the blocking..err, why, suddenly????????? I have now changed my email address and I await to see if this solves the problem, but in my opinion this is a "work around" and requires further investigation since emails coming to me from other sources are never a problem, only those sent from WITHIN BM...comments please...John???

Sue Woolf
14 years ago


Hello Sue,

The admins have asked you to please change your e-mail as that will resolve your problems.

Some E-mail providers will filter Bookmooch notices, due to overall volume or for other reasons, this is more often the case with smaller providers like yours.

Gmail and Yahoo free accounts work particularly well, so those are the safest bet if there are any continuing problems.

14 years ago
Sue, I used to work for a smaller regional ISP for several years. Customers complaining about bulk mailings they want to receive, like the BookMooch notices, "suddenly" being filtered when they've gone through OK for years is a sign that they've probably started doing something different with their mail handling and spam filtering. Maybe a new mail admin was hired recently and is revamping whatever filtering system they're using, maybe management got a bee in its bonnet over customer spam complaints and demanded some sort of changes be made, maybe some really persuasive salesman talked the suits into buying some new anti-spam system that works differently from whatever they were using before...these things happen.

You can try complaining about the false positives to your ISP, and maybe if they're particularly responsive they will try to do something to whitelist the Bookmooch messages, but in the meantime you're missing time-sensitive messages you want, and BookMooch cannot fix that for you. Setting up a secondary address with a freebie provider as a backup really is the best, quickest solution -- look for one that allows you see whatever messages have been filtered out as spam, rather than just invisibly deleting them behind the scenes. (I use Gmail, and they do work quite well for this -- in three years of heavy BookMooch use, lots of wishlist notices and ask-me-first requests, and now forum notifications, coming to me, it has been vanishingly rare for one of the BookMooch messages to wind up in the spam folder. And when it does happen, it's trivially easy to peek in, find it, and mark it as legitimate non-spam mail.)

Miss Smilla
14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, noted! Sue
Sue Woolf
14 years ago