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Feedback +0.1 no longer

As I blogged last week, the +0.1 points you get for leaving feedback when receiving a book no longer occurs.

This change applies only to feedback left from this point forward: any points you earned in the past are unchanged.


John Buckman
13 years ago


What a good news!!



13 years ago
Thanks for telling us that it was coming!
13 years ago
I will miss this!! Was a great way to get extra points.
13 years ago
Why does Dystar think it's good news?
John S
13 years ago
Not a fan of the decision, but still grateful for the service.
13 years ago
oh that is sad because now there will be no incentive to leave the feedback, I see it happening already, wont you reconsider?
13 years ago
@John S A number of measures are being implemented to decrease outright creation of points in the system, as some believe that "too many" points lying around chasing "too few" books is a current problem of BM and that decreasing the general amount of points flowing around should motivate listing of new inventory.
13 years ago
I hope that people will still provide feedback to let the sender know all arrived safe and sound. I will continue to do so.
Manuela Ziemer
13 years ago
Surely it is a common courtesy to leave feedback for books.
I do not have an issue with this, it's the effect of making overseas mooches so expensive that upsets me.
ALL my mooches will be 50% more expensive when that takes effect and I am distraut by this decision.
I do not believe the quality of books available will improve but the number that I will mooch will certainly drop :(
13 years ago
Makes sense, because like someone already pointed out it's apart of the process. The extra points were so nice though!
13 years ago
I have found, in general, people on BookMooch are really great. I leave feedback so that the sender knows I received the book and that I'm happy with it, not for the fraction of a point. I think most people like to reward others with good feedback just because they are impressed with good service. I also leave feedback so that others can be aware of irresponsible members who log in repeatedly without accepting mooches, who accept but don't send, or who delay forever. Again, I don't need a partial point to be motivated to respond to bad behavior.
13 years ago
I'm sorry to see this incentive to leave feedback fall to the wayside. I really don't think that 0.1 points was too much for acknowledging receipt of a book. Oh, well. :(
13 years ago
I think this is a rational change. I'm glad to see it implemented. I don't think most of us need an incentive to give feedback; it is a simple courtesy. I'm just not sure what to do with the .4 points I have - can we donate fractions since there is no longer a way to accumulate fractions?
13 years ago
I have to agree. Taking the 0.1 point away will probably keep people from leaving any feedback. I think it should be put back.
13 years ago
@Lisa You still get fractions for listing inventory.
13 years ago
@Aude - Thanks. I'd forgotten that!
13 years ago
I think people will still leave feedback. I personally did not leave feedback just to get the credit. Not that I would turn it down if it returned!
13 years ago
Well that sucks. Seems like there is a lot of points going away from the raise in international mooch points to this measly .1 point being taken away. I mean come on, I feel like I am being nickeled and dimed in points and I haven't even mooched much. I know it isn't much but now people don't have any reason to tell you that they received your book or say thanks (and not everyone has said thanks). What exactly is the point in all of these changes because it didn't seem as if things were broken in the first place (besides the people who are n vacation for forever and the people who say they will send a book and never do - maybe those problems should be addressed instead of the tiny points people earn or don't earn). Sorry if I am being harsh, I have sent a listed a lot of books in the past month (since joining the site) and a lot seems to be changing pretty fast.
13 years ago
John you are making it very hard for us to see any good in sending books around the world with all the changes you are making. I think that even every .1 is a bonus for helping others. I like others have said don't know why you are trying to fix something that was working well.
13 years ago
I think this change is great. I don't think it will discourage people from leaving feedback. It's like on ebay: There is no real "incentive" for leaving feedback, but it's common courtesy and almost everybody does it. Why should it be any different here? As stated before, Bookmooch is based on TRUST. Everybody on the forum says "Well, I'll keep on giving feedback, but maybe others won't" - is that trust? And even IF some people won't give feedback - I know this isn't nice and not how it's meant to be, but why do you bother so much? The books you sent are still in your history, you get to keep the points you earned, it just won't show up on the feedback page - why would it be such a big deal?
13 years ago
I agree with Jenny.

Imho any incentive to "good behaviour" in BM is welcome.

As I mentioned in another post there are other "good behaviours" which should deserve a reward as well (like having a high amount of positive feedbacks, describing the book status as it really is...) while on the contrary "bad behaviour" (like not replying to mooch requests, having a high amount of negative feedbacks, taking eternal vacations...) should be penalized somehow. I think this could improve a lot the system "health".

Personally I'm convinced that the loss of the +.1 for feedbacks will affect negatively not the amount of feedback left, but rather the global amount of mooches, since BM system as a whole will be less attractive to users than before - let's see.

13 years ago
Why??!?!?! *kicks rock* It's not as if those .1 points accumulate fast enough to become a real point. And just when I had .9 points! I don't have anything to list for that to become an actual point, so I guess I wont be mooching for a while.

ETA, whoever smooched me thanks, wasn't looking for that, but thanks either way.

13 years ago
I hate this decision >___<
13 years ago
I agree with Zjanette. It makes no difference what we think. Our responses to all of the changes are an exercise in futility. However, of all the changes John has made or is planning to make, this is the least heinous.

I really, really wish I had not mooched a box of 500 bookmarks just before all this happened. I'm not terribly inclined to give them to my friends any more.

Debbi Higginbotham
13 years ago
It was a good thing to read how many times a person was correct, or kind. I'll continue to write feedback, but I fear that no many people will do the same. It becomes more important to know people and have many friends to trust in.
13 years ago
My comment has nothing to do with this and this comment is purely selfish on my part, but could you consider adding a 'will send to only my own continent' option?
I live in Canada and sending books within Canada is shockingly expensive, but sending to the States is actually quite cheap. I am taking a break on international mooches for the time being but I am still very willing to send to the States. Also, I believe that the majority of bookmooch members live in the States and I've always felt that in Canada I'm at a disadvantage because so many people only send within their own country. I know sending to Canada for Americans is not too expensive so this might encourage Americans to send to Canada a little more often. Obviously it would still be considered an international mooch.
You might say that this is why we have the 'ask for international mooching' option, but a lot of people automatically choose to send only to their own country and having a 'send to only my own continent' button may encourage people to send to a little bit of a wider scope.
I believe this will also be beneficial for people in other continents throughout the world.

Sorry for my long story, but I'm just a selfish Canadian trying to get my hands on some of those American books.

13 years ago
I have to agree that we may be jumping the gun on changes - we should only do one change at a time and then evaluate so that we know what did and did NOT a positive impact. Is this the only change at the moment or did the international points system definitely change, too?
13 years ago
Might want to change this page:
13 years ago
I have always chosen bookmooch above other swap sites because it had good incentives and systems. More recently it seems that more and more changes are happening to a site that worked really well already.

For example, I liked that we received email alerts when a book on our wishlist became available. I like the feeling of seeing a 0.1 rather than a 0.0 because I've sent promptly or packaged carefully. It feels good to give a 0.1 to others.

I've not seen what is happening to international points, but the generosity of people sending to other countries should not be penalised. I feel there should be creative incentives to encourage people to send internationally - my frustration is often seeing a great book and finding it's 'not to your country'.

It's not about reducing points or incentives to loyal bookmoochers but finding new creative ways to bring more listings.

Like others I felt john respected fellow moochers with consultations, now all the most enjoyable aspects keep getting changed.

Don't lose the essence of Bookmooch! It's unique.

13 years ago
Good point, Elizabeth Shorley - I agree, good idea!
13 years ago
The .1 point for marking books received enabled us to build up a nice bank of points for mooching on a whim: grab a book and decide whether you like it, if not put it back into the system.

Those points also enabled us to smooch occasionally. It's good to be able to pass a few points down the line to show appreciation, or to someone who needs a point or two to get back into mooch-land.

If the problem is fewer books, fewer mooches, too many points, why not put back some feedback points as "smooches only" and let's pass those points around. Maybe some of the people who don't have enough points would be interested in mooching books that are available if they had an extra point or two. Only the actively mooching, points-earning BM community that interacts with those deserving people can determine who should benefit from those smooches.
13 years ago
As a reward for our loyalty, you should round off our points so 3.6 would become 4, 3.4 would become 3
13 years ago
I am interested to see how the changes effect everything. I am willing to send internationally but I know that alot of people in the US won't(this is where most of the books on my wishlist are at). Plus I am finding alot of people will mooch a book from me and then cancel it because they did not realize that it was going to cost them 2 points so I wonder if even less people will mooch from me when they realize that it will cost 3 points. I am getting to the point that I find it is less of a hassle to just order books through or rather then "beg" people to send to me. I can also say that multi-mooching can be very costly for me. But I will say that if someone mooches from me I usually try to check their wish list and if they have a book listed that I have (but have not list) I will try to send it also - like a "thank you". In a way this is multiple mooching but again it is costly and I only do it since I have had to start throwing books away.
13 years ago
The 0.1 is minor. What is important it to let the person that took the time & expense to mail you the book, that you received it..
I do look to feedback in my descion when I request a book. I beleive that positive feedback is as important the the Mooch as the negative feedback.
Lou Jones
13 years ago
i think this decision isn't helpful, 'cause so many people will "forget" to leave feedback.
please john, reconsider it!
13 years ago
I am not overly concerned about the O.1 loss but I do like to know that my books have been received. I fear that people won't bother to respond, even though, as many have already mentioned, it should be common courtesy.
Joan P
13 years ago
John, please put this feature back. I always give feedback and thanks for my books, after all, it is only polite. But the small extras are what we are here for. I really like most of the moochers I have met this past year, and I always send a personel touch, and I enjoy recieving them as well. So, I will continue to do it anyway, but it is nice to realize a small reward for continued pleasure. I hope no one out there will forget to say Thanks.
13 years ago
I don't know, the 0.1 doesn't bother me one way or the other, though it was nice to receive it. I will continue to let b'moochers know I received the book(s) they sent and will continue to hope I will be offered the same curtesy.
I am less apt to mooch internationally now, I don't like giving up 3 points for one book, though if a book is really desired in my house, I will make a request. I will continue to occassionally send internationally, that hasn't changed.
What has bothered me is the upheaval all these sudden changes and arguements/disagreements and being told BM is 'broken' when it really isn't, has caused. Books are solice for me, whether I log on to BM, an online bookseller, author's site, or visit a bookstore (new or used), or even the the book section at Goodwill, or just mess around with my book stacks, it doesn't matter. I like to visit books. I like this site because it is full of books and it has the benefit of being easy to navigate, understand and explain to others. All this talk of change and upheaval...I don't need that, I have that at home, at work, at school, in our community (what a mess that is). So to see points changing, talk from other BM'rs of making the point system more complex, John feeling so many changes need to be made, etc, is sapping the solice of this wonderful site. I don't like it.
13 years ago
Thanks for letting us know in advance. I believe it is a good decision and will not affect {much} the feedback received for mooches.
13 years ago
I am okay with this point change. I always give feedback - my personal reward for feedback is knowing I did something nice for someone who took the time and expense to mail me a book I would like to read - and I appreciate the feedback from others. I will continue to give feedback - it is just the right thing to do.
13 years ago
Does anyone else get the impression that John bought one of Homer Simpson's "Everything's Okay" alarms and is now trying to stop the beeping by scrambling to solve problems that don't exist?
13 years ago
I wouldn't say there's no problem; there seems to be a serious surplus of points. Reducing the amount of extraneous points generated is a small step to address this problem.

If you're that desperate for that 0.1 point, post more books for people to mooch. You'll get your 0.1 and at least 1 more when someone mooches it. 3 if you send it out of the country. I mean come on. This is silly.

13 years ago
I don't mind the change at all. I am not leaving feedback for the 0.1 points, nor do I list books for the 0.1 points. I want to swap books.

I am looking forward to the change regarding the costs of international mooches. When I started listing books I had mooches from all over the world and shipped in all directions. That was quite costly. I didn't think the two points I got were adequate. At the same time, many books I would like to mooch are inaccesible to me, because they are not for sending abroad. I am willing to lash out an extra point if that means I can get hold of a book.

13 years ago
Coelacanth: Unless I've got it wrong, at present you get three points for sending a book abroad, but it only costs two to mooch one. John intends to change this to 3:3.
John S
13 years ago
People, it's done: get over it already. We were warned, so stop whinging! People who left feedback before will still leave it. People who had to be reminded to mark a book received won't change, points or not.
A big thanks to John for everything he does to make this site so great.
13 years ago
I don't have any problems with this. I confirm receipt for a book so that the sender knows that it has arrived safely, not for the 0.1 point that I get. Like Coelacanth, I just want to swap books, however I have more points currently than there are books available that I want to mooch, in part because I am happy to mooch overseas, but find that some of the books I want are from moochers that aren't.

Thank you Bookel, for the link to the angel network :-)

13 years ago
I will continue to leave feedback. Whether or not I have an incentive to do so in the form of partial points is not relevant.

I made a decision at the beginning of the year to transition my inventory (going forward) from here to GoodReads BookSwap, first and foremost because I save postage using that system. I have accumulated so many points at BookMooch over the last couple of years that I will mostly likely never be able to redeem them. At GoodReads, I can still give away books, but at least it doesn't cost me postage to do so.

I know I'm defecting, but I've been very disappointed in the selection of books available for mooching from BookMooch.

Any incentives geared towards increasing inventories at BookMooch are greatly appreciated. I will monitor the changes and hope for the best.

Jon Moss
13 years ago
It's a good decision to do that. I still will give feedback (just is good tone isn't it?). I never before thought about earning .1 through that and now will not regret. It's just a great way to reduce inflation and I am very happy about that decision.
13 years ago
@ Michelle

I for one will stop mooching internationally as soon as the 3:3 change will take place. Just not worth it.
Will also set my account on "domestic shipping only" and progressively reduce my inventory, since it's useless to accumulate points through int'l deliveries if afterwise I cannot mooch from anybody in my own little country, and it will be too expensive to mooch from abroad ( it would be a nonsense to give away 3 books + pay the corrisponding domestic shipping fees, which all together make the cost of a new book, to receive just 1 used book! ).
Such a pity.

13 years ago
I just wanted to say, I use paperbackswap as well as bookmooch, and so I have a basis for comparison.

I have NO problem with the loss of the .1 feedback points.
I have NO problem with the international mooch incentives.

This is for several reasons. First of all, a standard paperback novel, sent via USPS media mail, costs about $2.75 to mail. Have those of you who are complaining tried to send one international? Three points plus or minus is about the value of what that costs to send a book overseas. Plus you have paperwork to fill out. I find it fair, and have no problem generally spending that sort of points/money to get a book that can rarely be found in the US. I do not mooch common novels from overseas. I mooch academic tomes and publications, usually that would be more expensive to purchase here, and novels that are not easily obtained in the US.

I never have more than 10 points in paperbackswap. I mooch books there as often as I send one out - nearly. I have 40 points in bookmooch, because I am rarely able to beat other moochers, and because although I have 1k books on my wishlist, they are unusual enough that they rarely come up.

When I do find something I want, I don't care if it is international or not, I mooch it.

I do think there are more points available than books, and at my current rate of mooching, it will be years before I spend the points I have.

My two cents,

Jehannette de Lille
13 years ago
I do think that including the cost of the book on amazon was a bad move, I think it discourages people from listing the expensive books because they realise they can sell them, and it encourages people who just look at the price to resell even if they dont want to read it.
while they can look it up, making it so easily viewable i think has slowed down mooching, at least that is my experience since you included pricing.
13 years ago
I don't mind about the .1 point reduction at all, I was surprised to see we got that in the first place.

I think Elizabeth Shorely makes a good point. I haven't been a member long, and already I'm not using this site much. So many people take FOREVER to send out their books, it's really kind of turned me off. A couple weeks should be plenty of time for people to get to the post office, if it isn't they should take some or all of their books out of their inventory so they don't build up such a huge backlog of books to send. If I have a book I really enjoyed I'm more inclined to ask a friend or family member if they want it.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SMOOCH!! :-) That made my day.

13 years ago
John justified the points change for internationally mooches & the ratio changes that resulted, in was that people don't look at the ratio, they are more inclined to look at your feedback score and history. Well, if the incentive for leaving said feedback goes, how can we judge at a glance how reliable a moocher somebody is? Not everybody will leave feedback, it's life, and whilst there are so many lovely people on BM (and I have encountered only these so far) I am sure there are some rude and unhelpful ones out there too. I personally shall continue to leave feedback whatever, but the more things are being changed the nore inclined I am to pull out and take the books to the charity shop.
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
People keep saying about every change, "BookMooch ain't broke so don't fix it." John already explained that the worry is about the long-term, overall health of the site. As individual moochers we may not have the perspective or the information to judge the site's long-term health. John does.

If lots of long-time users of the site have 200+ points and aren't able to spend them, they have no incentive to post new books, and that decreases the selection of books for everyone. Reducing the number of points in the system is intended to give people a reason to post more books. More books available will be good for everyone, right??

13 years ago
Sorry folks, I still don't understand the relationship between too many points and too few books. If people who have points mooch books that they then put back into BM, then the points go around and the books go around.
People like me who become sufficiently frustrated with not finding the books they want will occasionally go and buy a copy that will also find its way back into BM.
My having too many points won't discourage me mooching to try and broaden my reading, nor discourage me from adding books for as long as I remain committed to BM.
The only thing that prevents my mooching is the ratio, which is artificial anyway. Perhaps the ratio should take inventory into account. If BM did this, then ratios would look rather different. As many of us have seen recently, older inventory moves at a time when books are perceived to be in short supply, but also when the BM community and its reading habits change.
13 years ago
@ jacquie: relationship between too many points and too few books
Possible reasons:
- some members are collecting books, these books won't go around again (It's their right though, since they didn't get the books without sending any) (less books in circulation).
- some members have so many books but could not afford to send (financial crisis)(less books in circulation).
- some members have so many books that waiting in a pile to be read (with given time, these books will go around again).
- some members have so many points but no books available for them to mooch, they won't list books to send since there's no reason to, especially if they are already burden with points (but depends on person individually)(less books in circulation).
- the additional one point for international mooching, 0.1 for listing and 0.1 for receiving are causing inflation (more points in circulation).
The number of points in the system should equal to the number of books in the sytem in accordance to the ratio (?) of bookmooching.

As for the elimination of 0.1 point, there's no reason for moochers to mark the books received anymore. Well, there are a lot of us I would say, very happy giving feedbacks, like telling the sender how happy we are that we received the package good and sounds or even just telling the sender that the package had been torn up or the book is wet, etc. But there are a lot there which I've encountered many that won't mark the book received unless you ask them and just leave no feedback.

Well, more loss for international moochers.

13 years ago
It seems that feedback is already declining... I don't think this is a good idea at all.
13 years ago
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. Reading maketh a full (wo)man, conference a ready (wo)man, and writing an exact (wo)man. Sir Francis Bacon
1) I often turn a book loose (into my inventory) after reading it, whether once or several times . . .BUT when I get a book I've been looking for that I want to keep, I will bloody well keep it, as it is mine by right of purchase. I don't give a hang on how many wish lists it appears. I have no obligation to put any of my books up for grabs just because someone else is panting for them, not does anyone else.
2) You can fiddle with the points as you like, everyone has the choice of going along or quitting. It's your ball game John, and you can make whatever rules you like, we can take it or leave it (note, I did not say "Love it or leave it!"). But if you insist on stirring the mud, you ought to let it settle before you give it another spin. Sufficient onto the day are the troubles thereof.
13 years ago
I don't like the changes that are being made and have started listing my books on PBS first, then listing them on BM instead of the other way around. One of the things I loved about BM was the extra ways to earn points so I could have more books to swap with others. I always made it a point to put every book I finished that I got on BM BACK on BM and only list it there. The changes you have implemented have changed my determination to list books I got on BM only back on BM and not post them anywhere else or sell them on Ebay. When you remove these little incentives, you cause users to begin looking out for themselves and to stop considering the best way to pay BM back for looking out for them. I no longer give out BM cards to people I swap with on PBS or Swaptree, nor do I recommend BM in a note in every book I sell or swap. The reason I stopped is due to BM's apparent turn to greed over customer courtesy and bonuses. It is a shame but appears the way of the new world we live in.
13 years ago
"NOT HAPPY" about this new turned of events for BM ...
13 years ago
@E Thayer: You're welcome. I have a handful I'll be posting over the weekend, some that I've finished reading recently and others that have languished collecting dust.
Jon Moss
13 years ago
3 Comments from the peaNUT Gallery:

1 - YEAH! more inventory = more books = more reading!

2 - Feedback is NOT always fair and there should ALWAYS be a way to reply to it. I try hard to note a condition of a book if maybe in WELL used condition (opinions vary cuz if I can read it I am happy but KNOW others expect very good condition) RECENTLY, I had a book labeled READING CONDITION ONLY and the feedback left was: Book in fair (but readable) condition (creased spine, torn cover) which was truer but didn't indicate MOOCHER knew the condition when they MOOCHED it - perhaps other's may think ALL books that way

3- I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but... There may be reasons why some don't immediately accept a Mooch - I myself with as many books as I have like to put my hands on the book first

Been awhile since I ranted but like the news!

Take Care,

13 years ago
What is all this twitter stuff on the recently added books page? I do not twitter, it is mainly another merchandising gimmick and I won't be a part of it. Twittering is for the birds. If this gives an advantage over non-twitterers, I think it is unfair and unethical. Many of us do not have access to all these mod cons, and we should not be penalized therefor.

Bookmooch seems to be in danger of suffering overkill.

13 years ago
I totally support this change. I also support scrapping the listing bonus and the foreign mooching bonus. Not only does it help address the excess points problem (I'm not listing any more of my books due to having excess points) but it also makes bookmooch simpler, which could encourage new people to try it.

And as for people who think John is being 'mean' - he's sunk years of his life into this site and I imagine a lot of his own money. He wouldn't be making these changes unless it was for the long term future good of Bookmooch.

13 years ago
Maybe I'm a little slow... I've read the reasons for removing the bonus points, but I don't get the rationalization behind the decision.

How is having 'excess points' a problem for anyone? You've lost me on this one. I don't get it.

People who don't like all those points in their 'bank' are certainly welcome to smooch me all over the place. :-)

Thanks for the site, John. Bookmooch is genius! I have close to 10 interested moochers in Houston for my upcoming mooch-a-palooza! WOO HOO!!!

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
@ Jonathan Baffeley: Maybe you're not aware that those excess points were hard earned points. It is our incentives sending overseas or international. If you take it back those incentives then you're killing international moochers. The ratio of sending international (outside Europe)to domestic is 5:1 to my country, sending to Europe is 3:1. I see it unfair for those who accumulated their points because they had shared their books... and now they are being punished (if the 3:3 ratio be implemented).

As NinaBryna said, "we can take it or leave it". If all these changes will be implemented especially the 3:3 ratio I'll be out on Bookmooch faster than the plane. Amazon will be a nice place to be and hitflip for those who live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. has a transaction cost for 0.99€ if you order a book/CD/DVD and 0.85€ for sending, it is still 5 times cheaper than Bookmooch international.

But I love bookmooch...and this is the only thing that's keeping me here for now...
Thanks John for the effort! a 3:4 or 5:6 international ratio would be fine for me as a compromise to lessen the inflation.

13 years ago
Ylef - most of my books were sent abroad (one to Germany :-) which is why I have excess points. But what is the use having all these bonus points if ultimately we have nothing to spend them on?

I've also been wondering about another beneficial side effect of these changes. Like Ylef said, it'll be more expensive to mooch from abraod soon. So since all this started I've been making a concerted effort to expand my wishlist and mooch books. I wonder if others are doing the same and this is adding liquidity to the system?

13 years ago
Jonathan Baddeley - you think eliminating the 0.1 point will help listing books on bookmooch inventory? I don't think so...there are a lot of people out there that need reminders to mark the book received and some are doing it so because they need the point.

0.1 point make a big difference especially if you have 0.9 point and there's a book available that you really wanted *grin*. And it is not being an adult here, it's all about incentives.

...and making the international ratio 3:3? It will kill us international.

13 years ago
Thanks John, something like this and the equalising of the international points are necessary.

I like the idea of a charity to donate points to people oversea finding the increase from 2 to 3 points too much.

Maybe it is time to supply a txt/sms service so that when a users wishlisted book becomes available the user is alerted (for a charge)? This would probably make things fairer.

Thanks for this service and there are a lot of good books in your system it often just takes some searching to find one.

13 years ago
Am not thrilled with the O.1 loss for leaving feedback. Think it will increase (though, probably not greatly) the number of people who do not respond. Sadly, most of the recent changes or "improvements" to the site have not been for the better and may hurt it in the long-run. If you tweak a good thing too much, you may end up with a bad thing or equally bad, break it alltogether.
13 years ago
I don't think that dropping the .1 point for giving feedback will change anything. If someone does not acknowledge receipt of a book after you have reminded them, you can after a period of time use the "Forced Receive" option that appears after 6 weeks, I think. I've used it twice where I could not get a response from the moocher.

I personally always gave feedback not only for the .1 point but because I might want to mooch from this person again, to show appreciation and finally because it makes me feel good to acknowledge someone else's effort.

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
in a bid to widen inventory perhaps you should limit two books of the same kind when listing so people are forced to list books other than the da vinci for example if you list something your database should send a message that there are already two copies in the pool, please list something else
13 years ago
that would be no good if the two editions already available belong to people who won't send out of their country. how would a system telling you what you can and can't list help?
13 years ago
I'm also against not letting users list books where there are a few copies already available. I'm in the UK and often find there are books I would like that have many copies listed here but by people overseas who won't send outside of their country.

I'm not bothered about not getting the 0.1 point for feedback. I give feedback to thank the person for sending the book and to keep my pending page up to date so it's easier to track what books I have received and which ones I am still waiting on and will continue to do this. I think most people will do so too.

The other site I belong to has no incentive to mark the book as received and leave feedback other than keeping your pending page up to date. Out of 114 swaps I've done only 3 people didn't bother to do this.

13 years ago
Has anyone thought of a good way to encourage people, that have more points then they know what to do with, to list more books?

I can only think of ways to swap points for priority wishlist status, (i.e. you could trade points for an increased possibility of getting the books on your wishlist) but this is an unfriendly idea.

You could try keep some really desired books in the system by giving them "library status". That is Mooches would be encouraged not to keep these books for themselves but to pass them on after reading. I think this is a good idea but my girlfriend disagrees with me.

Any really good ideas out there? The dropping of the 0.1 point and the equalising of the international mooching/giving points is to stop this situation from getting worse but is there a way to make it better?

13 years ago
ideas?...a lot of ideas here. We're thinking commerce here...only I have none to finance it.
Example: Putting a bookmooch bank, who buy and sell points into real currency...and the gain is to use to provide new books for inventory.
- buying points for example 1 point is one dollar (using paypal etc).
- selling points for example 1 point for 2 dollars (using paypal etc).
- provide new books for bookmooch inventory.

a good idea...good to implement? no idea. I could run finance?

13 years ago
I like the "library status" idea, although some books will become too battered with continuous use and some of us might end up fighting for the same copy of a book. This wouldn't increase the inventory because the same two or three copies of the book will be going around. Maybe putting some books up for sale? PaperbackSwap does this, they have copies of books they sell for a discounted price if you combine a point with some money. I understand that the site can't keep generating points and that's why something has to give, right now it's the .1 for leaving feedback, and pretty soon I assume that the .1 for listing will be gone as well. Maybe we can all pitch in and donate some books without expecting points in return? I know some people already do this with the mooch x get x for free offers. The system could still take the point away, but the person would not be getting a point for giving away the book. It may not be fair because the person giving the book away has to pay for postage, but consider it a donation to the site. The problem is that there are too many points, but not enough books to keep the site running and I would hate to lose this site because of this.
13 years ago
While it is common courtesy to let someone know 'thanks" for sending a book to them, I am afraid that loosing the incentive means loosing notices from readers that the books were received. I send out a lot of books and really would like to have the points back. So John, since so many are posting that you don't listen to us, how about giving back the point system and listenting. PLEASE.
13 years ago
First, I would never endorse either
- limiting the number of copies of a book that can be listed or
- a 'library status' where it is expected that you will re-post the book after you read it. For one thing, it is not enforcable, but primarily because i "own" the books I mooch- they are not "lent" to me. **Nicole: A library status would not increase the total number of books available, but would make certain books more available if they circulate more times.** But who wants to decide which are 'desirable' enough for this anyway ?? --- big can of worms.
- any sort of "priority" standing for wishlist books. Yes, I know PBS has a strict FIFO wishlist - which is one of the things I like about BM; everybody has an equal chance at the 'most desirable' books. (Of course I also use PBS to double my chances.)
- any mandatory condition standard - just tell me what it is.
- a mandatory mailing schedule. Yes, PBS does, but I find BM much more laid back for that reason (among others). I would expect most to be mailed within 2 weeks, but if the sender plans to take longer and tells me so upfront, it is my choice. Like buying from a company that promises to mail in 4-6 weeks vs one offering next day delivery. You ae the customer; you choose.

Absolutely it is only courtesy to acknowledge receipt of books; why in the world anyone would expect to be "paid" to do so is beyond me.

PBS does not have 'sales' of members books --- the "PBS Market" is selling publisher's new overstock copies. In essence, they are in competition with the members who are swapping books. I have no objection to this, but recognize it for what it is.

I don't see the value in Nicole's suggestion that we "donate some books without expecting points" -- I assume she is talking about books that are already in the system (or owned by members and thus could/should be). All that would do would be to take books OUT of the system -- by putting them in the hands of readers, of couse, but out of the system. Maybe I am missing her point ??

** Gar - why do you recommend that "people that have more points than they know what do do with" should be encouraged to list more books ?? -- isn't the object to have EVERYONE list more books? Why single out this group ?

I actually have no problem with the (current) elmination of the .1 point for acknowledgement, or the (feared) elimination of the .1 point for listing a book -- which results in your getting 1.1 point for every book that is mooched. Since the .1 listing point is an incentive for some, then the 1 point for mooched books could be revised to .9 -- which equals 1 point total (or 2.9 international for total of 3.0).
Why should we expect to 'spend' 1 point to receive a book but be 'paid' 1.1 for each one we send ?

My plan to increase the number of books available is to tell as many people as I can about this service and encourage them to use it.

The current system basically allows members to receive up to twice as many books as they send out. The solution to this inequality is to reduce the allowable ratio -- otherwise the system will inevitably become "bookrupt" - unless a large number of people are willing to receive many fewer books than they send. How many of us are ?

I do support a cleanup of the system to either purge or re-animate dormant accounts --- those people and books are not really available anyway and should not be counted in the "assets" of this enterprise.

13 years ago
Also, has been updated. What about
13 years ago
The website explaining points isn't really updated, there's still this:
"Acknowledge Receipt: after you receive a book, leave feedback for the sender and earn 1/10th of a point."
13 years ago
This is fine, I can see the logic behind it, but what we need, if people are no longer going to have an incentive to leave feedback or even say the book is received, is an alternative to having to mark a book as 'lost' to get it off our pages. If we've not heard anything in a month or 2 after it's sent, then I think it's safe to assume the person got it but never bothered leaving feedback. I don't then want to have to mark it as lost as it looks bad on me if my lost count goes up and up because people no longer want to leave feedback/mark as received, so an alternative button like 'Item sent, no feedback left by Moocher' or something similar should be available, perhaps only appearing a month or so after the book has been marked sent. Anyone else hate this little Bookmooch glitch and any other thoughts on this?
Carl S.
13 years ago
In answer to Carl S;
Sea-Mail from Australia will typically take up to 4 months. ie: The Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East.
(Australia to Asia = only air is available)
To other continents the cost of Air is way beyond possible for me & probably most other Aussies. (Starting @ $25 AUD)
I like to allow sea 6 months before considering it either lost or forced received.
So, no, only allowing 1 month for receipt of books is not enough from Down Under.
13 years ago
To Ruth Ann
I also have a WL that seems to be permanent -- or else I get a notice that the book is available but, it turns out, not to my country. However, I do check the recently added books and often find a book I didn't know I wanted but it looks interesting -- most of the time it is. Also, I check people's inventories from time to time. You are welcome to check my inventory, postage here (especially for surface mail) is still not prohibitive, and most paperbacks I send airmail.
I also browse the authors I am interested in and occasionally hit pay dirt there too.
Happy mooching
13 years ago
Ruth Ann said "Oh by the way, what am I supposed to do with the .8 point?"

Add two more books and you'll have 47 points. I still am at a loss as to how you guys think having "excess points" a problem? I wish I had 47 points built up!

Most of my WL books aren't offered on Bookmooch, either. That's not the fault of Bookmooch, folks, that's because members aren't offering those particular books on the site at this time, and they may never be offered.

I often find books while browsing when I need a gift for someone or a donation to our community center, and I give a lot of gifts, so I'm usually without points. I've been adding magazines to build up a point when I need one.

Remember - this is a free service. I have no complaints, except I'm one of those who greatly benefitted from the 1/10th point for leaving feedback, which, I admit, I leave anyway. It was a nice little bonus, though.

When I get a notice that a book I want is available, I feel like I won the lottery, and I didn't even have to buy a ticket.

I'm all for first come, first served, but I do wish there was a way for maybe the first 10 (or some number) who listed the book on their WL first, get notified a couple days before everyone else. Is that possible?

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
Thanks for the answers above, I haven't noticed the force received button before, strange. As for the Sea mail issue, I never send sea mail, always air mail and so it's usually always a lot quicker. Anyways, thanks folks for sorting this out for me!
Carl S.
13 years ago
Carl, the force receive button takes a long time to show up (and you have to hit remind first) so I think most people are not patient enough to wait for it or don't know about it and just hit "lost" first.
13 years ago
Interesting idea, Oldfan, but perhaps instead of a full point, .5 could be awarded, since the powers that be think there are too many points swimming around already. I never thought about looking up books before posting to see if they're on WLs. But I will now... Thanks for the tip.
Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
I never understood the concern about "point inflation", but what's done is done. It mildly irritates me that the feedback .1 has been eliminated but not enough to leave. We'll wait to see how many more "improvements" that takes. I liked things the way they were.

I personally like to keep my pending area up to date so will continue to mark books received and provide feedback to the person who sent me the book(s).

13 years ago
@Oldfan That was already brought up, it seems it was used in some shape in the beginnings of BM but had to be discarded because some people started not to want to post books unless someone wishlisted them first so they could get the extra perk.

And why post only books that are wishlisted ? Even a 1000+ wishlist is still a pretty tiny sliver of books that I could be interested in, and would probably mooch when finding them along with a wishlisted item in someone's inventory.
The only books that truly are no-brainer direct-to-charity cases would be those in countries that already have a silly number of copies, and posted by someone who won't send abroad. But even if they get posted, I don't think they harm anyone or anything and John calculated in an earlier post that there wasn't such an huge amount of them anyway.

And at least with low or modest numbers of wishlisters, a book being wishlisted doesn't always mean it will be mooched immediately, depending on wishlisters' activity, country book is posted in and willingness of out of country moochers to spend 2 (soon to be 3) points and of owner to send abroad, condition the book is declared to be in, how highly the book is desired over others also available at the same time, etc...

13 years ago
I get annoyed when people who receive a mooched book don't have the courtesy to leave any feedback. I always leave a comment no matter how brief.

I wouldn't mind sending a postcard picture of my village or local site of interest just as a way of saying thank you. I know this would cost but what a nice way to get a collection of thank yous from all over the world!

13 years ago
@peachfuzz I was throwing out ideas, but not really good ones apparently.
13 years ago
Nicole - all ideas are good ones for brainstorming. Keep 'em comin'! At least people acknowledge yours - I'm still waiting for those disgusted with all their excess points to smooch me with some. :-)
Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
...and I just as strongly disagree with you, Heather, regarding an extra percentage point for WL books.

It's an added 'incentive', just as there is an incentive for adding any books. Since people are complaining about banked excess points, and that there aren't enough WL books online to spend points on, it only makes sense to try to post the most popular books to get them in circulation.

ESPECIALLY for those with low points (me, me and me) - the incentive would be to post books first that moochers want, growing my point base quicker, followed by whatever else I have in inventory I want to post.

How does that hurt anything?

PS, thank you Nicole and two other wonderful anonymous souls who sent me smooches. You rock!

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
@Mary M Johnson It apparently hurt when people started mailing/foruming others so the latter put the books the former wanted to list on wishlist just to game the system, because the latter didn't really intend to mooch the book and just did it as a courtesy or friendly backscratching, or the former engaged in some dirty blackmailing to the tune of "Oh, look at those pretty books, wishlist them NOW, I'm not posting them on BM unless I get the extra points".
13 years ago
Duplicated from what I have just posted on the Book Condition forum.

I think that condition notes should be mandatory. I also think that a feedback comment of some sort should be mandatory as well. Neither of these would take much time, but would immeasurably improve morale, & increase members, & hence books.
If you think this suggestion is strange, I see it as just the Australian way. Friendliness, laid-back, gratitude for things others do for you.

13 years ago
Regarding condition notes, someone (I can't find the post anymore!) suggested using a checkbox system, something like this...

{ } new
{ } slightly used
{ } very used
{ } dog-eared pages
{ } underlining
with a comments box, of course.

I think this would be a great improvement to the condition notes, and facilitate use.

And, as always - thanks John for all the hard work!

13 years ago
@Aude - I find it hard to believe that enough people would go that far to affect the site negatively. Are there really stats to support that activity?
Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
@Mary M Johnson I wasn't there yet so I wouldn't have seen the stats or discussions about the topic at the time, but John himself in this very same thread or another of the ones that sprang up about the current/upcoming changes stated in answer to a similar suggestion that there used to be an incentive for posting wishlisted books but it had to be discontinued.

So I guess it won't be coming back from the dead, unless maybe ways are found to make it reasonably foolproof.

Maybe making it work only for books with a suitably high # of listed wishers, but that would make the thing even more US/english language-centric than it already is, because they probably are the only ones that often attain the dozens+ wishlister that would be hard to fake.

Comparatively, a book in some other less circulated language with 5 genuine wishlisters is already a somewhat desired one, so shouldn't the poster get some reward too ? Yet 5 artificial wishlisters wouldn't be something very hard to fake by giving a holler to a few people who may have a inclination to scratch the lister's back.

13 years ago
The current wishlist system is broken. All users who are on hold, on vacation, inactive, etc still show up on the wishlists and still get the wishlist notification emails. This is a huge factor as to why people rarely get wishlist notification emails and can't get the books they want unless they stalk their wishlists.

It also makes any proposals to reward people for posting WL'd books worthless, because even books with hundreds of copies in the system have someone wishlisting them... just someone who would never actually mooch them.

13 years ago
The site is what it is - a free, book swapping service in exchange for shipping and voluntary donations. It's like going to the library - there are lots of books on the shelves, but no guarantee that what you want will be there when you want it. Is the library broken? No. It's all about supply and demand.

If I want an unavailable book that badly, I'm going to go buy it, likely through Amazon, since they make it so easy and BM gets a percentage. I haven't felt the need to do that yet, but I appreciate the service.

Overall, I've received far more than I've paid in shipping, time and a one-time donation, so I have nothing to complain about.

In fact, after following this thread, I don't care if all the bonus points are removed. I'm still ahead. For an unemployed booklover, that says a lot. I never could have afforded all the books I've received or given as gifts otherwise.

It's all good. Thank you again, John & friends.

PS - I forgot to applaud whomever posted the term "bookruptcy". Very clever. Thanks for the grin.

PS2 - @Aude - I found the stats forum. Sorry, I'm behind on reading forum stuff...

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
That would be a good idea, if your inventory is on vacation, your wishlist notification should be inactive as well. That might increase the number of books available in the system.
13 years ago
Good idea, Woodstone. I'm with you on that. It would certainly reduce some of the frustration.
13 years ago
I think a better way would be to give 0.1 points to every person that gets a 1+ that way you have to work for your points!
Ethel Mertz
13 years ago
Heather makes several good points with which I agree.
The .1 point 'bonus' previously given really did not relate to whether you added optional comments or not, just whether you acknowledged receipt of the book. I sometimes add 'optional' comments and sometimes not - and sometimes I GET comments and sometimes not -- I have never taken it personally or as an insult not to get a comment. That being said, I agree it is polite.

I really like the "aaaaaaaa" for condition if it is made mandatory -- I must remember that one. Sometimes books are very good, sometimes not so good and I think most people will mention those --- but truthfully most used books are just used books.

As John pointed out, the extra points for wishlisted books became a problem and was discontinued; I can easily see how that happened. I personally don't think I would go to that much trouble, but some people are just more energetic about working a system than I am.

Since Ethel Mertz is willing to pay for comments, maybe I'll have to check out her inventory.

Becca makes an interesting comment, too. I have seen a number of books with one or more copies in the system and yet they are on multiple wishlists. I have sometimes looked at those wishlists and seen that some people have hundreds of books WL'd yet they have opted not to mooch them (yet anyway).

13 years ago
Hey here is an idea I don't know if it is any good:

1. If BookMooch could start a txt/sms service for wishlists notifications.

2. Mooches would have two price plans they could use for this service:
2.1. Pay a single charge per txt/sms (eg. $0.40)
2.2. Or pay a smaller charge and give some bookmooch points (eg. $0.20 and 0.5 points)

3. Bookmooch could then check which books have a large enough group of people wanting it so that it would make a profit if it purchased a second hand book from Amazon and made this available to the system.

4* This book would be given "library status" (i.e. a note would be inserted into the book encouraging uses to forward it on and a comment added to notifying Moooches about it's library status before Mooching it)

* Would be optional but I feel the this idea needs this to work properly

13 years ago
I don't agree with users who have put their inventory on vacation not receiving wishlist emails.

People put their inventories on vacation for a number of reasons. Sometimes it is done as a result of a mooch request going unanswered, but other times its a voluntary thing done by that moocher to prevent them getting more mooches then they can handle. That is a legitimate use for the vacation feature.

People are often complaining about users delaying books for to long, recently I've seen sentiments similar to "If you cannot afford to post it now then don't add it to your inventory" written on the forums with increasing frequency lately.

So, users can do the right thing by vacationing their own inventories when they are not in a position to send out books. Why should /that/ user now miss out on wishlist notifications? How is /that/ fair?

It seems a lot of people are thinking about what changes would make BM better for /them/ and not what would make BM better for /everyone/.


13 years ago
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
to Gar: NO WAY!!!
13 years ago
I agree with NinaBryna.
Concepts such as Gar suggested can be complicated, get messy & are subjective as to what is highly wished for.
KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
13 years ago
Unfortunately Rob, the VAST majority of vacationed accounts on Bookmooch are due to inactivity, not account owner being responsible.

I think ultimately there needs to be different categories of vacationed accounts. I agree that a responsible bookmoocher who has actually sent books and earned their points should still get WL notifications while on vacation.

However, from what I have seen, most busy/overwhelmed moochers don't put themselves on vacation, they put long delays on their requests. Which is fine as long as they clearly communicate this.

Given the current broken system, disabling WL notifications for vacationed accounts is the simplest solution. Long-term, the entire approach to "vacationing" accounts needs to be fixed if John is serious about the health of the system.

Unfortunately he is too hung up on point inflation being the cause of what's "wrong" with bookmooch instead of listening to the actual complaints that his users have.

13 years ago
I'm shocked and disappointed at some of the comments here.

Personally I joined bookmooch to give books a good home that I'm ready to part with. A perk is getting other books. I didn't join for .1 point. I've shipped out way more books than I've received and that's perfectly fine with me, because I can donate points to those who need them more than I do. I'm a voracious reader and have been blessed by having more books in my library than I think I'll ever be able to read. Sure there's one particular book that I added to my wish list back at the very beginning that I still haven't seen, but I look at all my full bookcases and know I got the good end of the stick.

This is John's site. You pay nothing to join/participate. He does in fact always ask for our opinions, but as it's his site, his money, his time, the site will be run as he sees fit - and you have to be honest with youself - he does seem to know what he's doing. :-)

And is seems from everyone's comments that they'll continue to leave feedback, so if everyone still plans on doing it, I guess there is no complaint that everyone stops leaving feedback and acknowledging receipt.

Just my $0.02.

13 years ago
I agree to becca, the site needs "cleaning up". John owns the site but without us members it will never function. We already invested much money sending up international packages and now that the ratio change, it looks like we are greedy. I already change sending to "only to my country". I don't know but things escalating here.

Still, thanks John for the effort.

13 years ago
Oldfan you can become exfan, whom are you doing a favor by hanging around and kvetching? You don't like, go to PBS and good riddance.
13 years ago
I'm going to miss that little fraction of a point, but I will continue to leave feedback. Just out of courtesy to let the sender know I appreciate it and to let others know that the sender is trustworthy. If we could just do something about all of the inactive accounts though. It's annoying to have a book finally come up on your wishlist just to go there and see that the seller hasn't been online, and has promised 30+ people books they never sent...or will.
13 years ago
Oldfan, your wishlist - 13 books - is so tiny that you'll have to accept that you won't find the books you want right away. I advocate patience and broadening your horizons. As you've been here for less than a month, aren't your expectations a little high? You've already found four books, so things aren't so bleak.

Those books on your wishlist aren't necessarily unobtainable. I sent out a previously-mooched copy of Michael Jecks' 'The Last Templar' a few weeks ago. I'm sure there are copies around on your side of the Atlantic.

I suggest you broaden your wishlist and look at the "recent" feed to see whether there's anything of interest. Once you've found a few more books, you'll feel much more positive about BM.
13 years ago
It's no one's fault if you're leaving us, it's your own decision. No one can make that for you.

As jacquie had suggested, broaden your horizon. We have already a lot of fun here and we know what to expect from other members. Maybe you need tutoring?

13 years ago
@Nina, I think that was rude what you said to Oldfan. He's a right to express his opinion like everyone else on here. There are a few on here I wish would shut the F@#$$^$%# up, but I don't say anything for the previous reason. Plus, who has the time? This will be my last post on this thread, as I'm worn out.

Oldfan, I hope you stay. Going to check your inventory now. I got a few more anonymous smooches and I gotta spend 'em!

OK, everyone, repeat after me:

it's just a bookswapping site... it's just a bookswapping site... it's just a bookswapping site...

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
Good point, Heather - maybe Rachel's show set the bar too high - everyone thought they could log on and start getting new books?

Ok, THIS was my last post. I've got to go find a job. :-)

PS - thanks to everyone who sent me smooches!

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
Fine by me - I'll continue to give feedback for receipt with or without the 0,1 point.

I do, however, find that the 0,1 point for listing a book should stay. This is the only way a newcomer can ever start getting points, as the first ten books give them the 1 point needed to ask for their first "homeland" book :-)

13 years ago
Personally, I think 25% of the books being on the site for two years is pretty horrible. One of of every four books listed on this site are completely unwanted. I always intended to remove all books from my inventory after they've sat for two years. I wish everyone else would do the same. And of course, these people should replace them with better books.
13 years ago
@Frank - sorry, no. I've sent out more "old inventory" books in the past month than ever before! People's tastes change, the BM population changes. When are you going to populate BM with these "better books"? I look forward to reviewing your new inventory - always hoping I can find an angel to send them to me.
13 years ago
....And yet, here I am once again. You guys are addictive. :-)

I understand what Frank is saying - when I first joined, I added any and everything to generate points to start mooching, knowing some of them would likely never be mooched. Then I had all these unwanted books taking up much needed space. I've removed some older ones from the list and donated them, willing to lose cherished points in the process.

Don't know about you guys, but I don't want the clutter of unwanted stuff in my house. I reserve the bottom row of my library shelves for BM and will regularly donate 'old' inventory to local community organizations (retirement homes, day care facilities, etc.)

Would people eventually want some of them? Maybe, maybe not. It's more important for me to be clutter free.

In the spirit of BM, I solemnly swear to relist all the books I mooched for me to read, as well as new books I buy for myself or receive as gifts. Most books and mags that sit here for over three months (a quarter of a year!) are outta here.

We need to encourage more interaction between members, like Meet 'n' Mooches and using the forum to locate titles or genres we seek.

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
Well, Frankie III, you have a lot of complaints, a large wish list and small inventory (half of which is a year old!), only sending in your country -- you don't seem to practice what you preach. You are under no obligation to send books abroad, but your pontifications seem out of place. "Better books?" One person's "better" book is another's trash. I wouldn't give shelf room to most of the "recently added" books, but that's fine with me, I still often find the one book I do want, and I'm glad no one else wanted it so that I could get it. Chacun a son gout, or you might say, "Different strokes for different folks. That's what Bookmooch is all about.
13 years ago
I have always thought that the majority of the "point inflation" and "inventory loss" stems from scammers. Now, I know it's been said that there aren't very many of them, but that's not my concern. My concern is how *much* scammers are each allowed to get away with by joining, listing 20-30 books (usually highly wishlisted), delaying them all (or marking them sent without having actually sent any), receiving 20-30 books, and then disappearing. There you have 20-30 books removed from the system and no longer available to "good" moochers, and also 20-30 additional points added to the system because everyone gets their points back when they cancel or mark 'lost'. The scammer has negative points, but do they care? No. If someone has some kind of math or proof that isn't true, I'd love to hear it, but that's what I think.
13 years ago
I don't mind the loss of the 0.1 but this may result in more cluttered pending page.

Maybe an automatic reminder feature would be useful. If you have "sent" the book and it has not been "received" after 7 days a reminder would automatically be sent.

It could be seen as a nag feature but would be useful for people like me that occationally forget to "receive" a book.

13 years ago
@Gar - 7 days might be considered reasonable for someone who mooches and sends only domestically, assuming a reasonably proficient postal service and ability to collect mail regularly. What about overseas mooches? BM is an international site. A small package from me in France to a moocher in Australia may take days or months. Crossing the Pond is a lottery, again, days or weeks.

Suggestion rejected by me at least. Not one to cheer up a relatively early Saturday morning.
13 years ago
I agree with Jacquie. I've just sent four books surface mail as I've had so many requests this year I couldn't afford to send them airmail. They can take months to arrive. Even ones that I've sent airmail have taken between two and three weeks to arrive depending on their destination. I wouldn't appreciate being nagged to acknowledge receipt of a book that is somewhere on the high seas!
13 years ago
*7* DAYS? What planet do you live on? This is not the U.K. of the 19th & early 20th century. It should be more like 7 weeks, or even 7 months. With all the postal systems going berserk and raising rates, who can afford to send first class or air mail. And even then, it takes far longer.I send first class mail in Israel, it takes 7-10 days; it takes less time to walk from one end of the country to the other. A book I ordered and paid for from a UK company is taking 3 months (presumably via dog team). I add a book to my inventory and that takes 3 days before it comes up in "recently added books."
Polite civilized people acknowledge receipt of letters, packagers, even emails. And we literate, educated, elite bookmoochers, who still read books in the electronic twitter age, are we not civilized and well-mannered? One even says "thanks" in the acknowledgement.
13 years ago
thanks Nina, I enjoyed your rant :)
my point was that the system would automatically remind the moocher after a set amount of time, ok maybe longer then 7 days for domestic and definitely much longer for international posts (eg. +4months although I have sent a book from the UK to Japan in 10 days via surface mail!?)

13 years ago
I remember well the old days in the U.K. when a letter mailed out from London in the morning, would reach, for instance, Great Yarmouth the same evening. But postal (dis)service is so erratic these days, I have received books from the U.K. that took 10 days and I am still awaiting books mailed out (yes, they were, I know the senders) at the end of December. While I still think most people will sooner or later click on the "received" button, there is a reminder option extant. I sent a load of books to various destinations on 15 January, most by air mail, and have received notification of their arrival, except for 1 to Killarney in Ireland and 1 to Istanbul, Turkey. So I have sent reminders, and I presume that I will get some sort of reply. What more do we need?
For better (we hope) or worse (heaven forfend) Bookmooch is still the only show in town for Anglophile readers in non English speaking countries, so we have to make the best of it.
13 years ago
10 days from the UK to Japan surface mail - good for you! It all depends on what mode of transport is used and when it's leaving town. I'm not flush enough at the moment to hire my own boat so I'm afriad surface mail, however slow it may be, will have to do and if moochers don't like it - DON'T MOOCH. And it doesn't matter how many ways it is dressed up, I still wouldn't want nagging emails reminding me to acknowledge a book that hasn't arrived!
13 years ago
I'm confused,. I thought this change (no 0.1 for adding to inventory) was implemented but I'm still getting credit. When I asked about it earlier whoever responded said it was just a suggestion but at the top of this series of comments, John says it's a done deal. I don't care one way or another but anything that would create fewer points chasing fewer books is fine with me.
Ed Hahn
13 years ago
The phrase "better books" seems to have hit a few nerves. But it's pretty simple- if a book has sat for more than two years, it's time to de-list it and add something that somebody actually wants. As for Nina's nonsensical remarks, I do in fact "practice what I preach". While a third of my books have been listed for about 13 months, none of them have been listed for more than two years (nor will they ever).
13 years ago
Oh get over it Frank! You only send within your own country so why preach to others about removing older books? I almost always send international requests - how would these people be able to get books, no matter how old they are, if everyone policed their accounts in the manner you suggest? Also if it's the only copy of a book available it makes no sense to remove it.
13 years ago
Frank, why don't you get that chip off your shoulder -- or is that your head?
13 years ago

I have a number of business books that have been listed for more than two years and every once in a while someone mooches one or more of them. Browsers and new members might want a book that has been listed for a long time.

Your suggestion is not a good one, its arrogance aside.

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
AZL and Bookel,

Sorry! I guess I had a senior moment and got the two categories mixed up.

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
Good for you, Heather. You are so right, this is a non-issue, so let's all drop it.
13 years ago
Yes, non-issue, but I'll add my two penn'orth anyway.

Frank, if we followed your reasoning, secondhand bookshops would all be out of business.
We can't all afford to buy the books we want when they come out. Some books don't go out of fashion. I've books on my wishlist that are now out of print. Someone might want to discard theirs and make me happy.
I'm so happy my reading habits and leisure interests change, otherwise I'd be pretty dull. This enables me (all too) occasionally to weed out some books and offer my cast-offs to someone else. In general though, parting with a book is like saying goodbye to a friend. I've books that are 200 years old; they're not heading for any form of recycling. Many of them are in storage awaiting more shelves to be built. I don't need to see them every day, but I need to know they're there, rather like the friends you find when you need them.
I remember when I moved to France that customs opened boxes of books and asked why I was wasting time moving old books. The box they found least interesting was first editions. One man's meat...
13 years ago

Great story!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
If I understand the reason for points change correctly, it is supposed to keep the community thriving in terms of swap rate. One thing that I haven't seen mentioned (though I only check this forum once a month or so) is the search capability. I find it pretty difficult and slow to use. While I would love to browse what is available to mooch I often give up after 5 minutes or so and rarely find things I'm interested in. Even the implementation of a tagging system that users can use may be of help.

Sorry if this is an off topic tangent, I just wanted to make the suggestion.

13 years ago
Thank you. I had stopped using BookMooch over the past year as the BookMooch economy had stagnated (even entered recession) through an oversupply of points as a result of the inflationary policies. Hopefully the BookMooch currency will start to appreciate in value in the coming year.

It's worth noting that if BookMooch "prices" hadn't been fixed we would have probably seen a mild Wiemar-style price bubble over the past year.

13 years ago
Inventory: 4
Points: 12.1
Mooched/given: 46/30
Pending mooch/give: 0/1
Mooch ratio: 1.54:1

Come off it. You are talking through your hat. I don't see where you have a problem; you are ahead of the game at any rate. 12.1 points is hardly inflationary. There are thousands of books out there if you would take the trouble to look for what you want. I refrain from telling what I think of you "historical" analysis, Are you that desperate for attention? Try a Weimaraner.

13 years ago
@ James: Bookmooch economy stagnated? maybe you're just kidding, right? I've sent and mooched some hundred of books...but my points never stagnated nor Bookmooch on my view of points.
13 years ago
It looks like inflation rather than recession. Too many points chasing too few desirable books. In my case I ship internationally most of the time so when I mooch a book, I pick up a free point. If I have a friend in the U.S. mooch and hold a book for me until I visit the U.S. because the lister does not ship internationally, I pick up two free points.

I've been doing more smooching and plan to give some points to charity because it looks like I will never use up my points. Not because there aren't some books in inventory that I could read but because I have a life outside of reading and even at 75-100 books a year, I'm never going to catch up on my wish list or TBR list.

Bookmooch is a fantastic idea and I can only hope that it continues to function. I've got a lot of points to either use or give away.

Now about e-books...?

Thanks to John!

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
What about e-books Ed?
13 years ago
When is a book not a book? When it's an "e-book." Can you read an e-book in bed? in your bath? During a power-cut, by candlelight? Can you shove it in your pocket to read at a bus stop? Heaven forfend. This is one of the "improvements" that could really kill Bookmooch. Normal Bookmooch transactions mean the expenditures of hard cash for postage. I imagine e-books are transmitted like e-mail. Would such a transmissive be considered domestic or international? That would crate an imbalance and really skew things. You want to play with e-books, then set up your own electronic network, but not in our neighborhood.
Let's stop trying to "improve" Bookmooch. Most of us, especially those not living in the U.S., have been perfectly happy with it as it was. As, I believe, they say in Brooklyn: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Or more elegantly stated, "Don't try to paint the lily."
13 years ago
Let me preface this by first saying that I'm a fan of paper over digital when it comes to literature. Furthermore, the very nature of an e-book means that 'mooching' would be vastly complex - anyone who's been at all involved with the perils of DRM should understand. I believe e-mooching to be a rather unrealistic goal.

However, I've recently been approached regarding transferring reference material into e-book format so I've been doing some research and I believe that there is a place for this media, even for we bibliophiles. I could probably do an essay on the subject but, for the sake of brevity:

 Can you read an e-book in bed?
- Indeed I can. It's a simple matter to reach over to my phone and open up a book.
 In your bath?
- Well...I probably could. Dropping my phone into the bath would be rather irksome though.
 During a power-cut, by candlelight?
Again, I could it I wanted to, but the text is backlit so no candlelight would be needed.
 Can you shove it in your pocket to read at a bus stop?
I currently have an HTC Desire with about fifty e-books on in my shirt pocket. Useful for the bus journey.

With an e-book I can search the entire text for a particular word or phrase - I can carry hundreds of books at a time - I can think of, download and begin reading a book in less than a minute and, if it should be on Gutenberg, I don't even have to pay.

All that said, I also have a copy of 'One Day' by David Nicholls in my coat pocket. Within the next few days, this will be replaced by 'The shadow of the wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. I don't know any serious book reader that prefers digital to analogue - the convenience of electronic cannot compare to the pleasure of the physical.

13 years ago
All htat sounds like a bloody nuisance to deal with. You overlook the fact that these gadgets cost money. One does not need a machine to read a normal book, and who the hell needs multitudinous books in a shirt pocket. One is usually sufficient. I do not nor ever expect to own an cell phone, or i-pod or i-pad or a-pad or e-pad or blackberry (except the kind I buy in the food market for jam; I have a better use for my limited funds. I don't need to turn on gadgets or press buttons, I just open the book and there it is. Books don't have to be recharged or "upgraded" to keep up with the fashionable world. A printed page is also easier on the eyes than a screen. You are welcome toyour electronic toys and will probably have a robot housecleaner if they ever get the bugs out of them. I will continue to read paper books (and an occasional parchment scroll) and use my old-fashioned broom and dustcloth. The Luddites had the right idea.
13 years ago
Forget the buttons. You obviously know how to read and write. Pushing buttons is for experimental animals in psychology labs.
13 years ago
Sorry I was snippy. I did appreciate the compliment, it's just that I have a severe allergy to Facebook culture, with everyone anywhere else being urged to "find us on Facebook and hit the like button. We Luddites are consistent anyhow. But wasn't it R. W. Emerson who said "False consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."
Escuse my insularity and the generation gap, but is "Sheesh" a euphemism for a 4-letter word?
13 years ago
I'm happy my throw-away question asking about e-books got such a quick response.

While I am not a Luddite (except when I eat at The Ned Ludd restaurant in Portland, OR), I am not an "early adopter" either. I wait, for sometimes years, before I adopt a new technology. I have an iPod Touch that was given to me 18 months ago and I'm just starting to find uses for it.

I will not give up my paper and ink books but I am constantly remonstrated by my tech savvy friends for not buying e-books, e-newspaper subscriptions, e-magazines, etc. and displaying them on either an iPad or a Kindle or a Smart Phone. I like my mobile phone but prefer to use it for making and answering phone calls. I recently spent 30 minutes listening to two friends discuss their Blackberries, while I managed to finish a pint of beer. Boring.....

I think the issue here is how can Bookmooch deal with the onslaught of e-books, some of which and maybe soon to be many of which are only published as e-books. I fear Bookmooch might go the way of many daily newspapers and disappear all together. I have no idea if e-books can be shared. I suspect not, except for techies who know how to by-pass protections.

Watching people try to read on a Smart Phone has convinced me, that in the long run, that isn't going to work. Electronic Tablets and Kindles are another issue, however. I fear for Bookmooch and the printing and publishing industry and the quality of reading material produced without editors as this technology grows.

I wish I had a solution to the dilemma but as of today I have a concern without any idea of how to deal with it.

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
Could someone please start an e-book/luddite forum so we can discuss this separately from the 0.1 feedback.
13 years ago
Hey Dogearred, Thanks for a Sunday morning (in Hong Kong) chuckle and near LOL.
Ed Hahn
13 years ago
what has happened to book mooch?? I used to be able to get books all the time when I first joined at its beginning stages. I have a large wish list, and have not been able to mooch a book of choice for a long long time, they just are not available anymore, what changed?? It used to be that there were many books available, not anymore for me. I also have still no one responding that they received my books since they no longer are rewarded for it. I was informed by some fellow past bookmoochers that they have moved on to another site that looks really promising, lots of books I want available. But I want my old book mooch site back the way it was...
13 years ago
Sherrie, I agree that this site has problems. John has taken a couple of tiny steps to fix some things, but not nearly enough.
13 years ago
Bookmooch is far from perfect but it's still way ahead of the other sites, I've looked at. I've noted that some people are members of both sites and I would love to hear their comparative experiences.

As for me, I just got two books off my wishlist after months of the wishlisted book being gone before I could mooch it so the system is working. I often check the browse section on which books are made available as soon as they are listed. When I list new titles, they are often mooched within hours so some people are getting wishlisted books.

I've not had a big problem with people who do not acknowledge receipt but I seriously doubt that the .01 point is the reason they do not respond. I've had to "force receive" books in the past where the moocher was active and wouldn't even respond to my e-mails. Some people are jerks.

I think the biggest problem is that postage rates are so high that many people, particularly in the U.S., won't ship Internationally. The irony of that is, if U.S. members use Priority Mail, they can ship 3 MM PBs for $12.95. Compared to the EU, Australia and other countries, the U.S. is relatively cheap. I would like to see some incentive for people in the high postage countries to ship overseas. I'm lucky, I live in Hong Kong that still has "surface mail" so a MM PB costs about US$2.00 to 2.50 to ship anywhere in the world. I've started offering more than three points for an International mooch to try to break the logjam.

As I said in an earlier post, perhaps the days of paper and ink books are diminishing and we are feeling it in Bookmooch. The thought that I might be right saddens me.

Ed Hahn
13 years ago
I've personally always wondered how bookmooch could continue by giving out extra pts. So I'm ok with this ruling.

The International one doesn't really effect me much because I have stopped sending international and also mooching international. None of the books on my WL are so rare that I want them bad enough to pay extra pts for them. I don't have the postage budget to send international and when I did the pts racked up way faster then I could use them here. I've mooched a few books more than what I've sent and so I have no real complaints. But since I get few WL books here, I don't see a reason to rack a bunch of pts when my postage money is super tight.

I wish something could be done to reduce the number of people who delay books for long periods. I get really, really annoyed when I find a WL book of mine finally posted and then the sender is months behind in shipping. I'd like some sort of time frames that have to be followed. Or at least an option to put just an inventory on vacation so people with budget and time issues can still spend their pts but don't have to delete their inventory.

13 years ago
Wow, you guys are still at it? I'm with Lynn, all of our experiences with this site are different. I have actually mooched various books in the last couple of days, of course I furiously check my wishlist and not only rely on getting an email reminder that a book I want is available. I feel this site is more homey than PBS which is the other site I know of and use. PBS's set up sucks, I hate the waiting in line although it might seem fair and because points are harder to come across in that site, I only order books from my wishlist when they are offered to me and I rarely spend my points on books that are readily available. Still, even though I like Bookmooch's relax atmosphere more, there have to be some guidelines and the common theme amongst users is, in my opinion, that accounts should be audited to monitor irresponsible and unresponsive users. I just don't want our little site to go under, and those of you who complain about lack of books should probably change your definition of what a swap site is or go buy a Kindle.

ETA, also I'm with Jackie we should move this discussion elsewhere since it has veered off course a bit. Ed, I could discuss the perils of the book industry, the advent of the e-book and the Border's bankruptcy filing until exhaustion. I did ask in the general discussion forum how the Border's bankruptcy filing is affecting people, if they have less places to shop, etc. I love books so much that if I hadn't had such a traditional schooling, i.e. pre-med and then law, I would probably have gone into publishing.

13 years ago
I really responded positively to Lynn's comments. As for shipping internationally from the U.S., which I do periodically, there are a number of strategies. One is Priority Mail. I can easily fit 3 MM PBs in a P.M. envelope. At 12.95 total, the per book postage is only $4.33. Of course, this only works if you have a big enough inventory and the moocher wants 3 of your books. I've suggested in some cases that they ask friends for their choices and add those choices to the mooch. Another strategy is to offer extra points to someone who is willing to ship you a book you really want. That's worked for me very occasionally. The irony is how much more expensive it is to mail books from most European countries and places like Australia and yet people do it, just to be members of BM.

The issue of delayed shipment is a non-issue as far as I am concerned. I travel and have other interruptions to my routine so I often delay shipment. I always advise the moocher and give them the opportunity to cancel if the delay is too much. Only once has a person mooched and then canceled later, but before I had shipped the books. If someone does not announce a delay and waits weeks or months to ship, you can report them for abuse or just cancel the mooch.

About starting another thread. If we do that we lose all the previous posts so I, for one, can live with being off-topic.

Ed Hahn
13 years ago