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Not much junk on BM

There was a somewhat heated discussion about "junk books" recently in the comments to this blog entry: Followup 2: intl mooch ratio change

My own personal definition of a "junk book" is "a book that was listed on BM a long time ago, and never mooched." I don't make any judgements about "romance" being a "junk genre". For me, if someone else wants it, it's not junk. Junk is stuff that nobody wants.

I began thinking about things I could do to remove "junk books" from BM. One idea was perhaps to take the +0.1 point away if a book is not mooched in a year.

But... I realized I was getting ahead of myself.

I should rather ask "how many junk books are there really on BM?" Is this a real problem?

The best answer to that for me, would be by answering the question "how many books have been listed on BM for a long time and never mooched?".

Luckily, moocher Brett Tomlinson' extensive analysis answers this question. Here is his chart:

It looks to me like about 50% of books are less-than-one-year-old in BM, and about 75% are less-than-two-years-old.

Only 25% of the books on BM have been here over 2 years.

Most of the books on BM are recent, and are not considered junk, since they do get mooched.

Books added to inventory tend to get mooched, and there are lots of recently added books (50,000 in the past two months)

This makes the BM inventory of books look pretty healthy.

If there's a perception that there's a lot of junk on BM, it might simply be that BM is not very good at meeting people's expectations of what they might find (ie, it's not good at getting current best-sellers) and/or the browsing/recommendation system isn't satisfying people's book finding desires.

ps: does everyone know about their "personal recommendations" page (it's linked off your bio page)? Mine lists lots of interesting and moochable ideas:

pps: my apologies for all the recent blog entries! I'm just pretty jazzed up by all the interest in this topic.


John Buckman
13 years ago


Gee I really dont mean to bring Drama...haha I am just a very picky reader. Hope that becomes understood. When i said junk I meant junk to me...its like liking fruit loops but not jello with froot loops...not a very big deal when you realise I never meant to judge biggest thing is equal rights for everyone on the whole planet, haha.
~Love to all~
13 years ago
Tikay: not to worry, I wasn't singling you out at all.

The "used book store phenomena" has been something I had assumed would happen and was happening at BM and "junk books" have been on my mind as a possible problem for a long time.

The "used book store phenomena" is that the best books are picked off each day, so what remains at the used book store is a greater percentage of junk books vs good books.

However, what I think is happening is that BM is large enough that what would normally be "junk" at a used book store, because they have a small local audience, isn't junk to BM users, since there are so many of us, with so many varied tastes and interests. Fantastic!


John Buckman
13 years ago
I have to say I was a little disturbed by the idea that books that have been listed for a long time are "junk" books; I recently had mooched from me several books which I'm sure had been in my inventory for well over a year--two paperback novels, an intro to philosophy text from the 60s, and an anthology of African short stories which garnered the feedback comment "great anthology!"

Some books are just waiting for the right person to come along and mooch them.

13 years ago
As John mentioned, "junk is stuff that nobody wants." One day I put up a USED Spanish grammar workbook, as in 75% of the questions were already answered. I said so in the condition notes. I recall that it was mooched relatively quickly, measured in weeks, not months. I emailed the moocher, reminding him of the condition. "Send away," was the reply!
13 years ago
It would be interesting to see how many of the books that have been on the site for over a year have only one or two copies in the system. I wouldn't consider them junk books, just something obscure.

I think the much larger problem is inactive accounts. People often change their email address and disappear from the site. They may have a small inventory, or they may be in another country and only send to that country. It is SO frustrating when you are searching for a book, and something comes up, only to find it's not moochable for any number of reasons.

I think it would benefit the site greatly to tighten the belt on inactive accounts. If someone has not logged into the site for three months, they should automatically be sent an email asking if they still want to use the site. A quick link takes them back to the site where they are logged back in and that 3 month clock is reset. A failure to reply within a week puts their account on vacation hold. That easy. If they ever come back to the site they are off vacation hold and there is no penalty to them.

There are lots of people that I have attempted to mooch a book from that I didn't really want, just to put their account on vacation hold. I never had a single one of them send the book to me.

This might decrease the book inventory slightly, but it would greatly increase user satisfaction with the site. The only true junk books in the system are the ones from MIA users that we tie up points attempting to mooch with little to no chance of actually receiving.

13 years ago
pps: my apologies for all the recent blog entries! I'm just pretty jazzed up by all the interest in this topic.

No apologies necessary, this is fascinating and hopefully will lead to a better and healthier Bookmooch in the long run. It's nice to know you haven't gotten tired of this little project you started yet;)

13 years ago
I shudder to think of how many books I might not discover and enjoy, books that could change my life (seriously, not being dramatic here), if some books were considered "junk". I mooch books because I want them, or think I might like them - it doesn't matter at all to me if it's been listed for 1 hour or 1 year, or even 10. It doesn't matter to me if it's the latest thriller or an old classic or some obscure text in a half-forgotten language. As long as I can get it, it's a treasure to me. I'd be very disappointed in BookMooch if our book choices were limited based on how long they've been in the system.
13 years ago
What about having a list of books that have available for 2+ years? Like recently added, but the reverse?

Or elimininating the listing .1 point for books over a certain threshold (10-20+ copies)?

Please don't auto-vacation inactive members. I have gotten books from "inactive" members, and am fine with cancelling after a week to vacation those that are truly inactive.

13 years ago
Under my idea they would only be auto-vacationed if they failed to respond to an automated email asking if they wished to still be active. That's no different than failing to respond to a request for a book except that it means one (or more) less annoyed users who get a bad experience out of it.
13 years ago
while inventory is an interesting number, i'm curious what the mooch numbers are like. turnover is a better measure of the health of the bookmooch economy.

to me, bookmooch's greatest weakness is that it doesn't help you find books. you need to arrive knowing what you want. i think a lot of mooches are being left on the table simply because people aren't aware of them.

pandora for books? :)

13 years ago
 In my opinion the biggest culprits contributing to the "junk" problem are not obscure or strange books, but rather fad books which have been printed in the millions in the past but now are mainly ignored. Mega-bestsellers from years ago are lying around everywhere and no one's interested.

I thought this might be the case too, so I ran the numbers.

The top 200 most listed books (ie, most number of copies) account for about 10,000 copies on BookMooch.

Since there are over 400,000 books on BM, this means that the top 200 most listed books account for just 2.5% of the total number of books on BM.


John Buckman
13 years ago
I recently had several books mooched from me that were in my inventory for two years. I wouldn't mind seeing the .1 incentive for listing go away; in fact, I think it would solve a lot of scamming problems on the site. But I hate to see anything that would discourage people from removing inventory. As others have mentioned, it is usually just a matter of time until the right person finds your book.
13 years ago
I kind of like the idea of a list of "longest posted books" - at least temporarily -- like a clearance sale. There might be some real gems out there that just need exposure.
13 years ago
To me, junk books are the ones that were printed 15-20+ years ago. I do search by word and subject, but get tired of seeing really, really tired books coming up in the searches.


Cheri Love
13 years ago
What's that saying about trash & treasure? Books I have somehow acquired but would never read sometimes sit there for ages and then get mooched. Who can predict what others want to read? There are books I've looked at and thought of removing and, in a sort of Murphy's Law event, they are suddenly mooched. The books in my inventory are sitting in boxes in my study: they're alphabetically sorted by author. They're not in my way, so I'll leave them on my inventory: who knows when someone might want one.
And when I suddenly discover another author I like and want books from their backlist, I'm grateful someone else on BookMooch has done the same and I can mooch what I want.
I don't think there's too much junk on BookMooch. Maybe sometimes even there's not enough..................
Marianne in the land downunder with the kangaroos & koalas & beautiful beaches.
13 years ago
Please don't remove the 15-20 year old books! :)
As an English reader in Germany I only have access to the newer "bestsellers" in shops. It is so frustrating to discover an author and not having access to their older books, BM has been wonderful in that regards.
13 years ago
For me the junk books on BM are when there are 20, 30, 40 + copies of the same book. If you take a box of books to an exchange or a second hand book store, as the dealer looks through your books, you'll hear are I have 5 copies of that, I don't need another...
I look at how many copies of a book are moochable in my country, as well as whether the others listed will send worldwide, as part of my decision making in whether to list a book.
Would it be worth limiting the number of copies of a book listed in the same country? I know this is problematic as inactive users could end up taking the spot of a potentially moochable book and it also disadvantages users who need to get their .1 of a point in order to build points and be able to mooch.
I have no idea of programming, so this could be more effort than pay off.. but just thought I'd throw it out there
13 years ago
thanks for all the thought you are putting into improving BM, john. as some users above have experienced books have been mooched from my inventory that had been there for a long time and that even i had thought about removing but was then happy to send.
13 years ago
John said: 25% of the books on BM have been here over 2 years
But what would result if you consider the "possibly inactive" members? I think it would be better to find a way to delete inactive members' inventories, maybe after a period of 365 days of inactivity...
Arianna N.
13 years ago
I have to agree with Arianna. I wouldn't want to run into wishlists or listed books of people who have been "on vacation" forever. If it says just "inactive", it might simply mean that no one has mooched their books for some time and they haven't visited the site for that reason, but on the other hand it might mean that they indeed are inactive. It shouldn't take that much time to simply log in every once in a while if you want to let everyone know you're an active member, even if you haven't been lucky enough to get rid of some your books or haven't seen books you want lately.
13 years ago
books listed a long time ago: I agree with Heather, Karen and Maureen, I did have books mooched that have been in my inventory from almost when I joined here more than two years ago, and it still happens every now and then. There actually are some thing I consider quite lovely books in there and not "junk" at all.

also agree with Mel above, in that I don't mind older books, on the contrary, I have more than once mooched books from the 60ies or so, that I found here when they weren't even available on ABE books, so I don't think these should be considered "junk" either.

13 years ago
I'm a bit bothered that books in my inventory longer than a year might be considered junk books. I mailed out three mooches 2 days ago. Of those three books, two had been in my inventory more than 2 years. I have limited storage space, so list only books that are unique or at most have 1 or 2 other copies listed. It would be lovely if they would all be mooched within a year so that I don't have to continue to store them, but as many of the books I list are obscure, that doesn't happen.
To me a junk book is a book that has multiple copies listed with relatively few corresponding mooches over time. For instance, there are currently 190 copies available of one edition of The Pelican Brief by John Grisham. The total number of mooches of this edition is only 56. Do we really need more copies of this book listed into the system when so many are available already? In my opinion, a junk book is one that has far more copies available for mooching than will be mooched in several years - like that edition of The Pelican Brief.
13 years ago
One thought I would like to add is that it is often difficult to determine what is in demand and what is not. I had one book mooched within hours that I put up just to see if someone might be interested, thinking that I would probably not be able to find someone for it, while several books that I would have thought to find new homes more easily have been sitting in my inventory for quite some time.

I always try to find a balance of books that I think might be in demand and books that might be difficult to trade. I still like to keep some of those in my inventory, just in case someone wants them.

And yes, the browse function does make mooching extremly difficult. I have honestly never found a book through that. All books I have mooched or that are on my wishlist are books that I knew about and added by searching for the title, or are books I found on LT and added from there.

And I also agree that incative users are a huge problem. I have had a couple of frustrated moment recently looking for books and running into inactive accounts. This is especially annoying for books with lots of copies in the system, because it appears in fist sight that there is a good choice there, but actually fining a copy to mooch can be quite an adventure, because you have to find an active account among a sea of inactive ones.

13 years ago
I like Becca's idea for auto-vacationing non-resonsive-and-inactive users. Seems a good way of doing things; all they have to do is notice the e-mail and log in every three months to prevent it. Not too harsh for people who just don't get many requests, and a good way to remove those actually-not-helpful-at-all inventories that plague people searching. That seems reasonable.

And I really like infiniteletter's idea of a list of books that have been available for 2+ years. That would interesting to browse, might help people unearth buried treasures, and would certainly help folks who have "old" books they'd like to see mooched.

Sonia, I think it's better not to limit the number of copies of a book (any book) that can be listed. While those extra copies may not seem to add anything, they actually kind of do: potential moochers have such a huge number of choices to mooch from that they can easily pick somebody who has something else they want as well, thereby encouraging a new multi-mooch. :) Besides, it would be horrid if inactive users snatched up all those spaces, and you can bet that would start happening if we did set limits!

Karen, I don't think you need to worry about your theoretical situation; that's what mooch ratios are there to prevent, and they do so quite effectively. And inventory caps would be a terrible idea for quite a lot of superb BookMooch members who happen to have lots of books they want to offer to the community! A better solution, if this is a concern, would be to cap the total number of 0.1 points that one can earn for adding books to their inventory.

And yes, I have mailed out books that were in my inventory for 2+ years. Just mailed out two last week, actually, and to the same (international) person, no less! They were the only copies of their title in the system, and both went to somebody who has very little access to English language books in their country. So those two books, while "junk" to me for over three years, just became somebody else's treasure. Awesome. This is why I don't remove books unless they are not mooched for a long time AND oversupplied already. Every book deserves a chance of finding a home with somebody!

Emily Martha Sorensen
13 years ago
The thing about junk books is that they can suddenly change status. Some books hit the "junk" status because one era is too young to have heard of it, and the other era has heard of it and already read it. Sometimes a bit of media coverage is all it takes to make that junk book suddenly become the worlds most wanted read, eg when an old book is suddenly turned into a film production or a NEW film production, the modern generation sees the film and suddenly wants to read the book, and the older generation suddenly remembers they read that book 20 years ago and would like to read it again.

This months "best seller" can quickly become next months "old hat" and therefore a "junk book", but as long as there is another generation of book readers behind us, every book has the potential to come back into the limelight.

New members can suddenly change the status of a junk book. Suddenly a book that has been sat in somebody's inventory for ages is snapped up by a new member who has been looking for that book for ages.

In book terms I don't think "junk books" are a big deal, sooner or later somebody wants it. Its whether or not "junk books" have a negative impact on the function of bookmooch eg, does having 100 plus copies of one title listed on bookmooch serious detrimental affects on the speed/memory/data/usage of the site itself? Does having XXX number of single copies of obscure titles have a negative impact bookmooch? If not, leave the books alone. If they do... then something needs to be done.

If this is just about "I can't get hold of the books on my wishlist" (because its already in big demand), I personally believe that if you are that desperate to read it, you'll go out and buy it or have the patience to sit back and wait for it to start falling out of the limelight to becoming readily available. Bookmooch is like a second hand bookshop- its rare to get hold of a best seller, but if you are browsing for something to read without a specific title in mind, there is usually something available. Unfortunately the search facility at the moment isn't particularly efficient.

My biggest annoyance is that some of the older books don't have any information about what the book is about. All you have to go on is the title. In a second hand book shop you can look to the back cover for a synopsis, on bookmooch sometimes the only thing you have to go on is the title. If I don't already know what the book is about, I am reluctant to mooch a book just because its title sounds interesting. A book that sounds like an intersting thriller might turn out to be a seedy tale of romance... I hate romance stories! Anyway the point is that some of these obscure books have the potential to be mistaken for "junk books" simply because a synopsis isn't available for it.

13 years ago
In that case, Karen, I think capping the 0.1 points would still be an excellent solution, as it would apply to everybody. Wouldn't take away points that person received (and spent) retroactively, but would prevent them from earning any more by only listing.

And yes, chunnie, I agree that we could use more information about older books. I have the same problem all too frequently.

Emily Martha Sorensen
13 years ago
I listed about 1800 books when I joined which was when Bookmooch first started. I'm down to 600 books. While I've added a few over the years most of my mooches come from those I first listed. When I first started, I got about 20 mooches a week but now get two to three only because I've slowed done my response. If I respond everyday and send out everyday my mooches start going back up and I can no longer afford $40 a week. So I now send out only on payday. People need to look at the whole picture before putting people on vacation. I've given away about 1200 books and only received about 300. I think I've been a valuable addition to Bookmooch. I keep getting put on vacation because people see several books that I've accepted but not sent sitting there. I acknowledge requests just about every day except when I'm away from home. I'm tired of being vacationed.
Jay Moore
13 years ago
To quote Karen from above:


The mooch ratio does not stop this person having an inventory of 600 books for which they have received 60 listing points and spent every last one of them. They will continue to list large numbers of books, acquire and spend more listing points so once their ratio reaches it's limit they will owe a lot more than the 60 points they currently have in overdraft. Do you think they will stay around to send out books to redress that? I don't think so, I think they will just not bother any more or maybe they would just abandon that account and start a fresh one.


This angers me.

I am one of those with an inventory of nearly 600 books and am constantly uploading fresh stock, have condition notes included for all books (except some magazines listed), post out within two days of accepting mooch and am usually the only one who has a particular title listed. My inventory is NOT junk or popular titles. I offer a very mixed selection and throughly enjoy the BM experience and exchange.

I do NOT abuse the system nor ever intend to. I DO use all my points when I have them , I mostly multi-mooch and I accept most all mooches (bar the few I cannot locate). I also add in 'reviews' and more 'book content description' when I have the chance so folks know what the book etc is actually about.

What will decrease my activity is the future difficulty of mooching internationally and the reduction of points attributed; the removal of the 0.1 incentive for marking books as received and should there be a 'cap' on how many books can be listed plus if 0.1 is stopped for doing so.

Other constraints will of course be finance, rising postal rates (due to increase in the UK from April 2011) and a surplus of healthy books to mooch.

If anything, I think those who list large inventories should be commended and not damned.

13 years ago
I have no problem with books listed for a long period of time, but agree with the inactive accounts issue. Something really needs to be done about this.
13 years ago
How many books you have listed has nothing to do with whether they are junk or not! I think that how many copies there are available may be a more accurate indicator if such an indicator is needed.

I tend not to leave books on for a huge amount of time, but that is more to do with space here (and the books keep arriving - mother-in-law bequeathed a huge number to my husband and they aren't all in the house yet).

13 years ago
I believe that the old books should not be taken off. I am now retired and have much more time to read than I previously had. Especially on the series books, I am now beginning with the first in the series and following them to the end of the series or current one.

What really frosts me is when I request books, they are accepted, but the owner takes forever to mail them. I wonder if people are listing the books as they acquire them, then read them AFTER they have been requested. This problem might be fixed by giving deadlines (perhaps 7 days) and the owner forfeits the points if the transaction is not completed in a timely manner.

I really like BookMooch and hope it thrives. Frustration with people who are not responsible hurt it.

Jean L
13 years ago
I agree with soem of the comments previously lsited:

Find a way to get rid of the inventories of people who have been inactive for a period of time, whatever that may be. I bet that would clear up some of those books older than 2 years in the inventories.

I agree with chunni that books with no descriptions won't get mooched as readily as those that do. When I check out someone's inventory and there's no description for a book, I'm much less likely to mooch it.

You never know when a book will strike someone's fancy or someone will find a new author and want older books. I've just gotten interested in some authors whose books are older and hope I can find some on BM. So I hope older books will be on the site.

And I like the idea of a list of books which have been on there for a while. Would be interesting to see and I bet some would go. We are an eclectic group, aren't we?

13 years ago
The only things that I consider junk on BM are non-specialized magazines (like ReadersDigest and the like) that are added only to get the 0.1 point, and non-fiction books with outdated material (it depends on their subject, of course, computer books get out of date pretty quickly, while a 20-year old grammar book may be still useful).

Other, even old, books get mooched although it might take some time, or if they don't and if it's an active account the member will remove them after a while. Only books in inactive accounts sit around if that account is not set to vacation, so if there were a way to sort these, the books will be gone too.
I'd suggest sending the owner of an account that hasn't been logged into for a year an automatic email telling them to log back in into their account or it'll be set on vacation automatically (but that they'll continue to receive WL notifications) and also suggesting to update their inventory.

13 years ago
I completely agree with deleting inactive accounts. Perhaps people that haven't signed on in a year. I think that would really clean things up.
I try to recruit friends and acquantiances to join bookmooch but I always try to explain to them that they have to be dilligent about checking the account of the person they are trying to mooch from because there are so many inactive accounts. I've had friends that have joined and tried to mooch books and gotten very frustrated due to non-replies. This gives people a negative reaction to bookmooch and some may stop using.
13 years ago
Please,please consider putting kids books into a separate area. I know I stop browsing after I see too many kids titles. If done, people who want those materials will find their needs more quickly too. I know I will mooch more, therefore I will need to put more moochable books into my inventory to keep that going. Normally I know I need to place more attractive books into the pot to keep going.

Kevin O
Thousand Oaks, CA

13 years ago
There's one other thing that came to my mind: adding books on wishlists that are NOT available on any of the Amazon sites. There are such books, after all. That doesn't seem to be possible at the moment.
13 years ago
Yes i agree with deleting the inactive accounts.
13 years ago
I should clarify my comment about books older than 15 years or so. It's the nonfiction books, particularly informational books that old, that are duds in my opinion. For example, a book on gardening from the 80's or 90's is likely to lack color photos and be very different from a current book on the subject.
Cheri Love
13 years ago
I didn't know about the "recommendations" feature until reading this thread, so I checked mine out. It is quite interesting in that many of the books are way outside of my taste in reading; so that made me wonder how these recommendations are developed. Does it have to do with what's on my wishlist?
13 years ago
This comment was made several times:

 I agree with the above. Deleting inactive accounts to get rid of some of the books never mooched/looks available would be great.

This absolutely happens now and has for years.

Whenever an account goes on vacation, all their books are removed from their inventory.

An account is "put" on vacation if someone mooches a book from them, the person doesn't respond, and the moocher cancels after waiting more than 2 weeks. This system has been in place for years and seems to work well.


John Buckman
13 years ago
I notice that it only takes 1 month for the "possibly inactive" notification to show up next to a user name, and I think that's a little soon. 1 month can go by very quickly and the "possibly inactive" may deter some moochers. What do people think of this for a proposal for vacationing inactive accounts? After 3 months, the "possibly inactive" shows up with an automatic e-mail sent out. At 6 months inactivity the account is auto-vacationed with a notification email encouraging them back in the future. The wider time frame I think is more reasonable for the lower volume or seasonal moochers who are still a necessary and vital part of the system.
13 years ago
What's the problem with 'junk books'? Soem of the books I've had that have taken a long time to mooch were ones where I'd thought 'I'd quite like to keep this, but if someone else wants it, I suppose they can have it', so if nobody wanted it for months, that's fine. If people don't list their 'junk' books, then they're not there when someone *does* want them, and obviously people are free to unlist at any time.

The only thing I can see that could be useful would be some kind of measure of how likely you are to get a book mooched. Something based on the frequency with which it's offered, the time before it's mooched, whether it is/has been wishlisted, that sort of thing. I say that because sometimes I've found out a whole stack of books to get rid of that I don't have space to keep and I like to check BM first to see if they're wishlisted or otherwise in demand because then I'm happy to list them and send them out, but if other copies haven't moved then I'd like to know so I can get rid of them.

13 years ago
Can you not sort by date and internally remove everything beyond two years old?
John Vernon Scott
13 years ago
One suggestion I would like to make is to have the magazines (many Living mags come up when searching Martha Stewart etc. ) in their own section-that you would have to seek out in order to have them listed. Since they come up with the books list-I almost inadvertently mooched one-and I may not be alone.



13 years ago
One person's junk is another person's treasure. Not sure I like the idea of any books being considered "junk."

I've used BM to literally replace a good 2/3 of my personal library with what I thought were "junk" books with books I now hold with value. Yet, a very large portion of the books I put up were mooched within seven days.

I've done a fair bit of browsing on BM to see what is available and I have yet to find a junk book.

13 years ago
I think a book which is listed a longtime, if rare (in the sense of being few copies, not in the rare book sense) and available, is not a junk book. It´s the 500th copy of something which is a junk book
- though maybe if all first copies are on the same country and nobody ships internationall, the 500th copy with international shipping might be pretty valuable.

I have had books listed a long time mooched by somebody who really really wanted them. And a few books I want but can not mooch (not without asking an angel, and it´s not that high a priority) seem to have been listed a longtime.

There is one essential difference in regards a normal used bookstore, which is bookmooch is much larger, so there is a much larger audience of interests and tastes to browse. Say you got a book on an obscure topic, on a normal bookstore it might sit there forever. Here it´s much easier to be found by somebody interested on that topic.

13 years ago
Scarface123, why would you not try to mooch a book from them?

Just this week, I asked someone to Angel a book for me from someone in another country. That person hadn't been on for 500 days, but logged in and accepted the mooch.

I also cancelled 2 mooches that hadn't been accepted in a month from 2 members.

13 years ago
To me, the only junk books are those that, after reading, I'm embarassed to say that I wasted the time doing so...but then, somebody else sees it listed and jumps on it like the last Twinkie in Zombieland, so you never can tell.
Rebel Sun
13 years ago
John Buckman, you need to be more careful with your phrasing. You said

> I began thinking about things I could do to remove "junk books" from BM.

Cue the histrionics.

Did you perhaps mean hold down the multiplication of junk books?

As long as I can continue to have "junk" books in my inventory, I don't see a problem. So, after a couple of years they no longer count as 0.1 point. I can live with that as long as there's no interference in my ability to trade them as usual when someone does eventually mooch them.

I'm not sure your proposed solution sufficiently addresses whatever problem you're perceiving, though. There are the books that are rarely wanted (ye olde browsing function debates). But as at least one person pointed out here, there are also books for which there is far more supply than demand, more copies of which get added to inventories every day. "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" anyone? Anyone?

13 years ago
> does everyone know about their "personal recommendations" page

Lately I've been suspecting I'm the only person who knows about it. I keep telling people about it but it just doesn't seem to "stick". In fact in the last two weeks I've seen two people suggest that BookMooch add one. ??!

13 years ago
I appreciate all books. I have mooched books that turned out to be a real treasure to me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If I list a book that nobody wants, that just means it is going to be harder for me to get points. I find books by browsing someone's inventory, when I realize I have similar interests. Then I mooch all I can. I like bookmooch because there are so many out of print books. I thought that was what bookmooch was all about. One man's junk is another man's teasure.

When I go to Sheppherd's Book Sale every year, a book with a lot of damage does go for less money than a better book with the exact date and title.

T Jones
13 years ago
John, yes, the current system for vacationing inactive users probably does remove most of them. But it usually is a somewhat unpleasant experience for the requester who has hope they might get a book, and then has to cancel. Why should the responsibility of vacationing inactive accounts fall to the user?

There is also the problem that accounts that are "temporarily on hold" still have their books show up in search results, yet you cannot mooch them!

The "auto-vacation" I proposed would not _automatically_ vacation anyone. It would send them an email after 3 months of failure to log in to the site, similar to a mooch request. If they failed to respond to that then they would be put on vacation. If they fail to respond to that, you can assume there is about a 99% chance they would also fail to respond to your mooch request, so I am not sure why anyone would think the current system is better :/

Another problem with inactive accounts is their wishlists. There are inactive accounts with 0 books in their inventory, meaning none of us can vacation them (nor should we the users be responsible for this...) but their wishlists are still active. Well the problem is they never log in to claim any wishlist books. SO when it is time to list a book, I see that three people have it wishlisted. Yay! Only all three people are inactive and no one ever requests my book. Boo :( I think most of us have probably had that experience...

13 years ago
I agree that an auto-vacation would be nice: if someone doesn't respond to an email saying their account will be vacationed, I find it unlikely they'd respond to a mooch, and it might encourage people to remember about the site and come back.
13 years ago
I just looked at one of my books that rarely get mooched, wondering how long has it been listed. I can't tell what date I listed it. I would really like to know the dates. That way I can tell if my book is wanted or unwanted. Then I can remove it myself. My inventory would be easier for people to search also.
T Jones
13 years ago
I also agree with deleting inactive accounts. I have books in inventory that have been listed for about 2 years and every once in a while someone will come in and mooch one so I agree that there are books for everyone it just takes the right someone.
13 years ago
I just looked at one of my books that rarely get mooched, wondering how long has it been listed. I can't tell what date I listed it. I would really like to know the dates. That way I can tell if my book is wanted or unwanted. Then I can remove it myself. My inventory would be easier for people to search also.

Under the pull down menu on your inventory you can select "settings" and change what book details are visible, including date added. In the same pull down menu is the option to search your inventory. This option is available from any inventory.

13 years ago
I have to agree with deleting non active accounts after three months. However, from personal experience I was away on holiday for a week, someone requested a book from me in the week and as I didn't respond straight away put my account on vacation! I was reluctant to let people know I was on holiday for security reasons. Beware! Can I also just say thanks to those lovely people who answered my questions about Angels, it was much appreciated!
Jo Gadsden
13 years ago
In my opinion, I wouldn't remove books from active accounts no matter how long they've been on. I've posted some obscure books looking for just that right person and most have gone but sometimes it takes awhile for that person and that book to meet.

As others have mentioned, instead remove inactive accounts (or somehow automate the "vacation" process). For example, if someone has not logged on for say, 60 days, automatically put them on vacation. Then perhaps limit the vacation -- if it is over 6 months, then perhaps remove them? I think you could give them a "warning system" -- automated emails reminding to log in when the account gets close to being deactivated or has been put on vacation.

I know life gets in the way but being part of the community requires you to mooch and send books, so keeping an inactive account on forever just inflates the point system and shows books that can't be mooched because the account owner isn't active anymore.

I like that you are getting our feedback. Thanks for doing that!

13 years ago
ps: does everyone know about their "personal recommendations" page (it's linked off your bio page)? Mine lists lots of interesting and moochable ideas:

I didn't know about this feature; can't seem to find it do I get there?


13 years ago
There's no need to ever delete a valid account. If they are on vacation, their inventory is hidden from searches, and I *assume* that their wishlist is hidden and that they don't get wishlist notifications.

Just an automation of the vacation process is what we need, with notification to the user so that they can respond and prevent their account from going on vacation.

Being put on vacation prematurely by an impatient user is pretty annoying, I had it happen once, but fortunately it's easy to remedy.

13 years ago
Click 'browse', then 'recommendations'.
13 years ago
so silly, i found it right after i posted.
Appreciate the response!
13 years ago
I don't want a mailing deadline and would leave the site if one is imposed-people forget they are getting the bk free and can go out and buy it if they don't want to wait-we all have bills to pay and many of us are mailing despite working around tight budgets/layoffs/unemployment etc--I've waited months for bks and am just glad to get them when i do--it is always an option for an impatient moocher to cancel--as to mega printings-that is where I see a possible cap but stating that another generation of readers or intl readers might want them is true-and as to old books yes yes list them--as Kim says one made a great difference for her-I too homeshooled my boys and was aware of Montessori from very early on thru books from the library--there is a renewed interest also in authors from the 50s/60s/70s like Truman Capote--a whole new generation is discovering those books--which you might find at an estate sale or resale shop
13 years ago
@MacsBrains If you are going not to be able to respond for a while you can easily state this in your bio. If you are worried about security as someone mentioned about NOT saying they were going on oliday, you can always just add to your status "I shall be busy and unable to respond to requests until..."

Mailing deadlines? No, I don't want them, but people to send when they have agreed to or at the very least respond to mails asking why they have not sent, YES! With journalling this is particularly important. I came across a BMjournal that had been on Bookmooch for 4 years the other day and only 4 moochers had made entries in it!

As for removing books that stick, I had a book for sale on Amazon for 4 years and then it was bought by the great-nephew of the author who had been looking for a copy for years! Most of my inventory falls in that category.

13 years ago
I disagree with Jean L about the limit. Some of us can only afford to send out once a month, and if someone requests in middle month is not that persons fault. i think if communication isn't kept up and such, maybe then it could be considered. John obvs. put the delay and choose time for a reason. Some of us will definitely send, just make a budget and need to stick to it and I try to send out the requests in order received, so the person does get it in a timely manner and if i can't send as promise i let the person know.
13 years ago
If you're willing to wait a good long time for the right person to show up, a sales rank of 2 or 3 million wouldn't be out of the question.

I just did a random check in my wishlist. I have one book that is around 10 million on the list, And it's an old computer book too;) So please, post old, obscure books. After the international point change that's about all I'll be mooching!

13 years ago
The recommendations don't work at all for me since my inventory is what I don't want after buying everything leftover at my local libray's friend sale.

I'd like to exclude what I give and have recommendations based on what I mooch.

13 years ago
I absolutely agree with InfoPump; base recommendations on what I mooch, rather than what I list, and I'd be checking them regularly!
Cheri Love
13 years ago
I agree with the idea of auto-vacationing accounts after a set time limit rather than depending on someone to do the mooch-just-to-deactivate account process for the site. I mooch on a regular basis (I am on the site daily) but do not want to spend my time babysitting others account just to deactivate them.

I also agree with the stance on not deleting books that have been in the system over a year or even two years. I recently had 5 books posted over two years ago get swapped out on another swap site and on BookMooch in the past month I have had at least 4 books mooched that have been posted over a year or two.

I think it all depends on that 'right' person coming along. I am constantly discovering a new author and then I come to BM to look for their older books.


13 years ago
I don't see MacBrain's concern about not wanting to "vacation" his account on the grounds of security.
BM "vacation" is necessarily a signal that you have left home and that your home and possessions are unguarded.
"Vacation" is perfectly appropriate if you are ill, preparing for a wedding, moving, studying for exams, or just taking a break for any or no reason.
13 years ago
My question about the idea of removing books that have been listed a long time or for which there are many copies would be, what is gained by this? Is having these books listing somehow taking up virtual space that is needed? I just don't see the harm of having these listed; you never know when someone will want one. If the person listing doesn't mind keeping the books around in case they are wanted, what's the harm?

Inactive users and those who "game" the system are real issues, IMHO.

13 years ago
Re gaming the system I think removing the 0.1 point just for listing a book is what should be tackled not the international mooching ratio. I'll mooch less abroad probably now when the points spent are 3 not 2 but don't see why we should get 1 point just by listing 10 old perhaps unmoochable books. Why should you be able to mooch books just by listing rather than sending?
If the 0.1 is removed then books that never move will more likely be taken to charity shops/school fetes (also good cause) rather than clogging up space at home because they accrued a point already spent.
13 years ago
InfoPump and Cheri Love are saying Recommendations is based on your inventory. That's not what its help file says. It says recommendations are based on wishlist, save-for-later, and what you've mooched.
13 years ago
Hey John,

Have you read The Long Tail by Chris Anderson? Your chart from above resembles the power law that Anderson talks about drives the long-tail market. He pulls heavily from the 80/20 rule. I don't think the books that have been in inventories for longer than 2 years is a problem at all; Bookmooch is a long-tail market and interest in books isn't limited solely to wishlists.

Would be interested in talking more about this if you are.


13 years ago
I think getting rid of books from the system PURELY based on how long they have been listed is a TERRIBLE idea.

I have a lot of books in my Inventory that have been there since I joined in 2006. They are hardbacks from the 1940-1960s. They aren't particularly popular, and they certainly don't move fast. But for 99.9% of them, they are the ONLY copy of that title in the system. And while as I said, they don't move fast, they DO move eventually, as people go looking for books for their parents or grandparents or whatnot and are delighted to find copies of books they never thought they would see.

Books that have been here a long time, but are the only (or one of few) copies available aren't a problem for a book mooching site.

Having 50+ copies of the same book is far more "junk", in my opinion.


13 years ago
What is junk to one person is a pearl of wisdom to another!
I just got asked (by different people) for a couple of books that have been on my inventory for some time. I enjoyed them both but for a while it seemed no-one else would. I am happy to be sending them out and probably couldn't have if the one year rule applied.
pamela biss
13 years ago
I had a junk book that had been in my inventory for a long time. I didn't want it sitting around anymore. I noticed there was someone who had it on their wishlist but had never mooched it. I asked for her address and sent it to her without receiving any points for it. Sure, it cost me a couple of bucks, but I bet it made her day. And the book is in the hands of someone who will hopefully enjoy it, which was a better fate for it than being tossed in the thrift store pile, and possibly never opened again.
13 years ago
I am so afraid to say this right now, seems at times I am an instigator...but books that have been listed in this site for over two years may be appreciated by people in your area, there are people living in shelters who like to read, there are hospitals in need of books for occupational therapy...there are many who might love the book who only visit thrift stores. This sort of thing seems obvious. I am just interested in getting books to the people, not holding them for the people who can eventually find out about this book place.

Is the system set up so that it causes a real deficit to remove them when they dont move, after a long, long time?
I'm just sayin'...

(Oh WHY DO I Do It?) haha

13 years ago
>>But as at least one person pointed out here, there are also books for which there is far more supply than demand, more copies of which get added to inventories every day. "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" anyone? Anyone?

Funny, I just had a mooch request for that very book last week, and mailed it today! Don't forget that even 100 copies of a book won't help someone who wants that book if they are all "my country only"--and members in non-English speaking countries, without access to English books in libraries or used book stores or free Amazon shipping are exactly the ones who may be looking for one of these books. Such a book may not have been mooched earlier for several reasons (new members, new interests of an old member.)And we international members need the mooch traffic in BOTH directions. Our *supply* is limited enough already!

13 years ago
One way of moving old inventory may simply to be to remove the book and then relist it. Many people browse the "recently listed" feature and mooch books that may not be on their wishlists.
13 years ago
That is a really great idea, I relist some of the books that have not moved. And the information (Title, Condition, etc) could be copied to notebook and a person would not have to re-type them in...just copy & paste. would take effort.
I just feel about this site the same way I feel about my own bookshelves...if I do not still plan to read something, it needs to be passed along. And if something isn't getting moved over years, then there are other outlets so that good books don't rest unread.

In Kona we had a free box at the local health food store, things did not stay there long...people always came along and took them because they could SEE them, touch and examine them...that's all I am saying.
Sometimes a person only reads a book after they have held it in their hands. Let's get these books into peoples hands. Some books turn people lives around.
Others just bring readers who LoVe them.

13 years ago
I took a look at Aramada's inventory and saw several titles that seemed interesting, but there is no description of the book - nor could I find one on Amazon or other sites I use.
I would suggest adding some information regarding the book - it might just be what a moocher needs to try it out.
13 years ago
I did not have time to read all of the comments on this topic, and apologize if my comment repeats what others have said. I'd like to see a system in the future that allows damaged books to be mooched for less than one point. A small handfull of titles on my Wishlist have had only 1 copy listed for 4-6 months, and the copy listed as damaged. It would be nice to be able to mooch those for half or 3/4 of a point and use them for scrapbooking, card making or altered art, but I am not inclined to spend a point on them when I could continue to wait for a copy here that is in better condition or to try to find the title in a local thrift store or used book store.

Similarly, if a title has been around a year it would be nice to be able to mooch it for less than a point; sort of like shopping the clearance cart/shelf at the used book store.

CK Poppins
13 years ago
Unfortunately, a book having been listed for over a year won't make its shipping half as cheap so I don't see people with the "long tail" kind of inventory wanting half points for their books unless you can arrange to mooch enough at once that it'd be worth it to them.
13 years ago
Interesting thought on the 'damaged' or poor quality books, but it should be up to the lister. I have offered books for free with another mooch. Same thing could be done with older inventory books, but again it should be up to the lister. It wouldn't hurt to ask for a smooch back on a multi-mooch of older books.
13 years ago
I agree with what Carol said about books with lots of copies and members not being willing to ship overseas. I have recently listed books by very popular authors that have lots of copies in the system but because I am willing to ship anywhere, my copies of those books have been snatched up, even those with minor disclosed damage.
13 years ago
The 'no description' 'no cover photo' being a problem is true. I am an artist and what attracts me to a book (other than the title or author)is visual and so a cover first of all--if it is a terrible cover I'll possibly pass it over unless there is ample and interesting description--if there is no description either I'm really likely to pass it over-an author new to me will not stop me from mooching if the description and cover appear worthwhile--I have read lots of authors new to me--by the same token I am also very into medieval history including excavations and historical soc docs which can have bland covers but I expect that-it isn't the cover but what's inside that matters in that case-
13 years ago
To Becca>> even when I'm on vacation, I get wishlist notifications.

And not everyone on vacation is "put" there by BM. When I'm not going to be near a comp for awhile , I put myself on vacation just so there won't be frustrated moochers cause I'm not immediatelt responding.

At the same time, YES, inactive accts of over 1oo days is EXTREMELY annoying when the only listing of a bk I want is theirs. And as far as the "junk books" comment goes, some of my wishlist books were published 100 yrs ago. If one of them showed up on BM, I would be ESTATIC!

This is supposed to be a site of READERS, no book is truly a piece of junk, it just needs to find the right home.

13 years ago
My reading tastes can vary over time. There are books which have been listed for a long time. I might have not been interested in them 18 months ago, but am now.
I appreciate everything BM does to help my book-addiction, and I am not read for book-rehab yet.
13 years ago
There are books in my inventory that are there forever. One of them is De koperen tuin, written by Simon Vestdijk. Nobody can call that junk, it's one of the best books there is. The only problem is that it's written in the original language, dutch. I listed it because I hope there's someone in the world who someday wants to read the book in the original language and has a hard time finding it (which would be the case if you're outside the Netherlands) My point is:
I hope there won't be a day that books in other languages than the major languages would be considered junk because they are in inventories longer.
13 years ago
I don't believe there are junk books. As other people have stated, I have had books in my inventory for more than a year that were eventually mooched. New people join and ask for these books, and people develop interests at different times.
There is a book for everyone and there is someone for every book. I even had a dog book from the 1970s that I thought would never be mooched, because the book had gone through many updates and revisions. But someone asked for it eventually. I told them there were more recent editions available for mooching, but they wanted my edition.
The same happened with a television series guide book that was old as dirt.
I walked into a used book store one time and felt myself lucky to find a book on Tagalog (a Filipino language) which I bought. The owner said to me, "I didn't think this book would ever sell. Just goes to show there's a book for everyone."
13 years ago
I don't think any books should be considered "junk books" just because they aren't mooched right away.
13 years ago
"and/or the browsing/recommendation system isn't satisfying people's book finding desires."

I find browsing here to be near impossible. The topics under the "Browse" feature are too general and then when I try to search within it gets worse. Just now I ran a number of searches for travel memoir type books using a variety of terms. Most of the books that came up were novels, even when I started with non-fiction! The only way I can find books here is if I already KNOW them by title, author or ISBN.. A better functioning Browse/Search feature would have me ordering far more books. I can't order what I don't see.

13 years ago
I have to agree with berky, most of my inventory is from cleaning out books that I read at one time or another and now my taste has changed and I no longer won't to keep that kind of book.

I am reasonably new to BM, but I love it and am constantly telling people about the site. I love the fact that I can look for older books from what might be a "new" author to me. (I have this OCD thing about reading an authors books in the order they were written:)). BM has been a godsend for me!!

13 years ago
I like your definition of "junk" and think it's appropriate. I don't look for a lot of current bestsellers here, just the opposite in fact. BM is the first place I look when I discover an "older" novel that I missed. Unfortunately, I very rarely hit pay dirt with BM because so many of the books listed are similar: Grisham, Koontz, Clancy, etc.

And I don't see anyway to avoid that. These are former bestsellers that people are eager to get rid of, which is why every thrift store out there has a bazillion copies on their shelves that they can't even give away.

The solution to more book variety is simple: more BookMooch members. Encourage your friends to join, pass out the bookmarks with advertising, etc, etc.

The reason I almost always find the book I'm looking for over at Paperback Swap and not at BM is because I believe they have more members. But PBS won't accept advanced copies for trade (one of the things that makes BM fantastic).

More members....we need more members! :)

Michele J.

13 years ago
"The "auto-vacation" I proposed would not _automatically_ vacation anyone. It would send them an email after 3 months of failure to log in to the site, similar to a mooch request. If they failed to respond to that then they would be put on vacation. If they fail to respond to that, you can assume there is about a 99% chance they would also fail to respond to your mooch request, so I am not sure why anyone would think the current system is better :/"

Becca's idea I've copied here is by far my favorite. I think it addresses the issue quite nicely and would take the "responsibility" from those who are mooching to have to mooch, to then decline, to put someone on vacation. I agree it shouldn't be something that we who are mooching should have to do.

Or: maybe set up a place the we can send a "think this person is inactive" email to have the admins check it out? Still alot of work for us moochers but far better than having to mooch, delete and thus lose our spot on the wishlist list.

infiniteletters' idea of deleting the .1 point for books listed that already have 20+ copies is a great one. I don't want them to stop being listed as I do multiple mooches sometimes and knowing someone has a book that has 20+ copies listed makes my job easier in choosing who to mooch that book from. Why not reward the first 20 people with that .1 point and those who still wish to list it can with the knowledge there is no .1 point for listing it?

As for books that have been listed longer than 2yrs: I really do not want them to disappear as I am constantly discovering books that are new to me that I never knew existed. As my world expands so do my book choices and having them deleted does no one a service.

13 years ago
It does seem a bit odd that we have forums running that 1) lament the decreasing number of books listed and 2) urge us to remove books listed for a long time. Seems a bit contradictory.
13 years ago
Under the pull down menu on your inventory you can select "settings" and change what book details are visible, including date added.

Cara - I couldn't find anything in "settings" that let me see when I added the book to my inventory. Even clicking on "details" didn't provide me with that information. Knowing when a book was added would be desirable. What am I missing?

13 years ago
ps: does everyone know about their "personal recommendations" page (it's linked off your bio page)?

Um, "bio page"? What's that?

Searching the comments, I see that the recommendations actually are a link on the "Browse" page. John, maybe you could edit your post to say so.

13 years ago
There is no such thing as a 'Junk Book'. Just because it's been listed a long time doesn't mean it's junk. It only means that the right person hasn't seen it here, yet.

As for books printed 15-20 years ago, I'd love to see a list of them, also. I don't have any specific books I'm looking for. When I go to spend my points, I just browse to see what's available and what looks interesting.

Is there any way for us members to find out which books have been here the longest?

Personally, I'd like to take a look at them. There could be something there that I might want.

13 years ago
"Recommendations" can be found in two ways -
From the "member home" page click "name" - to go to "your bio" page -
From "browse" there is also the "recommendations" tab.
13 years ago
One thing I haven't seen mentioned here (and that's probably due to laziness in reading!) is that even "junk" books are sometimes mooched because they come from the same seller - so if I'm getting book A from a seller, and I look through their inventory and see book B (which 200 other people also have listed) I'll get it from the same seller. So you never know when they'll go!

I'm often guilty of going inactive - I work 4 part time jobs and travel a lot, and even when I'm home, sometimes I'm just too exhausted to respond in a timely manner. And then I feel guilty WEEKS later when I haven't, so I just keep avoiding :/ I like the current auto-vacation system, because it absolves me from a lot of that stupid guilt.

13 years ago
I like having a multitude of people to choose from, so I would not appreciate a limit on the number of copies a book can have. As I have said before, I actually look at the people whom I am going to mooch from-maybe someone is new and could use a mooch to get going, someone is local to me vs. across the country etc.
13 years ago
I think the issue is not so much junk, but not so much newer stuff.

I agree that one of the nice things about BM is that we can post advance reader copies. I usually keep mine until I need points, but I'm going to post all of mine today, and I challenge all of us to do this on a regular basis. With newer stuff, we can attract more participants!

Cheri Love
13 years ago
What some people would consider junk in my inventory might just come from the fact, that my books there arent all in English. They will stay there a bit longer, but other Danes will end up taking them, cause I keep on spreading the word about us, and another favourite of mine.
13 years ago