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'Mooch Gatherings' feature

I am getting ready to add a meet-in-the-real-world-and-exchange-books feature.

I'm struggling a bit for names to describe this feature. Some ideas I've had:

    "meet and mooch"

And would love suggestions (via the comments feature) of names for this.

As far as the feature goes, I'm thinking that it'll be a special kind of forum.

Namely, you'll be able to:

  • create a "gathering", specifying its time and place. This will create a dedicated forum for the gathering.

  • people can click an "attend" button, which joins them to the forum.

  • people can view the members of a forum, which in this case means they can see who will be attending the gathering

  • people can browse the inventories of others attending the gathering and send "ask first" requests other attendees to bring certain books with them. This will not mooch the book, but it will reserve the book for them, so others cannot mooch it. The reservation expires the day after the gathering.

  • each time someone clicks the "attend" button, a message will be auto-posted to the forum saying they're attending, with a link to their inventory (or maybe list their inventory, if it's under 100 books). In this way, you can keep on top of what books are available to you by attending this gathering.

  • gatherings occurring within 100 miles of you will automatically appear on your home page, so you're aware of what you could go to. You can opt out of seeing gatherings altogether, or shorten the distance you're willing to travel. With this feature, gatherings automatically notify likely attendees.

  • since the gathering feature is actually a forum, people can discuss the gathering and post messages to each other.

Other ideas?

I'm planning on having a Mooch Gathering in London in November, and then another one in San Francisco in January. By then, hopefully I'll have done a decent job with the feature and other moochers can run with it and have their own self-organized gatherings.


My replies to some comments below:

 Could it be possible to give an opportunity of take 100 miles or your country? Even in Germany or others there are not so much "Moocher", so someone like to go father than 100 mils.

It would be *much* easier programming-wise for me, if you were shown "Meet and Mooch" events in your Country (if not USA) or in your State (if USA or Canada). That might be how I do it on a first pass, just to save me work, as the "100 miles" idea is several days work.

 How would this work? Would you have to set up one-to-one trades for the Meet and Mooch, or could you spend your BookMooch points there, if no one was interested in your inventory?

If you "reserve" a book from someone attending, they bring it with them. You look at it, and if you like it, you do a regular mooch. If you don't like it, you give it back to them and the next day the reservation is automatically canceled.

I also think people should bring books that they believe others _should_ be interested in, and they try (in person) to get others to mooch them.

 Moochups sounds great! I love that there might be one in London in November - I'm based in London, so if you need any help organising that, give me a shout. I'm a PA by job, and work for a company with a media/news side, so could alert a lot of colleagues about it (part of the Green Team maybe).

Thanks, that would be very helpful.

I'm planning on having it at a friend's apartment in Covent Garden (central London), and can probably accommodate 50 people. My plan is for each person to bring a food or beverage, so we can mooch food off each other as well!

John Buckman
13 years ago


Find the name meet and mooch is perfect, even for people with english as a second language.

It says what happen or is the idea from this event.

Could it be possible to give an opportunity of take 100 miles or your country? Even in Germany or others there are not so much "Moocher", so someone like to go father than 100 mils.

13 years ago
Excellent idea! Maybe those with extra padded envelopes could bring them along for redistribution.
13 years ago
Mooch Fairs
Kirk McElhearn
13 years ago
This is so cool. Hope we can organise one in London, UK!
13 years ago
Great idea. I like Meet and Mooch too. Simple and effective!
13 years ago
moochings or moochfest sound great to me, meet and mooch (meet-n-mooch, meet2mooch)is fine.

Great idea btw.

13 years ago
MoochMeets sounds good. Moochups is also a great one. Great idea.
13 years ago
How would this work? Would you have to set up one-to-one trades for the Meet and Mooch, or could you spend your BookMooch points there, if no one was interested in your inventory?
13 years ago
I like MoochFest, but if you want to go for a little more hip, trendy, or nutty how about:

The Moocher Faire
Mooching Man
Mooch 2.0

Okay, that's all I've got for now...

13 years ago
I like "Moochings" & "Moochups" :)
13 years ago
I like moochup too and moochfest.
13 years ago
I like the idea of keeping the "mooch" part in the name, to stay consistent and therefore not create any misunderstandings. That said, I like "moochup" best.
13 years ago
I like moochups, and moochmeets the best
janel taylor
13 years ago
Love this idea. People with the BookMooch cards and bookmarks could also bring along a supply to give away/mooch.

Like the Meet and Mooch, Moochups and Moochmeets.

13 years ago
I love Moochup! :-)
13 years ago
I like 'moochmeets' best, then 'moochfest', or 'mooch-n-meet,' thanks. Great idea! :)
13 years ago
Organize one in Vancouver or Prince rupert please.
13 years ago
'Mooch'n Mix?

Any way that we can list those large/ heavy books that are just too heavy to mail as available only at one of these events?

lin chiswell
13 years ago
Moochups sounds great! I love that there might be one in London in November - I'm based in London, so if you need any help organising that, give me a shout. I'm a PA by job, and work for a company with a media/news side, so could alert a lot of colleagues about it (part of the Green Team maybe).
13 years ago
It would be nice to have one in Spain, depending the city where more moochers live ;)
Eva Alloza
13 years ago
I vote for MoochMeet; Moochups #2.
13 years ago
re lin chiswell's message:
One could specify that a book is only available for a 'meet and mooch' in the condition notes. I occasionally add only available to the UK or for multimooch abroad to my condition notes already.
13 years ago
lets have a Mooch-a-palooza in Houston I don't care what its called, I just can't wait to go to one
13 years ago
Well, we would be meeting...and LOL Once it catches on, maybe it would become a word that would have to be added to the dictionaries.

"Where are you going tonight?"
"I'm going to a meech."
"What will you be doing?"

Okay, I'm having too much fun with this.

Gina Marie
13 years ago
What a great idea! I like "Moochmeets" the best and then "Meet and Mooch" second best.

It sounds like it could be alot of fun....and we all need more fun, don't we?

Robin Felch
13 years ago
MoochFest gets my vote. Can't wait!
13 years ago
I vote for Meet & Mooch, Moochfest, Moochapalooza.

I want to have one in Houston, too, so Houstonites, contact me and I'll get one set up.

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
Moochup -- quick, clean, fun to say. And, btw, I love the idea. I've only had one unpleasant virtual meeting with a Moocher, and all the other Moochers I've dealt with were great. I would love to have met in person.
13 years ago
I just LOVE the idea! And I'd love to have a Moochup, MoochFest, MoochFair, Mooch'n'Meet or whatever we wanna call it in the still sunny Okanagan, BC, Canada! But I guess there wouldn't be too many moochers around here... so I'd settle for Vancouver :)
13 years ago
13 years ago
Love the idea - I hope we'll have one in Paris one day!

As for the names, I like "meet and mooch", "moochmeets" or "moochings". Even when you're not speaking in English, you get what it means, as the word "meeting" has become common in other languages.
Not a fan of "Mooch-a-palooza" for the same reason: too English (American?)-specific.

13 years ago
Great idea! I like the sort by country or state option, rather than by milage. Places that are irritating to get to are "closer" as the crow flies than places that I know how to find, and are easier to travel to even if it is a longer distance. That has been my experience with other meet ups.

I like many ideas above for a name mooch meets, meet and mooch or a book mooch book meech.

Moochers seem to be a neat bunch of people, a meet up could be fun!

13 years ago
"Meet and Mooch" sounds like a good name to me. Love the idea to be able to schedule your own close to you.
13 years ago
Moochup, without a doubt.
Michael White
13 years ago
Be careful if you decide to use the name moochup, I am not a lawyer but I would think that is pretty close to encroaching on the meetup trademark.
13 years ago
I really like "Moochups" and "MoochFest", but I dig Mooch-a-palooza too :)
Il Gobb
13 years ago
I'd love to come to London meet up whatever name it's under (meet up trademarked, I don't think so!) but would be happy to bring along books to give away to whoever wants them and not worry about points. Would anyone be able to take leftovers in saleable condition to a charity shop?

I would suggest though that a list of those who can come with links to their profiles and wishlists would be useful, because we could see what other people planning to come are looking for - I might be able to bring books for specific people. I have books which I haven't listed because I'm short of time, and others which are a bit bulky to post.

13 years ago
I like moochups, too, but sounds too much like meetups. Why wouldn't we just have moochups on

For that reason, if you're going to create something specific to bookmooch, it should be different from another company's name.

Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
I like moochmeet/s, or meet 'n' mooch.
In Australia, Moochup wouldn't be familiar because 'meetup' isn't in our daily use.

Just my thoughts, M

13 years ago
"moochmeets", definately.
English is my second language. I instinctively understood the concept with the word "moochmeets" or 'meet and mooch'.
13 years ago
I hope you take a vote, but I like Moochups best. I am very active on MEET UP and that is similar.
13 years ago
"Mooch Madness"? ...I love this book site
13 years ago
Mooch N Meet is cute and gets the point across.
Manuela Ziemer
13 years ago
I'd go for Mooch 'n' Meet, or Moochup (if there's no legal conflict). I work in London, so might be able to make one there, depending on when.
13 years ago
Moohmeets is my favorite.
Brandy Michelle
13 years ago
I was just thinking... technically it should be meet'n'mooch rather than mooch'n'meet, cuz first you meet and then you mooch, ne? :)
13 years ago
Mooch'n'Meet, or Moochup are the two names I like best! The first would be instantly memorable for the Mix'n'Match & other similar phrase we are used to seeing in the shops.
13 years ago
If this feature is not already planned I think the site should send a reminder after the mooch-up to remind people to complete the mooch of the books they have reserved and exchanged in person, I'm sure I'll otherwise forget to check them out.
Also 1 day of reservation after the meeting can be to little, maybe 2 or 3 days would be best so to give enough time to lazy people like me to "complete the mooch transaction".
13 years ago
In your reactions to the first comments, you write:
"It would be *much* easier programming-wise for me, if you were shown "Meet and Mooch" events in your Country (if not USA) or in your State (if USA or Canada). That might be how I do it on a first pass, just to save me work, as the "100 miles" idea is several days work."
I understand that it would be easier, but I would regret that, since for Europeans in a tiny little country, who could easily attend a meeting in a nearby country (I live in Belgium, and go working every day in the Netherlands, and Germany too is only a short distance from here...)

I really understand that it would be difficult to add both options (meetings within your country and/or within ... miles/KM distance), but just wanted to add my 2 cents...

Ann v.Roy
13 years ago
A moochmeet in Toronto, Ontario, Canada would be great, thank you! I'm sure there's enough interest here to warrant a gathering :-)
13 years ago
Moochmeets sounds nice.

BookMoochers Pilipinas does meetups regularly, usually in party form, and it helps us save a lot on shipping. We usually announce promo mooches before the meetup and bring the books to the party. We also bring our slow moving inventory to let other people check it out, in case they'd be interested after seeing it face to face. The meets have been a great bonding activity for members of BookMoochers Pilipinas.

We also have a potluck for the food, and have activities such as BookMooch jeopardy, book swaps, white elephant swaps, and even live chats with members who can't join us physically.

Here's a recap of one of our meets:

John, if you ever find yourself in the Philippines, let us know!

13 years ago
Great idea!
Hans Persson
13 years ago
Oh I hope there will be one in Atlanta! I think Moochup is so cute!
13 years ago
I like either Moochings or Meet and Mooch. Moochup sounds too much like Meetup, a concept that has never worked for me.

Tucson would be a great place to have one ...

Riggs-Lanni Library
13 years ago
I was going to post the same thing, but decided to wait for someone else to do it. ;)
13 years ago
I am posting an invitation to those who would like to attend a Houston MeetMooch (sounds most like BookMooch), or whatever the majority wants to call it. Post a comment on the Forum topic: Houston MeetMooch Invitation. Then privately send me your personal email address so I can keep you all informed as to who, when, where and how (we know what and why).


Mary M Johnson
13 years ago
I like moochmeets and mix 'n' mooch. Never underestimate the power of alliteration. Thanks John!
13 years ago
Meet&Mooch is ok, namewise! I second Spinifex for a 'Paris' gathering. :-)
13 years ago
I vote MoochMeets. It would be cool if people could create "Mooch Menus" of books they plan to bring. Maybe some titles they've been squirreling away because they want the new owners to really enjoy these titles...
J. Woo
13 years ago
Moochmeets is my favorite.
13 years ago
I vote for Moochups or Meet & Mooch. BUT - I would be frustrated if people's inventories were allowed to contain books only available for in-person swapping. You do the searching & clicking required to find & mooch a book, only to discover you can't have it... wouldn't like.
Books For Keeps
13 years ago
Sounds like an excellent plan. I think a great name would be Mooch-a-rama. The Book Mark would also be a good name.
13 years ago
Mooch Corner
The Gathering
Book Talk
John Vernon Scott
13 years ago
Mooch'n'Munch... because there WILL be food.
13 years ago
great idea. i am looking forward to it. i like moochmeets and moochup
13 years ago
Meet&mooch or mooch meets. It's a fun idea!
13 years ago
I've met several Toronto-based moochers to exchange mooches. Depending on what time of day we met, we called it brunch, lunch, drinks or dinner :)
Jenni Canuck
13 years ago