Hi! I'll try to explain how I think it works... 1. Go to http://bookmooch.com/m/files. 2. Look for the image in your computer(left button) and press upload. 3. Press Files button and you are back to upload page with a list of existing files uploaded by you. 4. Press View button of the image you have uploaded. 5. Copy the adress where the image has been stored, it should be something like this: http://bookmooch.com/files/yourusername/imagename.jpg 6. Go to the book file where you want to add the image. Press Condition. 7. To show the image in Condition, you have to write something like this (it's html code): <img width=200 src="http://bookmooch.com/files/yourusername/imagename.jpg"> img width=200 is how big you want the image to be. I've found that 150-200 is ok, but you can change this as you wish: bigger number, bigger picture. src="http://bookmooch.com/files/yourusername/imagename.jpg"> means source= the address where the image has been stored in Bookmooch. It changes for every picture, so every time you want to add a picture, you have to copy every picture address. So, more or less, the html code is always the same,the only variations are imagename.jpg and the img width if you want to change it. If it doesn't work, check if something is missing: some character like > or ", bad image address. etc. I hope it helps... Cheers!!