A bit slow
BookMooch has been a bit slow these past 24h, and I'm working to fix the problem. The cause: TONS of different TCP/IP addresses crawling the http://bookmooch.es site, going to every page. It's very hard for me to block this, because I can't see any logic to it. However, I did notice that a lot of the slowness is from these "Crawlers" hitting every single "zip code" on BookMooch. Since this is a very USA-focussed feature (5 digit postal codes) it doesn't make sense for these crawlers to be even asking for this data on the bookmooch.es site. So... to solve this problem for the time being, I have disabled the "zip" pages, and also the "member history" pages, when you are *not logged in as a member* If you are logged in as a member, you won't see any problem. These "web site crawlers" are not logged in as members, so I can try to discriminate against them, and not give them access to the slowest pages on BM. -john
John Buckman
6 years ago
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Good catch, John - thank you! I wondered why I was having trouble today. It's much better in the last 15 minutes or so.
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Thanks for the info!
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The speed has massively improved but I have lost the Recently Added feed which I presume is part of the same problem.
Hi Russell, you'll find that Recently Added will reappear in the next 48h. There's a bit of a delay on it, so that people who have wishlisted a book get "first dibs". When I reboot the server, the current "recent books" gets dropped out of memory.
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I was heartbroken when I thought you might have closed up shop - you're such a valuable swap site, and it bugs me that you aren't even more widely used!! Thanks for sticking around!!! MaryAnn (P.S. - a quick comment on your Facebook page is a great way to let us know status :) ) If you ever need help from an upper mid-level capable user........ Thanks for fixing this so quickly.
You're awesome, John!
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No probs John. Thanks for letting us know. I've always felt a bit guilty mooching newly added books that I see are on peoples' wishlists. It's good to know they've had the chance to mooch first.
Slow the past 24 hours? This site is slow ALL THE TIME!
Thanks, John, for not only staying on top of things, but also for trying to keep members so well informed! Great site!
BM is still getting pounded by dozens of requests a second from robots, and it's still making things a bit slow. I've made some changes and the "recent books" page is now empty again after I restarted the server. :(
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Did you try implementing a Robots exclusion standard?
The "recent book" page is still empty after 7 hours... Hope it is just a temporary problem and tomorrow will be filled again! *Fingers crossed*
Still very slow. About half the time I receive the 'This site cannot be reached' error. I would like to help get rid of the inactives as well. I know we did this a few years back, but I don't think it really made a dent.
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The "crawler" robots are still pounding the hell out BookMooch. I'm going to spend an hour and just type every single TCP/IP address they're using into my firewall, and see if that does the trick. Apologies that this problem is taking so long to resolve. -john
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Ok, I've now banned 21 different "class B" ranges of TCPIP addresses (that's a lot!) on my firewall. For the time being, this has stopped the deluge, and speeds are back to normal. -john
Thanks John, for taking so much time. The service is awesome. Thanks again! Vicki
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Great you took action on this. I really value the work done to keep this great site going. But I do notice that there could be updates and improvements in my usage. I wonder about the long term survival and if integration with others such as Goodreads - which is also global and free - might be possible. could an open API be part of this? At times some features are clunky, usable but clunky. It frustrates me I am not a programmer so cannot fix them myself. A couple of examples that really bug me: 1. I add a book - its not found when searching by ISBN, so I hand enter it. To be told by Bookmooch it is in Amazon - only the book displays nothing, no name, no cover picture and no author - not surprisingly this will never be mooched. I have an example now in my inventory. In this case it is a Finnish language book. which relates to the other issue that really bugs me. 2. I search for a book on ISBN and its found only the wrong picture or wrongly spelled title or author is there. There is no way to correct this or to upload the correct picture to my inventory entry. This is really annoying when there is a series of say 6 books and they all show as the same picture and same title. Again this makes anyone finding and mooching the book unlikely. There are other things that bug - I would like a recently mooched page - not just recently offered (especially if the people would after reading then mooch on - like bookcrossing does so we could integrate with them). I would like that non-responding members (on vacation / not logging in for over a year) have a grayed out account and their books are not shown up in searches. I have 3 books I want to Mooch - and bookmooch tells me they are available, but I get no response from those with the books when I try mooch or even email them directly. I would want to disable that person's inventory from being suggested in my moochable copies (as they are not really moochable at all). For international mooches there seems an unnecessary step. At present it is like this: 1. I see "Possibly send - please ask me" 2. I ask them. 3. They say yes they would send - please mooch the book 4. I mooch the book 5. They confirm the mooch this could be replaced with: 1. I see "Possibly send - please ask me" 2. I ask them. 3. They say yes AND at the same time that confirms my mooching of the book. No stage 4. nor 5, needed. This reduces the load on the server. M.
Thank you for the hard work, John!
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Hi Markus -- Other people can say more about the process for hiding abandoned accounts, but let me just mention here that you need to mooch those books from apparently abandoned accounts, and then if they don't send them, indicate so in your cancellation. That will cause their account to be vacationed and their books to be removed from their inventory. There have been various campaigns at times to clear BM out.
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Thanks John - I vacationed a couple. I don't like doing it, I would rather keep the respectful and friendly tone most seem to have on BM. Sadly though some people need this happening to save bother for the rest.
Hi John and thanks for keeping BookMooch working. I would like to see the "given" books separated from the "mooched" books in the "Member history" section. I use these sections a lot to keep track of my books going & coming. As it is set up now it takes a long time to get to the mooched section. Thanks again for your work on keeping this site going & hope you get this slow thing corrected. Harvey
The Inactive Accounts Clean-up Project has been pretty inactive for the last couple of years. Most of the volunteers have been burnt out or gone inactive themselves. You can go back and look at older messages in the forum to see it was a going concern for quite a while. To vacation an account you have to wait (I think it is two weeks or something) before you cancel in order indicate it is due to "no response" to have an effect.
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