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Book resources

I've found three web site that are great for finding new authors and lists of their books.

The first is
This site is based in UK, but has books from America as well. They have have many fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, thriller, romance, western, and mainstream (not sure what that is). You can search by author name or book or by category. When I find a new author, I go there first to find out about them and find lists of their books.

The second for cozy mystery lovers.
They have an author index, and lists by theme including states, and suthor interviews. A fun place to browse.

The last is for all mystery lovers.
This site has author and character indexes--when was the last time you could remember the character name but not the author--reviews, awards, location, genre, and diversity indexes. YOu can sign up for a twice monthly newsletter so you can find out about new authors and characters, book give-aways and more.

I hope you'll find these websites as helpful as I have. Hey, just what we need, more books to wishlist!

14 years ago


I used to use the Fantasticfiction site quite a lot, but I've discovered that it's not always accurate. While the book lists by author are usually correct, their book-lists for various series can be messed up, with some books not listed and others listed twice under different titles. This is especially true for larger series, like Star Wars or Star Trek books.

For these reasons, I now use to make checklists for my favorite authors and series. The information there is much more accurate (as it can be supervised and corrected, if necessary, by lots of people), and also Wikipedia is much faster, ad-free and more eye-friendly.

A few other great sites: - complete lists of Stargate novels, shorts stories, comics and other publications - The Complete Starfleet Library - all Star Trek books, comics, etc. ever published. Fast and easy search feature. - a complete list of unpublished Star Trek books. Very interesting and informative

14 years ago
Thanks for the info on FantasticFiction. I haven't run across that problem, but most of the lists I get are shorter. I use wikipedia for a lot of other searches and have found it to be a great resource. I'm sure there are other sites for specific book genres too.
14 years ago
I use all the time!

Thanks for the other links!

Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG)
14 years ago