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Smooches received

2024/05/30 Charlotte (USA)
2024/05/21 Here's your smooch for mooching multiple books. Thanks!!!! Stitchintime (USA: IL)
2024/05/09 for paperback 2 for 1 that didn't work out Dawn Newton (USA: NY)
2024/02/10 for 2 for 1 on paperbacks Dawn Newton (USA: NY)
2020/12/24 lengli_chong (Singapore)
2020/12/24 lengli_chong (Singapore)
2020/12/16 Multi-Mooch Smooch. Lori B (USA: FL)
2020/12/16 Multi-Mooch Smooch. Lori B (USA: FL)
2020/12/16 Multi-Mooch Smooch. Lori B (USA: FL)
2020/10/27 for 2 for 1 on paperbacks Dawn Newton (USA: NY)
2020/10/27 for 2 for 1 on paperbacks Dawn Newton (USA: NY)
2020/08/14 Thank you for being awesome!! Erin (USA)
2019/02/19 and second one... Claudiu (USA: UT)
2019/02/19 Noticed 2 books from your wishlist available now, here are 2 credits for them, as a big thank you for being so amazing! Claudiu (USA: UT)
2014/07/23 Thomas Nufer (USA: MI)
2010/12/20 You gave me an extra point :) Enjoy the holidays and have a wonderful 2011!! Safe travels to your new destination when you move.


Barb (USA: PA)
2010/12/06 Niki Nicole (USA: MO)
2010/12/06 Here are your points back. Sorry for the wait. Niki Nicole (USA: MO)
2009/03/02 Like I promised you, I would return a point back to you for one of the Goose Bumps books. I do hope to wrap them tomorrow and get the to the P.O. by Thursday at the latest. Kola TwoHearts (USA: ME)
2009/03/01 here you go! will2-for (USA: CA)
2009/02/23 On my way home from work tonight, it hit me that I didn't send this smooch after you acknowledged delivery. Old age must be sneaking up on me ! I plan to put your Oliver paperback in the mail tomorrow. I left it up to you as to how you repair the spine to get the most life out of the paperback. All three of your paperbacks were left over from a Relay for Life booth that my daughter's school had. I'm glad you had a need for them, and that they didn't go to our local city landfill. (oh dear, I hate to see books thrown away!) Happy reading ! Faye (USA: TN)
2009/02/13 I'll still do 3 smooches, I have so mant books to give away and I love kids that read, hehe Vanessa (USA: NY)
2009/02/13 Vanessa (USA: NY)
2009/02/13 Thanks for the mooch. I'll mark them accepted later today Vanessa (USA: NY)
2009/02/04 SarahElizabeth (USA: TX)
2009/02/04 SarahElizabeth (USA: TX)
2009/01/17 SarahElizabeth (USA: TX)
2009/01/17 SarahElizabeth (USA: TX)
2009/01/14 Hope you had a good birthday! anonymous
2008/12/06 And another one!! Angela (USA: PA)
2008/12/06 Thanks for mooching so many simplifying books!!
Do you want to have first choice on my next batch of simplifying books????? Let me know and I'll send you a list again...
Angela (USA: PA)
2008/12/01 It was less expensive than I thought to mail all 6 books so I would like to give you an extra point back making it 6 for 2 points :) I hope you enjoy them! Barb (USA: PA)
2008/09/24 Have a smooch! anonymous
2008/04/23 Thanks so much for being an angel and helping me get these books! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2008/04/03 Thanks for being an angel and helping me get these books! Lola Soleil (Canada)
2008/04/03 Thanks for the deal! Lisa H (USA: IL)
2008/03/04 Thanks for the BookMooch cards. Go Navy! Bruce Miller (USA: CT)
2008/02/08 Thanks for being such a wonderful angel! :) Debra (Canada)
2008/01/21 Thanks for getting the book for me from PBS :) SKingList (USA: NY)
2007/12/13 for my special angel!! kathy (USA: AZ)
2007/12/05 Hi! Thanks for getting me the book from PBS! :) rockpaperscissors (USA: AZ)