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Smooches received

2010/12/01 Smooch as discussed ! Nicci (United Kingdom)
2010/11/10 Extra point, as arranged, for sending the Hellmuth and Stephen Jay Gould books. Pedro Areal (Portugal)
2010/11/10 Extra point for the angelmooch deal Pedro Areal (Portugal)
2010/07/01 :) keyrs10 (Canada)
2010/06/13 Thanks for mooching two, here is your smooch.
Jan Blazek (USA: OK)
2010/05/13 Sara (Germany)
2010/05/10 Thanks again. Velma (Canada)
2010/05/10 Thanks. Velma (Canada)
2010/02/15 Thanks Ms. Audra! shygirl_07 (Philippines)
2009/12/01 Thanks for the quick delivery. I've smooched you. x LancashireLass (United Kingdom)