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Smooches received

2010/07/22 I just started book mooch and you really showed me how awesome people on this site are. Thanks for the book. You are too kind! :) Brittany (USA: MI)
2010/02/17 Thanks for being so kind to me.
I don't need the points but wanted to boost my ratio.
Erin C (USA: NY)
2008/11/03 Sheena, again you are too kind! I didn't mind the wait:)
Here's the point I owe you.
Have a great week!
Erin C (USA: NY)
2008/10/15 What a great moochee! Thanks for working with me! Dan & Tammy (USA: MI)
2008/02/05 I just got the book you sent me. It was very kind of you to do this this. Your a great mooch friend.
Thank you!
Erin C (USA: NY)
2008/01/19 for the great maggie shayne books Lynda (USA: KS)