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Smooches received

2011/02/03 Kat Rollins (USA: SC)
2011/02/03 Smooch #1 of 22 Kat Rollins (USA: SC)
2009/10/22 Hi! Here's your smooch for mooching three books at one from me. Enjoy and happy reading! Laura (USA: IL)
2009/07/30 Here is your point back. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Stardust 1st Ed.


Stefanie (USA: AZ)
2009/05/30 Hi Joel,
This smooch if for your two parrots... but I want to know, do they sometimes steal a smoke on the sly?
I wanted to send you a calendar of SPB yesterday, but the post office had no envelopes at all (typical situation here!) so instead as a token of appreciation I'm sending along a point for your feathered friends.
The Renaissance Poets, Milton, and A River Runs Through It are excellent books for summer reading. We are leaving on the sleeper train tomorrow night which will transport us to a magical pastoral setting on the Volga far from the pollution, noise, and dust of SPB. There I will be found under my favorite apple tree reading poetry and prose... while my industrious Russian wife digs the garden. Life is good!
Robert MacDonald (Russian Federation)
2009/05/22 Kat Rollins (USA: SC)