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Smooches received

2012/05/02 Passing on the savings! Thanks for mooching two books, together they were light enough to cost the same as one when mailing. Yay! Jacquelyn (USA)
2011/02/21 I know you said you didn't want any points back wanted to give you one anyway! Thanks for mooching from me. sdb (France)
2009/11/15 Angel mooch fell through so am returning your point sarah (United Kingdom)
2008/12/13 Here's a point back on that "2-for-1." Happy to do it. Enjoy! christopher (USA: TX)
2008/09/17 Thank you so much for sending out The World Before when I wasn't able to "officially" mooch it through BookMooch! That was a cool thing to do and very much appreciated! Thank you again! Jacquelyn (USA)
2008/09/04 For The World Before. Thank you very much! Jacquelyn (USA)
2008/07/18 And here is the second! Thanks so much :) Teldira (USA: OR)
2008/07/18 Here is the first point! Teldira (USA: OR)