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Smooches received

2022/08/07 3 for 1 paperbacks. Thanks for mooching from us! Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX)
2022/08/07 3 for 1 paperbacks. Thanks for mooching from us! Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX)
2022/03/23 2 for 1. Thanks for mooching from us! Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX)
2022/02/25 Thanks for mooching two books Judy Zacharias (USA: CA)
2021/09/09 2 for 1 books. Thanks for mooching from us! Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX)
2019/09/06 Kevin,

Thanks for sending the books, maybe someone else is enjoying them.

Charlotte (USA)
2017/04/04 Here's a smooch just because you've been so patient. I hope you receive your book. Amy (USA: CO)