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Smooches received

2011/01/10 raych101 (Ireland)
2011/01/10 raych101 (Ireland)
2011/01/10 raych101 (Ireland)
2011/01/10 raych101 (Ireland)
2011/01/10 raych101 (Ireland)
2010/12/09 For sending within France, thank you! jacquie (United Kingdom)
2009/05/15 Mohammed Abdi Osman (Sweden)
2009/02/28 here's a smooch for hlping to spread the word about bookmooch.

There'll be bookmards and cards in France at the end of the week if you need more - jacquiegatine (my sister) will be listing as soon as they get to her.

I noticed your comment about those who will not send out of their own country. Jacquie has suggested a regional option - does that sound better?

The more support we have for such an idea, the more John may support it and put some of the recent funds into changing some code.

brownbear (United Kingdom)