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Smooches received

2015/12/08 Jenni (United Kingdom)
2015/12/08 Thank you for sending the extra books :) Jenni (United Kingdom)
2014/05/20 Books just came Thanks so much. Have a great week. Tricia Tricia (USA: CA)
2013/09/27 smooching you a point back! Kar-bie (USA: LA)
2013/07/01 Thanks, the book is just perfect for my needs. :-) Tricia (USA: CA)
2010/08/03 anonymous
2010/08/03 anonymous
2010/04/20 Um. Can't seem to find the Mooch this book button for Stealing the Elf-King's Roses? (I'm logged in and the site tells me there are no moochable copies, because your copy is reserved for ahem me? Er.)

Either way, hope you're enjoying the Trudi Canavan books. (I couldn't seem to get into the story somehow.)

Az (Netherlands)