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Smooches received

2013/04/19 I will mail the book "When Venus Fell" tomorrow 4/20. When I got a good look at the book, it's not in great shape so I'm smooching back your point, but don't worry because I will mail it because it is still a great read. It's just not in the shape I would like it to be. Hope you enjoy the story! Betty Boggs (USA: FL)
2009/03/08 anonymous
2008/05/11 Thanks for mooching 3 for 2! Laurie (USA)
2007/10/29 You ae the best! Kim (USA: OH)
2007/09/24 Pretty much an all-around great BookMoocher. Super friendly and deserving of more points and mooches... or smooches for that matter.

Everyone should mooch more books from Cathryn. You will not be dissapointed!

Tim (USA: MI)