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Smooches received

2010/12/03 Thanks Diana (USA: IA)
2010/09/09 refund Grad Student Book Group (USA)
2010/08/19 Sunhild (Germany)
2010/08/16 Hope you and your kids enjoy the books! Looking forward to receiving mine, too...nice that our inventories match up well for each other! :-) AZLori (USA: AZ)
2010/06/05 Hey Rachel, don't worry about re-listing the book. I listed it in the first place because I didn't really enjoy it although it is a good book, just not my cup of tea. If you do read it then enjoy and sorry about the initial reaction. Thanks! Amy AMY (USA: RI)
2010/05/30 Here is your point back! Enjoy! Candace (USA: MO)