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Smooches received

2011/05/03 second smooch! Debbie S (Canada)
2011/05/03 thanks for mailing to me in Canada! Debbie S (Canada)
2010/06/16 Hellooooo from down the river :) Louise (United Kingdom)
2009/08/25 thanks for the postcard, i love it! :) Emma Emma (Ireland)
2009/03/18 Than ks for the extra book! Lisa Lisaw (France)
2008/03/27 Hi Kim, I'm so sorry not beeing able to answer earlier. It was such a busy time.... First I want to return your smooch :-) I already got three points from bookmooch... :-) That should really be enough. I would love to give you one more for your patience but I don't have anoter one :( You had to wait so long for the book. In the meantime I have finished reading Hangman's Root (Softcover) and Rosemary Remembered (Hardcover). Please let me know if you are interested in mooching them from me. Of course I will send them by airmail this time..... Did you ever read the Scumble River Mysteries by Denise Swanson? I'm just about to finish the first in the series and love it :-)
Have a great day,
Sabine (Canada)