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Smooches received

2019/09/14 I got the Audio book in the mail. I guess I canceled the same day you mailed, we probably missed each other by hours. Thanks for posting audio books, I do like to listen to books. Heather (USA: AZ)
2015/04/09 Thanks for mooching! k00kaburra (USA: CA)
2015/04/09 Thanks for mooching! k00kaburra (USA: CA)
2008/09/18 Thanks for mooching 3 for 2! Laurie (USA)
2008/08/12 Betty, please accept this point for the littlest angel and my apology for losing your email about you sending me the book, It was not marked sent on my account and I couldn't find the email and due to my daugher's illness just cancelled it ... thank you for being so sweet about everything. God Bless you... I will see that it gets good use by my granddaughter.. love and prayers always, marti Marti (USA: TN)