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Smooches received

2014/01/22 Thanks for ordering three books from me at once - wanted to send a "point" back to you as these are very small books that don't cost much to send along. Hope your 3 year old enjoys! Eric J (USA: CA)
2013/08/24 Barbara (USA: WA)
2013/08/24 Barbara (USA: WA)
2013/08/24 Thanks so much for forwarding my mistake. Barbara (USA: WA)
2011/06/02 Thank you for the mooch. Hope your sis is happy with the book for her class. Smooching you back for being such a nice sister! :) mmb (USA: NJ)
2010/07/15 Nancy C (USA: TX)
2010/07/15 Nancy C (USA: TX)
2010/07/15 Thanks so much for mooching 4 Golden books from me. I'm happy to return 3 pts to you. :) I'll be getting these out to you asap.
Have a great day!
Nancy C (USA: TX)