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Irvington Pub


H.R. Greenapple D.C. Stephenson Irvington 04920
Gresham M. Sykes Techniques of Neutralization: A Theory of Delinquency (Irvington Reprint Series in Sociology)0
Melford E. Spiro Is the Family Universal? (Irvington Reprint Series in Sociology)0
Samuel P. Huntington Conservatism As an Ideology (Irvington Reprint Series in Political Science)0
Walter B. Miller Lower Class Culture As a Generating Milieu of Gang Delinquency (Irvington Reprint Series in Sociology)0
Robert Redfield The Folk Society (Irvington Reprint Series in Sociology)0
Bruno Bettelheim Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations (Irvington Reprint Series in Sociology)0
Hugo L. Black The Bill of Rights (Irvington Reprint Series in Political Science)0
Arthur Meier Schlesinger Origins of the Cold War (Irvington Reprint Series in American History)0
Jesse Lemisch Jack Tar in the Streets: Merchant Seamen in the Politics of Revolutionary America (Irvington Reprint Series in Amer Hist)0
V. Gordon Childe The Bronze Age (Irvington Reprint Series in Anthropology)0
John Rawls Justice As Fairness (Irvington Publishers Reprint Series in Philosophy)0
Benjamin Viel Vicuna The Demographic Explosion: The Latin American Experience (Irvington population & demography series)0
Robert M. Veatch Population Policy and Ethics: The American Experience (Irvington population & demography series)0
Richard Decharms Enhancing Motivation: Change in the Classroom (The Irvington social relations series)0

Joseph L. Borgerhoff Nineteenth Century French Plays0
Robert A. Hatcher It's Your Choice: A Personal Guide to Birth Control Methods for Women and Men Too0
Mike Greenly Chronicle: The Human Side of AIDS0
Milton H. Erickson Mind-Body Communication in Hypnosis (The Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Vol 3/Book & Cassette)0
Neil Postman Television and the Teaching of English0
James F. T. Bugental The Search for Authenticity: An Existential-Analytic Approach to Psychotherapy0
George R. Kirkpatrick Introduction to Critical Sociology0
Bernard Rudofsky The Prodigious Builders: Notes Toward a Natural History of Architecture With Special Regard to Those Species That Are Traditionally Neglected or Dow0
Alain Touraine May Movement: Revolt and Reform0
John Buridan Sophisms on Meaning and Truth0
Chuck Wills The History Of Weaponry: From Flint Axes To Automatic Weapons0
Patrick Suraci Male Sexual Armor: Erotic Fantasies and Sexual Realities of the Cop on the Beat and the Man in the Street by Patrick Suraci (1993-02-01)0
Albert Schweitzer Reverence for Life: Sermons 1900-19190
Alun Owen A Hard Day's Night: A Screen Adaptation from an Original Screenplay (Film Scripts Series)0
Mabel V. Jackson-Haight European Powers and South-East Africa: A Study of International Relations on the South-East Coast of Africa0
Peter L. Berger The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge0
Jose Robles Cartilla Espanola0
Michael A. Persinger The Paranormal: The Patterns0
John E. Bowlt Russian Art, 1875-1975: A Collection of Essays0
Lafcadio Hearn Two Years in the French West Indies0
Guy Wetmore Carryl Grimm Tales Made Gay0
Frances Hodgson Burnett Through One Administration0
Clark W. Hull Hypnosis and Suggestibility: An Experimental Approach (Century Psychology Series)0
Herbert Druks Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust0
Robert Rosenthal Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation & Pupils' Intellectual Development0
Grace Alvarez-Altman Names in Literature: Essays from Literary Onomastic Studies0
Milton H. Erickson Hypnotic Alteration of Sensory, Perceptual and Psychophysical Processes (Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson on Hypnosis, Vol 2)0
Milton H. Erickson The Nature of Hypnosis and Suggestion (Collected Papers of Milton a. Erickson on Hypnosis, Vol 1) (v. 1)0
Harold B. Segel The Baroque Poem: A Comparative Survey, Together With 150 Illustrative Texts from English, American, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Mexica0
Clemente Palma Malevolent Tales0
Gini Graham Scott The Magicians: A Study of the Use of Power in a Black Magic Group0
Allen Wheelis On Not Knowing How to Live0
Ferdinand C. Schiller Humanism: Philosophical Essays0
Robert Nugent Paul Eluard (Twayne's world authors series, TWAS 322. France)0
Edward Halsey Foster Catharine Maria Sedgwick (Twayne's United States Authors Series, Tusas 233)0


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