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Recommendations for: Fiona (Australia)

Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America 1
Scott Westerfeld Pretties (Uglies Trilogy, Book 2) 1
Romeo & Juliet (Scholastic) 1
John Knowles A Separate Peace 2
Sophocles Antigone (Dover Thrift Editions) 1
Charlaine Harris Dead as a Doornail (A Sookie Stackhouse Novel) 4
Natasha Friend Perfect: A Novel 1
Lauren Myracle ttyl (Talk to You Later) 1
Walter Dean Myers Fallen Angels 1
Jane Smiley A Thousand Acres (Ballantine Reader's Circle) 1
John Grisham The Runaway Jury 3
Alyson Noël Evermore: The Immortals 1
Charlaine Harris Dead Until Dark 5
Anthony Horowitz Evil Star (Power of Five) 1
Rhonda Byrne The Secret 2
L.J. Smith Night World No. 1: Secret Vampire; Daughters of Darkness; Spellbinder (Night World) 1
William P. Young The Shack 7
Jane Yolen Briar Rose 1
Terry Goodkind Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, Book 1) 2
Louis De Bernieres Captain Corelli's Mandolin 1