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Points analysis

Name: Nate (USA: IL)
User ID: npwrs
Points: 40

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
40.1 -0.1 40 removed book from inventory 031615976X Nate (USA: IL) 2013/03/17
40.2 -0.1 40.1 removed book from inventory 0440139244 Nate (USA: IL) 2013/03/17
40.3 -0.1 40.2 removed book from inventory 0345420438 Nate (USA: IL) 2013/03/17
41.3 -1 40.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345420438 operationpaperback (USA: MA) 2013/03/11
40.3 +1 41.3 gave points for mooch request 0345420438 operationpaperback (USA: MA) 2013/03/02
41.3 -1 40.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345420438 bjace (USA: IN) 2013/02/18
40.3 +1 41.3 gave points for mooch request 0345420438 bjace (USA: IN) 2013/02/12
39.3 +1 40.3 gave points for mooch request 1562828843 Kerry (USA: CA) 2011/10/17
36.3 +3 39.3 gave points for mooch request 0451411617 Maura (Finland) 2010/10/26
35.3 +1 36.3 gave points for mooch request 0671027360 Laura Klinges (USA: IL) 2010/09/17
34.3 +1 35.3 gave points for mooch request 0894803204 L. A. Carter (USA: MO) 2010/01/04
33.3 +1 34.3 gave points for mooch request 0446313033 cmmonks (USA: WA) 2009/11/18
32.3 +1 33.3 gave points for mooch request 0449910237 elliedee (USA: GA) 2009/11/17
31.3 +1 32.3 gave points for mooch request 0440236673 Lisa (USA: IL) 2009/11/10
31.2 +0.1 31.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553563505 CarlosMcRey (USA: IL) 2009/11/09
31.1 +0.1 31.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400079748 carrotfife (USA: CA) 2009/11/07
32.1 -1 31.1 deducted points for mooch request 1400079748 carrotfife (USA: CA) 2009/10/30
32 +0.1 32.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743491572 Amanda (USA: MA) 2009/10/27
31.9 +0.1 32 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451188454 Amanda (USA: MA) 2009/10/27
31.8 +0.1 31.9 added book to inventory 1562828843 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
31.9 -0.1 31.8 removed book from inventory Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
31.8 +0.1 31.9 added book to inventory Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
31.7 +0.1 31.8 added book to inventory 0894803204 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
31.6 +0.1 31.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451216962 brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/24
31.5 +0.1 31.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451410815 brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/24
31.4 +0.1 31.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440204925 brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/24
31.3 +0.1 31.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446359750 b4chess (USA: IL) 2009/10/24
30.3 +1 31.3 received a smooch brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/21
29.3 +1 30.3 gave points for mooch request 0515123447 bookishsfm (USA: MD) 2009/10/20
30.3 -1 29.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743491572 Amanda (USA: MA) 2009/10/20
31.3 -1 30.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451188454 Amanda (USA: MA) 2009/10/20
32.3 -1 31.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451216962 brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/19
33.3 -1 32.3 deducted points for mooch request 0451410815 brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/19
34.3 -1 33.3 deducted points for mooch request 0440204925 brandi1313 (USA: ID) 2009/10/19
35.3 -1 34.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553563505 CarlosMcRey (USA: IL) 2009/10/19
34.3 +1 35.3 gave points for mooch request 0140430199 Kharis Kennedy (USA: VI) 2009/10/19
31.3 +3 34.3 gave points for mooch request 0631170081 chris (Japan) 2009/10/18
28.3 +3 31.3 gave points for mooch request 0375727760 chris (Japan) 2009/10/18
25.3 +3 28.3 gave points for mooch request 0140289526 chris (Japan) 2009/10/18
24.3 +1 25.3 gave points for mooch request 1597800562 jpri (USA: CA) 2009/10/18
23.3 +1 24.3 gave points for mooch request 0380002930 Anna (USA: VA) 2009/10/18
22.3 +1 23.3 gave points for mooch request 0446362662 bookarts (USA: IA) 2009/10/18
22.2 +0.1 22.3 added book to inventory 0380002930 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/18
22.1 +0.1 22.2 added book to inventory 0671027360 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/18
21.1 +1 22.1 gave points for mooch request 0399154302 Teresa (USA: AL) 2009/10/18
20.1 +1 21.1 gave points for mooch request 0061342394 Teresa (USA: AL) 2009/10/18
19.1 +1 20.1 gave points for mooch request 0141182229 Teresa (USA: AL) 2009/10/18
19 +0.1 19.1 added book to inventory 0446362662 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/18
18.9 +0.1 19 added book to inventory 0451411617 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/18
18.8 +0.1 18.9 added book to inventory 0399154302 Nate (USA: IL) 2009/10/18