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LauraTS (USA: SC) : friends

Friends of: LauraTS (USA: SC)

Brigid (USA: WA)

cathysdesigns (USA: CA)

eunice (USA: CA)

faeriemyst (USA: OH)

gardenvu (USA: MA)

Garrett (USA: NC)

gemstone (USA: OR)

Jennifer McGaffey (USA: CA)

Jill (USA: GA)

Jan BT (USA: IN)

kislany (Cyprus)

Mary Spurgeon (USA: GA)

michelle (Canada)

Stephanie Bryant (USA: NV)

Patti (Philippines)

operationpaperback (USA: MA)

Oriana (France)

waddleidoer (USA: CA)

Paul in SF (USA: CA)

paula (Canada)

Kira (USA: LA)

pam (USA: GA)

rainalina (USA: MI)

Steve McCann (USA: MT)

Christina Cat (USA: CA)

Kerry (USA: CA)

Becky (USA: GA)

What this person's friends have to say about 'LauraTS (USA: SC)':

michelle (Canada): "A new and wonderful BookMooch Angel!"
Patti (Philippines): "I received a book, Good Girls Do, from LauraTS. Unfortunately, the transaction disappeared from the BookMooch system due to the server crash on October 25, 2007. I just wanted the BookMooch community to know that Laura is just wonderful to have on BookMooch. She's a super fast shipper and very pleasant to mooch from. Thanks, Laura. +1 feedback for you!"
operationpaperback (USA: MA): "Thanks for supporting the troops!"