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John Buckman (USA: CA) : friends

Friends of: John Buckman (USA: CA)

Anna Langley (United Kingdom)Anna is a great lute player from Cambridge. She also does lots of work for the lute society, and we occasionally get together and play renaissance lute duets. She also has awesome taste in Scifi books.

Steve Turnidge (USA: WA)

Clyde Jones (USA: CA)Clyde used to work for me at Lyris as a programmer, but he was too much of a wiz kid to stay in that kind of job for long, and so we went and started his own company, a netflix-for-video-games which became Gplay. He sold that, and now is contemplating his next world-dominating move.

treehugger (USA: CA)Cary is a longtime friend of mine who enjoys visiting France and ranting about politics, as well as being DJ Cary on Magnatune.

Dan Shaurette (USA: AZ)Dan was thinking about making a bookmooch-like site, contacted me when I was letting a few friends know about it, and seems to like it ok now

Tikay (USA: CA)

eyloni (Panama)

Hanneke van Proosdij (USA: CA)Hanneke is a harpsichordist and recorder player for Philharmonia Baroque, and has both solo and ensemble recordings on my record-label. She also really likes BBQ.

Internet Archive (USA: CA)

Jan Hanford (USA: CA)Jan is my wife and webmistress of and several other sites you can find at

Jon Masters (USA: MA)

John Buckman (United Kingdom)"johnbuckman" is my account for my books in my house in London, UK. "buckman_ca" is my account for my books in Berkeley, California.

Kirk McElhearn (United Kingdom)

Cesar Luongo (USA: FL)Cesar and I founded and we used to see a lot of each other when he lived in the Bay Area. He's now a prof in Florida and helped out with the Spanish translation of BookMooch.

Michael (USA: MA)Michael is a childhood friend of mine (well, from high school) back when I lived in New Haven.

Stéphane Barbery (Japan)Stephane was the french translator and reseller for Lyris. He's also a trained psychiatrist. We met once in Paris, and gab infrequently over email about technology, as Stephane always seems up to date on the latest community & net-culture happenings.

Tim Harris (United Kingdom)Tim is a programmer in the video/tv engineering side of the world, and introduced himself to me as interested in learning about audio engineering, and could he help out at my London house concerts. We've become good friends since, as he's got a very sharp brain, good humour, and can stomach my dim sum experiments.

Sarah K. (USA: CA)Sarah was one of only two people officially witnessing my wedding at city hall, how cool is that?

Rusty (USA: TX)Rusty's a Tcl programming God who works for my ex-company Lyris. Good taste is scifi!

Stephen Malinowski (USA: CA)Stephen Malinowsky does the Music Animation Machine - which is how we first met, with my building a DOS machine to his specs to run the various animations he does. Stephen also plays organ and is an early music geek.

tanya Tomkins (USA: CA)Tanya plays cello in Philharmonia Baroque as well as with fortepianist (and boyfriend) Eric Zivian, and loves good Dim Sum.

Teresa Malango (USA: CA)Teresa handles PR requests for BookMooch

What this person's friends have to say about 'John Buckman (USA: CA)':

treehugger (USA: CA): "Everyone should have a friend like John as a personal library consultant."
Dan Shaurette (USA: AZ): "John's altruism is well known, so I need not praise him for that. However, while I am still working on my own bookmooch-like website, I do not consider it to be in competition. I think every website can compliment others. Mashups abound because of this. In the end, the service BookMooch provides is amazing, I do like it a lot, and I think John is an all around cool guy."
John Buckman (United Kingdom): ""johnbuckman" is my account for my books in my house in London, UK. "buckman_ca" is my account for my books in Berkeley, California."
Cesar Luongo (USA: FL): "Coolest Internet visionary on both sides of the Atlantic"
Michael (USA: MA): "Good guy ... glad he is on this side of the Atlantic for awhile."
Tim Harris (United Kingdom): "My dim sum buddy!"
tanya Tomkins (USA: CA): "John's a totally cool dude who created this whole website. He's multi-talented, as is his wife Jan, and they're great to eat with in restaurants."