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Margaret Laurence : The Fire-Dwellers

Author: Margaret Laurence
Title: The Fire-Dwellers
Moochable copies: No copies available
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 280
Date: 1969-1
ISBN: BM1287853915497489572
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Weight: 1.0 pounds
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.0 inches
Previous givers: 1 Judy (USA: NY)
Previous moochers: 1 Helen (Australia)
Description: IN THE FIRE-DWELLERS Margaret Laurence gives us a woman more wholly alive, recognizable, and compelling than the memorable Rachel Cameron of her novel A JEST OF GOD (filmed as "Rachael, Rachael).
The heroine for whom she commands the reader's total involvement is an ordinary woman of 39 (house in a development, four children, salesman husband) fearful of-and struggling to shelter her family from-both a world she perceives as a world on fire and her own consuming emotions.
A brilliant creation, Stacey MacAindra. She is uinique and she is legion-now riding high, with all her capacity for strength and sass, for joy in lovemaking, for bursts of terrier courage in response to external threats; and now giving way under the psychic pressures of daily living, tearing herself down, childishly retreating to the comfort of daydreams and the solitary drink.
She is both earth mother and scared girl, and her interior life strikes universal chords far beyond her social milieu. The marriage of today that is sexually successful but fragmented by the pressures of job and home; the parental love that is almost vitiated by feelings of inadequacy; the striving to connect morally and humanly with those one loves-and with some larger, more generous pattern of life-all this is powerfully evoked, experienced, felt. Margaret Laurence's ordinary and extraordinary Stacey embodies the terrors and guilts and fleeting graces-and the incredible aptitudes for survival-of a whole world of fire-dwellers.