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Nicky Epstein : Knitting Beyond the Edge: Cuffs and Collars*Necklines*Hems*Closures - The Essential Collection of Decorative Finishes

Author: Nicky Epstein
Title: Knitting Beyond the Edge: Cuffs and Collars*Necklines*Hems*Closures - The Essential Collection of Decorative Finishes
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 192
Date: 2006-11-28
ISBN: 1933027010
Publisher: Sixth&Spring Books
Weight: 1.85 pounds
Size: 11.14 x 0.71 x 8.74 inches
Edition: 0
Previous givers: 2 Tammy Knorr (USA: NJ), Tammy Knorr (USA: NJ)
Previous moochers: 2 Peggy (USA: FL), Gloria (USA: AR)
Description: Product Description
She’s already knitted On and Over the edge—and now Nicky Epstein is going even beyond that! Here, she shares more than 150 one-of-a-kind adornments for cuffs, collars, angles, corners, and necklines—embellishments for any type of garment edging. With her signature inventiveness, Nicky provides an abundance of ideas and takes stitchers one step further: Whereas the first two books used swatches to illustrate the edgings, these beautiful and elaborate finishings are incorporated right into the actual garment’s design, so it’s easy to see just how they’ll look. They range in difficulty level; some are simple but elegant, others complex and truly extraordinary. There’s a bell-sleeve jacket with a Celtic knot closure; a stylish cable-hooded wrap that’s textured with unusual patterns and bobbles; and a Fair Isle coat in eight different colors of yarn and with an unusual hem treatment and twisted cord embellishment. All are accompanied by detailed instructions and crisp color photography.

A Selection of The Crafter’s Choice Book Club.
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