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Janice Galloway : Foreign Parts

Author: Janice Galloway
Title: Foreign Parts
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 262
Date: 1995-09
ISBN: 1564780821
Publisher: Dalkey Archive Pr
Weight: 0.78 pounds
Size: 5.51 x 0.79 x 8.43 inches
Edition: First Edition
Previous givers: 2 Holly (USA: VT), Kayla (USA: TX)
Previous moochers: 2 steve wagner (USA: WI), DA (USA: PA)
3Cazchan (United Kingdom), DA (USA: PA), Meg (USA: DC).
Description: Product Description
Winner of the McVitie Prize and the Scottish Arts Council Book Award

When it was first published in Great Britain, Foreign Parts was described as "a road movie for feminists . . . a funny, sharp and gutsy portrayal of female friendship," and "a painstakingly crafted, multi-layered investigation of contemporary female experience." What begins as a driving holiday in Northern France for two Scotswomen turns into a caustic and funny account of dysfunctional relationshipsboth between men and women and between women friends. Cassie and Ronain their late thirties, both single and childlessare on each other's nerves from the moment they cross the Channel: Cassie is testy and cynical, Rona patient and plodding. Both are self-conscious of the fact that they seem to fit the stereotype of two "spinsters" linked by loneliness, and consequently rebel against the notion that a woman needs a man to feel "complete." Faced with the dilemma of "fancying men and not liking them very much," the women ponder alternatives as they endure one tourist nightmare after another. Review
From the beginning this novel's tension weaves warp and woof between hilarity and hell. Two women friends travel through France, encountering backroad-European misogynist crudities and the awkward experiences of being female, over thirty, with your teeth almost literally at your closest friend's throat, and "fancying men, but not liking them very much." Throughout Rona's random acts of innocent irritation and Cassie's caustic reactions, the funny and fumbled art of their compassion supersedes self-slaughter, stretches itself thin, but refuses to puncture, throughout years of pals together both on holiday and in troubled spirit.

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