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Tielle St. Clare : Shadow of the Dragon: Dragon's Fire (Book 2)

Author: Tielle St. Clare
Title: Shadow of the Dragon: Dragon's Fire (Book 2)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 212
Date: 2005-05-01
ISBN: 141995167X
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Weight: 0.66 pounds
Size: 0.53 x 5.25 x 8.25 inches
Previous givers: 1 jillrojek (USA: WA)
Previous moochers: 1 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH)
Description: Product Description
Power comes from passion.

Those words haunt Tiana's nights. A witch with no powers, Tiana is rejected and pitied by her people. She lives a contented, quiet existence on the edge of the Matriarchy's lands—until Princess Merena kidnaps Prince Rainek of Xicanth to use as a sex slave. Seeing his strong, naked body chained to the wall, Tiana discovers desires and needs she never expected—and the passion that flows between them has unexpected results.


Denith, the dragon who shares Rainek's mind, has been preaching patience all his life and Rainek doesn't want to hear it any more. He wants the bedamned beast to pick a mate for him. After thirty celibate summers, he's a frustrated, exhausted virgin…and now he's been captured, stripped and chained inside a dungeon by a conniving princess. His situation hasn't improved. But when a dainty little thing comes into the dungeon to bathe him, Rainek and Denith immediately recognize her as the one.

Now Rainek just has to free himself, kidnap his mate, and convince her that life with a dragon was what she always wanted. Simple.

Reviews: Cindy (USA: NV) (2010/03/13):
Another fun read. This is the story of Rainek - Lorran and Kei's middle son. Rainek goes looking for his mate - at 30 he's getting really tired of being a virgin...

There's a whole lot of hot Energizer bunny sex but it has an interesting plot, good characters and cute dialog. Warning the heroine has [oral] sex with the hero in dragon form - if that bugs you stay away from these four.

Shadow of the Dragon
1. Dragon's Kiss (2004)
2. Dragon's Fire (2005)
3. Dragon's Rise (2005)
4. Dragon's Prey (2009)

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