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Sandra Dubay : Nightrider

Author: Sandra Dubay
Title: Nightrider
Moochable copies: No copies available
Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 448
Date: 1991-05
ISBN: 0843931299
Publisher: Leisure Books (Mm)
Weight: 0.5 pounds
Size: 3.8 x 6.6 x 0.9 inches
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Previous givers: 1 pamela (USA: OK)
Previous moochers: 1 Misfit (USA)
Description: Product Description
"Night Marauder, Night Lover, Night Rider. He rode out of the darkness astride a coal black stallion, appearing from nowhere like a phantom in the night. To the lords and ladies he robbed, he was an unprincipled highwayman, a common theif who deserved to swing from the gallows on Tyburn Hill. But to Lady Bliss Paynter, he was a thrilling enigma, and uncommonly skilled lover who had stolen nothing from her but a breathless kiss. Promised to an influential nobelman, Bliss knew she could have no future with the man who haunted her daydreams. But before she resigned herself to a loveless marriage, she would know one night of ecstasy in those forbidden arms. one night of wild passion in her lonely bed. one night of throbbing intimacy that would change all the nights to come." This is from the back cover of the book.
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