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Margaret Picton : The Book of Magical Herbs: Herbal History, Mystery, & Folklore

Author: Margaret Picton
Title: The Book of Magical Herbs: Herbal History, Mystery, & Folklore
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 128
Date: 2000-02
ISBN: 0764152246
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Weight: 0.8 pounds
Size: 5.9 x 7.8 x 0.7 inches
Edition: 1st
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Previous givers: 3 Gabrielle (USA: NJ), Sofia Blackthorne (USA: MA), Becky (USA: NM)
Previous moochers: 3 Reverend (USA: CO), Vickytoria (USA: AK), Emma (United Kingdom)
Description: Product Description
The secret, life-enhancing powers of nature's own herbs are the subject of this fascinating illustrated collection of folklore and fact. Magic recipes that have come down through the ages are presented to charm, soothe, protect, and heal. Among the wild and cultivated herbs discussed are bay, which was used by Greek oracles to foretell the future, later used in good-luck charms . . . garlic, used since ancient times for its many medicinal properties and as protection against witchcraft . . . bergamot, native to North America, and used to make "Liberty Tea" after the Boston Tea Party . . . lavender, used in love potions from ancient to modern times . . . basil, a fertility herb in Roman times, and later used as a common household cure for numerous complaints. . . and many more. Individual sections describe a total of 25 herbs, and include more than 50 herbal recipes, culinary, medical, and cosmetic, that have been drawn from ancient and modern sources. You also get fascinating information on the history and use of magical herbs in many different parts of the world. Some 150 beautiful, full-color illustrations add to readers' delight and fascination with one of the world's most ancient and enduring practices. Review
Pretty enough for the coffee table, Margaret Picton's little hardback explores herbal myths and folklore in poems, traditional sayings, quotes, recipes, and ancient herbal manuscripts. Chock-full of brightly colored photos, drawings, and fancy typography, The Book of Magical Herbs delights the senses. The author has written nine other books on cookery and homemaking and here expounds the virtues of 25 different herbs in as many chapters. Did you know that you could "keep a small sachet of dried lavender against your skin to attract a lover" or that fennel seeds in keyholes will keep malignant forces away? A charming gift for gardeners, cooks, or fans of ancient lore and magic. --P. Randall Cohan

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