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Karen Pryor : Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training and What It Teaches Us About All Animals

Author: Karen Pryor
Title: Reaching the Animal Mind: Clicker Training and What It Teaches Us About All Animals
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 272
Date: 2009-06-16
ISBN: 0743297768
Publisher: Scribner
Weight: 1.1 pounds
Size: 6.14 x 0.96 x 9.09 inches
Edition: 1
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Description: Product Description
From the celebrated pioneer in the field of no-punishment dog training and author of the groundbreaking bestseller Don’t Shoot the Dog!, Karen Pryor explains her innova- tive training method that has changed the lives of millions of animals.

Behavioral biologist Karen Pryor has spent more than thirty years in the business of training animals. First developed  for  marine  mammals,  Pryor’s  all-positive “clicker” training system is a safe and effective way to modify behavior—by  isolating  wanted  behaviors  and  ignoring  the unwanted—and  is  now  in  world-wide  use  with  dogs,  cats, horses, birds, zoo animals, and increasingly, humans.

Reaching the Animal Mind explains in clear, accessible language, the background of the ever-widening applica- tion of non-punitive training for animals of all kinds. Pryor introduces us to some of the multitudes that have benefited, including clicker-trained ponies that can surf, a dangerous baboon, a police dog who pulls off a “hat trick,” and, at the Philadelphia Zoo, the world’s gloomiest birds are taught how to play. Thanks to Pryor, readers can teach their own cat how to give a high-five, or get their dog to find the car keys, as well as train their pet to eliminate bad behavior.

Part Animals in Translation, part The Dog Whisperer, this book combines science, mesmerizing stories, and practical how-to information in a book that will become invaluable to anyone who has animals in their life, domestic or otherwise.

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