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Bruce Brooks : Midnight Hour Encores

Author: Bruce Brooks
Title: Midnight Hour Encores
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 272
Date: 1988-04-15
ISBN: 0064470210
Publisher: HarperTeen
Latest: 2021/03/25
Weight: 0.3 pounds
Size: 0.68 x 4.19 x 6.75 inches
Edition: Reprint
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Description: Product Description

On the Road

Sibilance T. Spooner thinks she's one of the world's more promising cellists. The world thinks so too. Given up by her mother on the day she was born, she believes she has almost raised herself--with just a bit of guidance from her unconventional father, Taxi.

When Sib finally asks Taxi to take her to meet her mother for the first time, she knows it might mean breaking away from the man who has raised her. Finding your own path often means leaving those you love, and Sib is willing to take the risk. Yet as she and her dad wind their way across the country to San Francisco, Sib discovers she may not be as "self-made" as she thought. And as she learns more about the man she thought she knew, she finds out it's not simply her music that makes her special, but also the love from the parent she might have to leave behind.

1986 Best Books for Young Adults (ALA)
1987 Fanfare Honor List (The Horn Book)
Best Books of 1986 (SLJ)
Best of the 80's (BL)
Young Adult Choices for 1988 (IRA)
1987 Teachers' Choices (IRA)
1987 Books for the Teen Age (NY Public Library)
Best of the 80's (English Journal) Review
A symphony waiting to be heard by the right audience, this is Bruce Brooks's most challenging yet overlooked novel. Sibilance is a smart, well-adjusted musical prodigy with a father who adores her and gives her plenty of freedom. Sounds like a perfect life, doesn't it? However, even gifted teenagers need to break away to find their own independence. The marvel here is the way Brooks creates an authentic rite of passage for this complex, witty young woman. How do we move from the warm safety of love into deeper love? Brooks knows the way.

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