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marcus petz : forum comments they have written

U.S. Postage : Anything related to sending your books in the mail!


Today is digital detox day - delete redundant websites, mailing lists and remove bookmooch fora that you do not use. THIS forum seems quite active, but it touches a reason why many of us are not mooching so much.

The cost of postage has gone up and media mail has been quite restrictive.

How can we find and make alternatives to get us mooching again? Partly this is only USA focused, and I am not in the USA. But some is also an international aspect. There are many books I would mooch from the USA - but I cannot as the holder won't mooch outside their country - and several have said they will send but balked when they see the postal costs!!!

ARE there some alteratives? How can we be more creative to get the books circulating? RIght now in a pandemic we are not flying so much - but outside of that is there a way the those that do travel internatiionally might act rather like the Angels did and take books abroad and post them? How might that work - points donations? Some kind of BookMooch bonus?

Are there some ways we can take advantage of those in forces bases around the world that can send internationally at domestic rates? Or community library rates?

Is there a way we can bulk send via slower shipping?

I do not know but any thoughts are good!

marcus petz
2 years ago