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Victoria (USA: MT) : member bio

Name: Victoria (USA: MT)
Userid: victry13

Inventory: 0
Points: 2
Mooched/given: 510/463
Pending mooch/give: 1/0
Mooch ratio: 1.31:1

Wishlist: 729
Feedback: +453
Smooches: 7
Charitable gifts: 2
Charity received: 1
Friends: 5
Cancelled requests: 104
Books receiving lost: 7
Books sending lost: 14
Rejected requests: 100

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2008/03/27
Last here: 4206 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I prefer to send several books at once to cut down on postage, so please peruse my whole list, I have alot of great books! Most all of them are in good or better condition. Most of them I acquired for my own reading interest and have had to learn to detach myself from them, because if I kept them all I would literally be buried in them, besides it's better to share them with others where their energy can continue to be of benefit, rather than going stagnant of some dusty bookshelf. I rarely re-read them anyway, but have found a few to be entirely different books after a second reading many yrs. later. This is a good way to judge your changes in consciousness over the years. But I still always come back to the same basic truth, that no matter how much you know, you realize you still really know nothing and there's so much more to know-darn it anyway!!!

Stemispause! That's the traditional Salish Indian greeting which means (What's in your heart?)I am a life-long 'truth' seeker and have studied many esoteric works over the years, and learned alot about alot of things including myself. I am also a readaholic, but living up here in a small town in Montana there's not a whole lot to do, especially in the winter, so maybe that's partly why. I really enjoy turning other people on to great books as well, and am an avid organic gardener and recycler. I am for the first time in my life actually excited about a president. I love to argue politics and religion with anyone who has the audacity to do so with me. I come from a large verbal family who has taken argumentation to the level of a fine art. but we're all good natured and nonjudjmental in reality and don't take ourselves too seriously. As part Native American I feel myself to be very close to the Earth and nature and now that I am in the 'Grand-mother' zone z(freaky!) I find myself spending alot of time with the young ones teaching them about what wild plants are edible and how to gather them with love and care, always honoring their gifts and giving something back, only taking what you really need, etc. When I was younger I never would've imagined myself in this role, but thank-God with age comes wisdom and mellowing. I am also an herbalist, alternative healer (not professional level.) and am interested in all of these fields. I am also a bit psychic but have never really explored it until just recently I have decided to see what I can do with it. Most of my good friends have moved away over the years and so I find myself not really having anybody to talk about things with, including all the books I read! I would love to have a reading buddy group or something where we could just talk about books and stuff. I come on alot of good books thru the little local auction I've worked at for the past 12 years, library sales, yard sales, thrift stores---I'm always on the lookout for my next great book! I trade on as well and sell a few on and Amazon, mainly to help support my reading addiction's postage costs which get exhorbitant sometimes! I'm very lucky to have a husband who understands (most of the time.) There have been a few times when I've gone cold turkey off of the books, but within a very short time I'm right back at it. I love to find good books to share with my grand-children as well to show them the wonders of reading, although it is a bit sad to see that as they grow older most kids lose interest in reading, preferring the movies and video games. I also blame the school system for turning them off of reading. I am not a big supporter of the current 'system of things.' I have two grown and beautiful daughters who both have degrees in Environmentalism and am very proud of them. We are all very close and I often joke with my friends who are now empty-nestors about how my nest never emptied it just multiplied! but I am a firm believer in the quote in the bible that states that man should not only love his children but also his children's children. I am also a closet writer, but am too chicken to really jump out there still, maybe someday soon. I would love to communicate with any other writers, poets, or artists out there. I could go on forever, but if anyone's gotten this far you're probably about to pass out from sheer boredom, so I'd better quit.