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rory8535 (USA: WA) : member bio

Name: rory8535 (USA: WA) (on vacation)
Userid: rory8535

Inventory: 0
Points: 33.1
Mooched/given: 27/47
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.57:1

Wishlist: 24
Feedback: +41
Cancelled requests: 4
Rejected requests: 1

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2014/01/16
Last here: 2701 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I will send the available books you choose to any US Moochers, although it might take a week or so, since my income is limited due to disability, and I don't always have postage money. However, I will respond ASAP, and let you know how long it might take to get your book(s) in the mail.

I live in a non-smoking household, but I do have both dogs and birds. However, I try not to let either read my books, as the birds get hulls from their seeds between the pages, and the dogs--especially Rainy, my St Bernard!--can't help but drool on the page edges when they turn them. (Whisper, the Betta fish, doesn't read, I'm sorry to say... although I've offered to prop books outside his bowl. He simply gives me that "Where's my dinner!?!" look, or ignores me altogether. He's a bit of a brat!)

Seriously, my books tend to be in very good condition, except for a few paperbacks I've picked up from St Vincent De Paul. But if a stray dog hair, or three, is going to give your asthma problems, it may be best not to Mooch from me.

I want to thank all the Moochers who have either sent me books, or who have mooched from me. Thank you, every one! :-D


I'm an avid reader--I don't have a television, and I don't miss it. But there are other things that keep me busy and out of trouble... Here's a synopsis of my life, for those interested (and it's a bit long, for which I apologize: I tend to Elephantiasis of writing, sorry!)


MY PROFILE, or, Such As It Is:

I go by the name of Rory, and I am a disabled 55-year-old woman, born and raised in WV, and spending the majority of my life, from the age of 15 years, in the Carolina's (although I lived some few years in west TX; in western KY; and in northern OH; to mention a few of the places I stayed.) I moved to WA state, in the SE portion--what's known as the "high plains desert", and only a few miles from the NE Oregon state line--in 2005. While I hate the winters here (I'm sure I'd hate them anywhere it became cold enough to frost!), the summers are glorious... and the light is to die for, if you happen to be a photographer (which I am... albeit not a professional.) My arthritis appreciates the dry summer heat, however.

ABOUT ME, or, The High Points:

I worked with animals all my life, primarily dogs, both as a hobby and as a livelihood: I was a Vet Tech, and the last years I worked, I was also the assistant/weekend manager at a large boarding/grooming kennel near the ocean in SC. I taught myself how to groom dogs, and did training as well; I was also heavily involved with Rescue work (I was the state contact person for both North and South Carolina for the American Bullmastiff Club, but I also helped Rescue with other breeds, both large and small-- everything from St Bernard's to Sheltie's to Lhasa Apso's--whenever I had the time, room, and ability.

I also bred a very occasional litter of puppies, which I placed into new homes with great care. Some of my puppies grew up to be AKC Obedience-Titled dogs, and/or AKC Champions. One--a Miniature Schnauzer--did well in Agility Trials. I did some showing myself, primarily in Obedience; this obedience work stood me in good stead later, after an auto accident caused me to become disabled, because I was able to train my own Service Dog! (To read more about my Service Dog, Calico, and our many [although too few!] years together, please follow this link:
​ )

So, as I mentioned, above: I became disabled in 1996 due to an auto accident, and life was bleak for awhile. But, as with all things, this, too, passed.

With no jobs to get up and go to, once my pain was under control, I was desperate for something to do, things to fill my time: it's hard to believe, but one really CAN read only so many hours a day! And, without the work I was used to--I loved my jobs, and really missed them!--the days were now as long as the nights! But, finally, after several years, I discovered that I'm a pretty decent hobby jeweler! Imagine! So, I've been making jewelry--primarily with semi-precious stones which have usually been made into beads, and precious metals such as fine or sterling silver, and gold-fill, in sheet or wire. My imagination is fired by my Muse, who's been known to kick me out of bed at 3:00 or 4:00 AM to make notes, or even to *MAKE*, so that an idea isn't lost to sleeps' dark void. While money is tight, I still prefer to give my creations away rather than sell them (although I *do* sell a few!) Giving--now, as it always has--makes me happiest.

After a few years, I began looking for a way to expand my jewelry work, as I was beginning to feel hemmed in, and I prefer having no boundaries in my creative endeavors. So, as a next step, I discovered that I can carve wood (and other materials, such as antler; both fossilized [Mammoth, as well as Walrus, tusks, teeth, and bone that have become fossilized] , and just plain old [pre-ban, such as vintage piano keys] ivory, and also bone...) And currently I'm etching glass--primarily mirrors--with my Dremel! Something new and fun: drawing on glass with a stone point that whirls around really fast! :-0 Who knows what I might pick up to work on next!?!

After carving for four years, last spring (March, 2013) I took six of my pieces to the local "Artistry in Wood" Show, in the Tri-Cities of Washington--a cane; a small house, "carved in the round"; a 3-D moth, inset with Pau shell; a 3-D Mobius Strip (which is, basically, a piece of wood with only one side!); and two "incised carvings"--a portrait of a friend's dog, and a seascape--done on flat wood. Of these six carvings, I received...

--------------------------(drum solo, please)--------------------------

...six ribbons, LOL!

I received one Third Place Ribbon (for the moth); two Second Place Ribbons (one for the cane, and one for the portrait of my friend's dog); and the remaining three pieces (the house in the round; the Mobius Strip; and the seascape) each brought home a First Place Ribbon! I was amazed (and I still am, really!)

THE END, or, "Pau" (Which, in Hawaiian, Means "Finished")...

So that, for the most part, has been my half-century and change on planet Earth. I don't need to discuss my family (most of them are dead, except for one sister, 16 years older than I, and her offspring and their families: she lives in TX, and we keep in touch), or my friends (if I call them "friends", then very, VERY good ones they are, indeed, and I love them dearly!), as this is supposed to be ~my~ profile. I have hit most of the high spots, and alluded to a few of the low ones, and that should do.

May I congratulate anyone who has persevered and gotten this far? ;-) If you have any questions, you may contact me, by email, at:


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