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Maria (Greece) : member bio

Name: Maria (Greece) (on vacation)
Userid: fentalina

Inventory: 0
Points: 127.2
Mooched/given: 17/52
Pending mooch/give: 0/2
Mooch ratio: 0.34:1

Wishlist: 12
Feedback: +50
Friends: 4
Rejected requests: 3

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2008/10/12
Last here: 4521 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Greece

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
Hi. Due to postage cost, I decided to send a book a month. So choose my books only if you're willing to wait. Thanks!

Happy New Year!
Well due to some problems I weren't able to send all the books promised. I'll make up for this and start sending them this week. Please be patient. Thanks!

Please be informed that all books mooched will be sent in December.
I can't any sooner due to technical problems (i.e. don't have books with me where I am!)


All books will be sent tomorrow, all going well.Please, if anyone wishes for a book, mooch today.
Thanks for your patience.

Important Notice:
I didn't manage to send the books bc, due to Holy Week, the post offices are shut today and won't open till Monday after Easter!I admit it's my fault for not checking it out beforehand, but nth's lost. If you can be patient a few more days, I'll send the books promised next week.I'm really sorry for the unexpected delay.

End of this week, the most, I will send the books, so if anyone wants to mooch one-or two, now's the time.

For all those who wish to mooch a book,you should know that I won't be able to send the books till April the earliest. Please, if you're not willing to wait, don't ask for the mooch, cause I'll have to cancel it, and it's a pity.Those who already asked for a book and I haven't accepted yet, I'd like to ask them to cancel the mooch if they're not willing to wait.It's not fair to keep the books from others who wish to have them.If, on the other hand, you're willing to wait, please e-mail me to accept the mooch.

I'm happy to inform those who wait for a book that on Monday(cause tomorrow's Saturday),
all going well, I'll have them posted.I'm really sorry for the delay.I didn't have the books with me when I accepted the mooches,that's why I informed everyone that I'll be able to send them end of December before accepting.Thanks for your understanding.

All my books feature a bookcrossing sticker/id.I'm also a member there.Most are in excellent condition.